
How does knowing the Pythagorean theorem, reading literature written by manic depressives who lived centuries ago, learning Calculus, geometry, and all that really make you a “better” person? Afterall, everyone wants to date a person who’s an expert in the “Pythagorean Theorem”… rolls eyes .:)

Answer #1

Well try to take all these things out of your mind and you’ll know why?These things form the base of our intelligence and to be educated and to pass on education is everyones goal.No one can change a FACT!

Answer #2

Being educated gives you more than simple facts. You learn to think in different ways, to see other points of views, to learn from history, what worked and what didnt. Exactly how do you think technology came about? If no one was educated, we’d still be stuck in the stone age. Learning is more about the facts. There are lessons teachers dont actively teach that come along with it.

Answer #3

haahhahaha I guess it would depend on how it affects that person but it would sound impressive and a guy would actually know something literate :)

Answer #4

Math is used EVERY day of your life. How far did you walk today. That will be a number. Going to be a mechanic? They need to know how to dial in a camshaft properly, and know which valve train components to use to keep the geometry of them so there will not be interference with the pistons as the valves open and close and also for the right timing. Build a hot rod and these numbers really get critical as you can used a stroked crank to get more compression out of your motor, but then you need to know which connecting rods would work. The literature builds intellect by forcing us to think abstractly. The Bible is another source of character and integrity building as each daily reading will bring you ever so close to the Lord and everlasting life in Christ.

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