How do I stop pimples on my nose?

basicly my face isnt filled with lots of spots ..its just the nose they keep poping up ther and basicly my nose is red ther eni way I can get them all to go at once or something ?thx x

Answer #1

DONT PICK AT THEM!!! it ttly learned that the hard way… do put a hot soak on it 4 a while and you can also try ice cubes to reduce swelling if that doesnt work… good luck

Answer #2

While some say to not pick at them, it is the best way to get rid of them.(Use a tissue when you do the squeezing as your hands can be full of bacteria) I take rubbing alcohol and place cotton balls in a plastic bag (zip lock) and use that to wipe away the oil. The rubbing alcohol will pick up dirt and oils and you can see it on the cotton ball. Next you need to get nose strips to pull any nose pimples out rather than squeezing them out. Keeping the glands free of oil will enable you to have less nose pimples. However hormones are additional factor in pimples and for that there really is no cure except medications which can help settle the skin erruptions. a lot of the acne products on the market are expensive for what they contain and what you can do on your own with rubbing alcohol and a cotton ball. Some say that rubbing alchol may strip away necessary oils. I doubt thats really true. It will make your skin feel dry and taunt and returns to feeling oily rather quickly but just pull out the cotton balls and rub your nose. In time as you age these crummy pimples will be a thing of the past. Best wishes.

Answer #3

A friend in high school had this problem. She had blackheads and pimples all over her nose.

One night, she put a super hot washcloth over her nose, then popped all her zits and blackheads. Then washed her face andrubbed ice cubes over her nose to shrink the swelling down. She did that on and off for a couple of days.

In about a week, they were all gone. Or try looking into medicine. Tanning beds help with acne, too.

Answer #4

every one a month I get A PIMPLE IN my nose but I dont get it any where else on my body. it did not really bother me until yesterday. I felt an itchy sensation and then I suddenly felt a really bad sharp pain. the pain started to spread above my eye to my cheek… then it died down when I put ice on it. it still hurts . I never had this before nad it still hurts. what should I do to get rid of it?

Answer #5

As you are havin pimple on your nose the best best best medicine is neem powder I m dam serious cauze I ve tried it an it surely works when you have a pimles dont worry take some neem powder add some water/rose water/astrigent mix well leave it for 2 mininutes then apply a thick layer on your pimples I seriously tried an it worked…I m tellin you this cause I m the best beautician man in india an you have to belive me ok…take care drink lots an lots of water

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