What kind of 'yea' was it?

please read the whole thing I need advice. ok so theres this new guy at our school hes really cute and a skater and boy do I love skaters, anyway, so like I said hi to him at first and then as the days went by we started talking more and more, one day he stopped me on my way home and we talked a lil bit, today we hung out like a whole bunch with a couple of pals, later we were walking home, it was me him and our pal, our pal separated and then it was just me and him. I was like ok well I got to go this way and he said oh ok well can I get a hug? and I said sure and hugged him. when we separated we saw that we were going the same direction so he walked over to me and asked for another hug and I said haha, so any reason why you came up here? he said to talk and walk with you more and I said any other reason and hes like no and im like you sure? hes like yup, whatd you think and he kept asking til I told him that I thought that he might like me, he said oh hmm yea… omg! I was really happy! but I said aww thats cute an dhe said lol well I got to go here, and I said ok and we parted, now I may be hearing this wrong but was that an yea like yea I like you ooor a yea like oh ok? lol please answer I need help thanks for reading!

Answer #1

aww how cute its definitely an I like you ‘yeah’. good luck sweetie!

Answer #2

yeah thats definatley a yeah he likes you :) ;) message me

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