How can I stop being so incredibly insecure about my nose?

I cant even take a picture of myself, and i hate going out because of my nose. My nose looks like the nose in this photo. Is there any way i can stop this and i can make it smaller, makeup wise or for good (without a nose job). DONT SAY NOSE JOB IS THE ONLY WAY.

Answer #1

You don’t want to hear this, but a nose job is the only way.

Just try and remember that you’re beautiful, even if you dislike your nose. Tell yourself that you’re gorgeous every morning, dress nicely to make yourself feel good. Your nose doesn’t make you any less human and it isn’t even bad looking. I think it’s cute.

Answer #2

You’ve probably heard this enough times but you have to learn to accept yourself. It really is the only way. Getting a nose job might help, although in most cases, it doesn’t. Most people still feel insecure even after getting it done. Remember, you are BEAUTIFUL! If you believe this, others will. God created you in His own image and you are wonderfully made. Remember, prettiest girls are not the happiest, but they ones that learn to love themselves are. (: Hope that helped! :D

Answer #3

Well just stop it. Learn to be confident by developing your personality, and by having good character. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and is not defined by the words of man. We all have things we are self-concious about, and we have to deal with and overcome. Be a good person and good people will eventually come your way. (by the way, I did’nt click on the link to see you’re picture because I don’t need to) Focus on the good things about yourself and let them override anything you don’t like. When it comes down to real interactions in life, people end up loving you for who you are, and nothing to do with anything about your apperance. People who judge based only on appearance will always be lost and never have good solid relationships that go deeper than that. Hold your head high girl and be you!!!!!

Answer #4

Wonderfully said.

Answer #5

You’re a good advisor onemandog.

Answer #6

Thank you folks.

Answer #7

When you try to do what Inna and Onemandog suggested, and you find it challenging, try this: Have some conversation with your nose. Look in the mirror and talk to it out loud. Welcome it to your face. Apologize for having hurt its feelings. Assure it of your love. Ask it if it has anything it would like to say to you. Listen. Repeat as often as you like.

If you seriously want to change your relationship with your nose, this will help you do it.

Answer #8

Focus on the most beautiful feature you have, and make the best of it! (like your eyes/cheekbones/lips) You’ll be surprised how confident you’ll become And nobody’s perfect, keep that in mind, we all have our flaws!! xx

Answer #9

Learn how to contour and blend make up to help hide or accents the best and worst parts of your nose. There are many tutorials you can watch that can help you learn. A nose job is not needed. Your nose gives you character.

Answer #10

I hate my nose but i got a nose piercing and people said it made my nose look smaller :)

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