Stem cell?

alright some may hate me for this some may want to argue, you want to argue about it I wont reply back. You want to hate me go right ahead.

alright stem cell reasearch can do a lot of good for people who are sick. We now have cancer that needs to be cured as quick as it shows its ugly face. Stem cell would help with a lot of things, like help a organ, repair damaged parts of the body. But most improtantly help cure cancer. But the problem is that stem cell needs cells that do not have ‘jobs yet’ (<- if you know bio you know what I mean). So to get these cells you need a baby. I think that if women have to have an abortion they should consider stem cell. I am not for abortion, but only for certian reasons. So they need a babies cells to do this. Also the drug compainies dont want stem cell because it will take away the money from them for making all their drugs. Stem cell could lead to important things, if you have to choose between a loved one dieing of cancer and knowing that there is a chance that they might live with stem cell what would you do?

here so you dont yell at me -> im not for a abortion (only on sertain conditions I am tho)

so yeah what yall think.

Answer #1

Stem cells are taken emryos that would otherwise be discarded anyway. There’s no sense in prohibiting it.

Answer #2

I am not against stem cell research but I am against embryonic stem cell research. I completely support using stem cells from umbilical cord blood and adult stem cells. Scientists are now able to restore multipotency to adult stem cells so I think further research should be conducted in that particular area.

Answer #3

im not going to go into whos lives with you because im well aware we have very different idea on that topic. And I could be wrong, but from everything I have heard about stem cell research there has actually been more success with adult and umbilical cord stem cells than with embryonic.

Answer #4

maybe I would be more concerned about saving the lives of the people in question if it didnt come at the cost of other peoples lives. And dont act like there has been a lot of success with embryonic stem cells. There hasnt been.

Answer #5

I am totally for stem research and there are actual ways to get these stem cells without performing an abortion or killing a fetus!!

Answer #6

“ So to get these cells you need a baby” no you need a fetus, big difference…

and I’m for stem cell research, as for the people who are against abortions, against stem cell research but pro death penalty, well maybe they need to think about it a bit

Answer #7

Other peoples’ lives? Whose? We’re talking about embryos that weren’t conceived in-vitro, aren’t and won’t be implanted, and aren’t wanted for artificial insemination by any person. If not used for research, these embryos will never mature into a living breathing human being anyway. Whose lives are we costing exactly?

“And dont act like there has been a lot of success with embryonic stem cells. There hasnt been.”

Regardless of how much success on an absolute scale, there’s been a lot more than with adult stem cells.

Answer #8

“Scientists are now able to restore multipotency to adult stem cells so I think further research should be conducted in that particular area.”

To a limited extent, yes, but it’s not nearly as well developed as embryonic stem cell research, and the resultant cells aren’t nearly as versatile. It’s a promising line of inquiry, but it’s not a replacement for embryonic stem cell research.

And remember, this research will save lives. Your ideological objections, if successful, would cost the lives of people who otherwise could have been treated.

Answer #9

I am totally for stem cell! I dont get people…its not killing anyone, its using cells from ebryonic tissues which have not even had the slightest chance to develop into a baby. if our society has the ability to save lives, cure diseases, and prevent unwanted problems with something we already have knowledge of, then why not use it. im actually thinking of going into science to work with stem cells in the future.

Answer #10

well I hate abortion and I am not sure about stem cell yet

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