Should Murtha apologize ?

On 17 May 2006 John Murtha went on national television and boldly stated that eight of our Marines in Iraq “…killed innocent civilians in cold blood.” John Murtha rushed in front of the cameras before ANY evidence had been presented. Taking it a step further, John Murtha even insisted that anyone who said differently, up to and including General Peter Pace, was a liar. Seven of the eight Marines he accused of murder have been cleared of all charges - Should this Congressman finally come forward and apologize to those found innocent Marines and their families ?

Answer #1

John Mertha should definitely apologize to those marines since he had no right to say that they killed inicent civilians in cold blood. He should admit what he said to them. I don’t like him and I’m glad he’s not part of Michigan.

Answer #2

I don’t think all lies are equal. Asking for an apology from someone who at worst made a mistake (I don’t believe he lied) in accusing the soldiers, compared to asking for an appology for lying to the american people about the reasons for getting into a war that has killed hundreds of thousands of people, is not the same. There is NO comparison.

Answer #3

I think we should list every leader, minor or major, obvious and not so obvious… who has ever lied to the American people…and should make a public apology…Do we have room???

Answer #4

You are right, Amblessed. He has 7 appologies to make, along with Bush’s appologies to America’s dead for rushing to judgement on Iraq’s WMD’s.

Answer #5

I think so

Answer #6

I completely agree with bimjob, Murtha should apologize and in a public forum.

Bush should apologize also for lying to get us into Iraq. He can start with the parents, spouses and children of America’s dead soldiers and then apologize to the thousands of injured soldiers, including my son, then he can apologize to the Iraqi people and to the families of their dead.

It is all a horrible, horrible mess based on a lie.

Answer #7

7 out of the 8 were cleared… I means he was right to some extent doesnt it?

Answer #8

Just the type of person he is - Taxpayers have spent $200 million in federal funds over the past decade to support a little-used airport located in the congressional district of powerful Pennsylvania Democrat John Murtha.

The John Murtha Johnstown-Cambria County Airport east of Pittsburgh serves just six commercial flights each weekday, all of them to or from Dulles International Airport near Washington, D.C.

When a Washington Post reporter visited the airport recently, there were just four passengers lined up to board a flight, outnumbered by seven security staffers and supervisors.

Yet the airport has a new terminal with a restaurant, a $17.8 million reinforced concrete runway capable of handling large jets, a motorized baggage carousel, and an $8 million high-tech radar system befitting an international airport — which remains unmanned.

The airport was also among the first facilities in the nation to receive funding from this year’s stimulus package — $800,000 to repave a backup runway.

And each of the six daily flights to and from the airport is subsidized, costing taxpayers about $147 per passenger last year.

Answer #9

I means he was right to some extent doesnt it

One out of eight…?? You could probably stand on corner, in any metropolis, and get those kind of odds…

So yes, he should apologize to those he falsely accused. He was either highly misinformed…highly ignorant…or maybe just a plain old liar…who’s to say? However, if I were one of the seven who were innocent…I’d want the person who lumped me in with a murderer, to extricate me from that “bunch”…I mean, regardless what anybody says…the general population DOES see “guilt by association” as a viable judge of charactor…”birds of a feather…blah blah”…This would be a time to swallow pride, and do the right thing.

Do we know for a fact that he has not??? This was two years ago?


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