What is a Scone, a Crumpet, and Mousse?

Answer #1

a mousse is like a wisked yoghurt type thing, a scone is a cake with dried fruit in it and a crumpet is a fit bird. but if you mean pikelet then its like a erm, how do you describe it lol

its summet you stick in the toaster, spread loads of butter on it and scoff it down.

Answer #2

A pikelet? well I never knew they had a different name in your neck of the woods. Down in the south of the country, a crumpet is a savoury bread snack, that, as Matt says you toast. They had lots little holes in the top, that the butter soaks into. Very good with toasted cheese too, or jam, or Marmite for that matter.

Answer #3

I call them pikelets too. :]

Answer #4

Well, tonight I have learnt that crumpets have a different name,, of course I will now have to test this out next time I go shopping just to see if anyone in my neck of the woods knows what the hell I’m talking about!

Answer #5

you cheeky lil madam lol….

here learn brummie lmao: http://funadvice.com/r/14ua58sn3vn

Answer #6

i want a pikelet when people tell me about crumpets i just get confused ive always called them Pikelets :P and a scone is just vile D:

Answer #7

Nice description love…if you ask me I would rather just hv some Thomas’ English Muffins :P

Answer #8

i dont beat around the bush

Answer #9

neither do I :)

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