Still born twins

My sisters best friend just found out that after being five months pregnant that her twins had died inside of her. one of her baby’s had water in his heart and died before the other one and the toxins had from the baby with the heart problem had killed the other twin. now they are getting her body ready to have them vaginally. isn’t it better if they do a c-section? but there not going to do that plus they have to manually position the baby’s what do you think?

Answer #1

I am so sorry to hear about your sister.

It’s only recommended that woman who find out that there babies have died do a c-section if complications arise.

The reason they recommend natural birth is mainly because it gives the mother more time to work through the shock and naturally helps the grieving process.

The only thing that could be an issue is that her babies appearance might change depending on the time she waits before having the birth, but the doctors will help prepare her for that if necessary.

Answer #2

If they say that is the best option then I am sure that is the best option, trust them. This is obviously a terrible time for the family and especially the mother. She will need to stay strong and although this time seems very depressing and stressful she will be ok one day and she will be able to go on and have children. The babies will one day have brothers and sisters and be proud of how they grow up.

if things get real bad then hospitals usually have councilors for mums and families who have stillborns or miscarriages. This could help people feel a bit better.

Answer #3

She should consult her Doctors for the best outcome - so sorry for her loss, will be in my thoughts and prayers.

Answer #4

A C-section is a major operation, and would take her weeks to recover from.

As awful as it sounds, to deliver the babies vaginally really is the best way. They will inject a fluid into her, to induce labour, but because her body is not ready for that yet, as its only about 20 weeks, the contractions will be quite painful for her. But her body will quickly recover after that.

It’s a very traumatic thing to go through, regardless. I’ve been through it, not with twins but the procedure was unbearable. My heart is with your sister’s friend.

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