Should equality have limits?

Some people think socialism is good but I cant imagine living in a country where I cant better my self or improve my living conditions to know all my labor is for not that nothing I do will ever get me a better life. What motive would anyone have to work hard when you cant advance yourself what point is it to be a successful business man when you don’t profit from success whats the point of life when you just live but not for something better. Some equality destroys freedoms equality of economy removes a free economy government owned farms removes free as in private farms so on and so on

Answer #1

In the U.S. we are granted Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness.

We are all considered equal, although it is taking time to erase discrimination based upon sex, race, culture, religious belief and sexual persuasion.

There are very few instances where discrimination is a valid concept that maintains equality. An example is having men’s and women’s restrooms.

We all have the equal right to attain that financial level in society that our knowledge, physical ability and determination allow us to achieve. Just because we all have the right to become great singers doesn’t mean that we have the physical ability to do so.

    I hope you do not take offense,
    To that that's gone before;
    'Tis only that it's my two-cents,
    And not one penny more. §;o)
Answer #2

What you describe as equality is communism. Equality has to do with opportuinity, not rewards. No one who thinks some forms of socialism are good believes that people should not be rewarded for the talents and contributions. Nor do they think you should have no choices.

Answer #3

Every nation on earth is at least partially socialist. I assume you’re referring to pure socialism - where all receive the same economic benefits regardless.

Yeah, that doesn’t work.

Answer #4

Do you have a point with these questions? yes communism has shown itself to not be a practical solution but a form of socialism seems to work in Europe. However, I dont understand what you are really arguing for?

Answer #5

Karl Marx’ ideal of communism is “from each according to his ability to each according to his need.”

This ideal has not been met by any government including nations that had communism as their economic ideology. The purest forms of communism occur in religious communes and in situations where small groups of people struggle to survive. After a plane crash all resources become pooled for everyone’s mutual survival. In situations like the concept of private property is quickly lost.

Socialism is an intermediate form of government between capitalism and communism.

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