why do some ex's just stay mean and nasty with you no matter how nice you are?

there is no reason to be mean. Especially since we have been apart for 4-5 years now, have a 7 year old daughter and we live in different states, but he cant help being mean and cruel to me every other time we talk.

Answer #1

Maybe he’s just bitter.. did the relationship end badly? I was bitter with an ex because there were some things that he did that were never addressed. So I never got the closure I wanted. Once I finally did, I felt a lot better and was able to move on without holding anymore grudges. Try talking to him if it helps. Maybe he’s angry with how it ended.. maybe he still misses you and being mean helps him mask his feelings.

Answer #2

I have to agree here…just posted smth like this and it went to status…ex’s & their issues…it’s like I think it cant be stopped…too much resentment between you both! You try to be civil, try to have a normal convo…and then they have to find a way to twist & turn things by saying something to hurt you intentionally… been there done that…more like had him do that to me…fortunately for me…I have no kids with my ex-husband…i guess in a way i was blessed like that so I wouldnt have to deal with him for the rest of my life… Unfortunetly you have a daughter that needs her daddy…and even trying to keep the peace for her sake…isnt helping by his drama… My best advice for you is to have him pick her up so you wouldnt have to see him…she is 7 & can leave the house w/o you having to confront him.
An e-mail or letter is just fine, as long as you dont have to hear his voice or see his face…less drama!

I really feel for you, but look at it this way, your only dealing with him from time to time so the worst is over for you 2….now its just the it’s just the occasional b-day parties…holiday vacations & every other weekend thing. A 20 min drama conversation & its done…til the next time…keep it professional…very hi/ bye, yes /no, fine/ w/e kind of thing..til your next encounter & be done with it…

hope that helps…

Answer #3

sweetie, sometimes, even with all of that said you cant seem to get closure…because the person is just an @ss…they cant control being an @ss…and the more you try to make it work…the worse it becomes…Sometimes, less conversation…less drama…less stress on you! I know I will never get closure…he cheated, betrayed me and our marriage…after wasting almost a decade with the man…nothing can or will ever make up for all the abuse he put me through…he was & is a stone cold hearted SOB & he will d!e a stone cold hearted SOB…a leopard nev changes his spots! In cases like this…its best to just keep away forever or if a necessity make the conversation as minimal as possible and as professional as possible to avoid any & all unnecessary drama & stress! :(

Answer #4

we have a 7 year old daughter together, i cant ever get away from him, he is bi polar i swear

Answer #5

I know…I so feel for you…But try to avoid any un nec convo…less questions, strictly professional, and when he asks you something try to be civil by saying look I dont want to start any drama, so lets just keep it simple…if he tries to b!tch & moan about something just say, I am doing the best I can…you do the same(and walk away!) Its the best thing for all parties to avoid stress & drama.

Answer #6

i thinks its because some1 always feels betrayed. they feel like they lost something so close for no reason. alot has to do with closure. other has to do with y. another part has to do with stubbornness, and another has to do with how they felt about the break up.

Answer #7

I think its because they still feel hurt or unfairly treat and havent dealt with their emotions.If they feel this way in my opinion there largish ego means that they feel less forgiveness and more vehemence than women and want to make their ex suffer.

Answer #8

They are hurt and in break ups people tend to be biased without realizing it. They seem to think of their ex as a bad person when the truth could be something very different. People are not bad; actions are bad. We forget this many times.

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