
My mom has a chi straightner and I love it! But shes always out of town, should I spend $150 and get one myself?

Answer #1

you should definitely get yourself one, but not one that expensive! you could easily find one just as good for 50 or less if you go online and compare prices or just go to a beauty shop like sally’s and ask the cashier about getting a good one for cheap

Answer #2

chi is the best! expensive, but works great if you really want it, then buy it but if you feel like its wasting money when you can buy a cheaper one, just do that

Answer #3

$150 dollers for 1. come on theres a lot of other 1s and they good to don’t wast your money like that. hope I helped hun

Answer #4

I’d recommend them, even though they’re pretty expensive because it really is the best quality around.

Don’t listen to those super-thrifty people that tell you there are “other good brands” you can try, because from my own and many others’ personal experience, random-brand $30 or even $60 straighteners damage your hair more, take a long time to work, and never really get the job done.

Answer #5

it’s worth it.

Answer #6

a good straightener is at LEAST 100$ so yeaahh why not , =)

Answer #7

… no…

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