Should we separate?

My husband and I have been married for 4 years now and were together for 9 years before that. I am at my wits end…. We are fighting alot these days ( we have our bad months) and all I can think about is leaving him with our son to go to my parents house. I sometimes feel that we got married only because I was pregnant and my Aunt GAVE HIM A RING TO GIVE TO ME!!!! He is always saying he loves me after our fights, but I hold grudges for a LONG time! There was one time last month that I was afraid that he would hit me with a book, but he says he would never hurt me……All I know is that I was very afraid that he would, half hoping that he would so I would have an actual excuse to leave him, rather than telling my parents that I wasn’t happy in our marriage and wanted to get out. He thinks that we have made up after that fight, but I just pretend to love him until our next fight. Like I said, I hold grudges. Right now, I think that I am only staying with him because of our child. We try our hardest not to fight infront of our child because it was affecting our kid. Our child kept asking: Do you love me? So now we try really hard not to fight when the child is present. I don’t know what to do, my mother is coming for a visit next week and I am thinking of asking if she ever felt like leaving my Dad and tell her how I’m feeling these days. I’m kinda afraid to mention it to her for fear that she will be disappointed in me. What do I do?

Answer #1

As to your mother, you cannot let the course of your life be shaped by someones dissaprovel. She is your mother talk to her she may be more understanding than you think

Good luck again

Answer #2

Again I don’t know you or your relationship. I would caution against making acusations of violence against him or winding yourself up with fear. It is very easy to project those type of attributes onto a character in an effort to justify yourself in leaving them or in this case him. If of course it becomes a real fear however unlikly this is mr_smedheader is utterly right and you should leave.

Relationships take work I have to admit I struggle to see how a relationship can survive if one party cannot forgive the other for their mistakes and holds “grudges” as you put it. But you have been together for 14 years, that is a lot of time thrown away if you let if fall apart.

Good Luck

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