School Bully Problems

I get good marks at school but when I do my “friends” make fun of me. They take the mick out of me, it makes me quite upset, what should I do?

Answer #1

Don’t pay any attention. Keep working hard to get your good grades. It’ll help you out a lot more in the long run. You’ll be able to achieve a lot more with high marks So think of it this way. They’ll be hobo’s one day out on the street begging people for money. Plus if they do this constantly, that means they’re not your real friends.

Answer #2

Keep up the good work! While it can be somewhat embarrassing getting much higher grades than your “friends” it’s MORE than worth it in the end. I don’t know how old you are but once you start getting closer to graduation you’ll be very proud of your accomplishments.

If your friends keep harassing you about it, make a joke of it and tell them to stop hating and that you’ll give them a job some day and then change the subject!

Answer #3

that happens to me all the time. im in honors classes in my school and all my friends called me a nerd because of it. but its only because they are stupid and will never get anywhere in life. hahah no well they are just joking but you know. it annoys me too. I told them to stop and they did. but it always sounded like they were jealous so. just be glad your smart. :) and just tell them to stop, or ignore them.

Answer #4

you should talk to your “friends” and if they still make fun of you then you should find new friends

Answer #5

same w/ loulou11

Answer #6

hah trust me you’ll have the last laugh when you are a doctor making millions and they are all flipping burgers… they are probably more jealous than anything… just think to yourself about who would have the last laugh every time they say anything like that.

Answer #7

Everyone above is giving really good advice. You are doing well and doing the right thing - keep on going. I know from experience that when you’re at university and you meet your former bullies now working at the local gas station, you get the true perspective on this issue. The question for now is: can you talk to them and gently ask them to relax the teasing a bit? If they can take that, they’re real friends. Or, if they can’t, perhaps you should just drift away from them a bit, and seek out some friends who are more comfortable with your achievement.

Answer #8

Sounds like a little jealousy. Be proud of yourself that you are doing good in school. Talk to them about it and tell them that it bothers you and upsets you

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