Scarlet Fever???

Ok, my 3yr old son have this thing called…”scarlet fever” he have little itty bisty bumps all over his body and we took him to the hospital and the doctor told us thats what it is!!! So he gave him a shot and said that it will be gone in couple of days…but how do I go about to have his skin back to normal before the doctor said? Some say bath him in vinager and some say oatmeal..what do yall think?

Answer #1

reventing Scarlet Fever

The bacterial infection that causes scarlet fever is contagious. A child who has scarlet fever can spread the bacteria to others through nasal and throat fluids by sneezing and coughing. If a child has a skin infection caused by strep bacteria, like impetigo, it can be passed through contact with the skin.

In everyday life, there is no perfect way to avoid the infections that cause scarlet fever. When a child is sick at home, it’s always safest to keep that child’s drinking glasses and eating utensils separate from those of other family members, and to wash these items thoroughly in hot soapy water. Wash your own hands frequently as you care for a child with a strep infection. Treating Scarlet Fever

If your child has a rash and the doctor suspects scarlet fever, he or she will usually take a throat culture (a painless swab of throat secretions) to see if the bacteria grow in the laboratory. Once a strep infection is confirmed, the doctor will likely prescribe an antibiotic for your child to be taken for about 10 days. Caring for a Child With Scarlet Fever

A child with severe strep throat may find that eating is painful, so providing soft foods or a liquid diet may be necessary. Include soothing teas and warm nutritious soups, or cool soft drinks, milkshakes, and ice cream. Make sure that the child drinks plenty of fluids.

Use a cool-mist humidifier to add moisture to the air, since this will help soothe the sore throat. A moist warm towel may help to soothe swollen glands around your child’s neck.

If the rash itches, make sure that your child’s fingernails are trimmed short so skin isn’t damaged through scratching. When to Call the Doctor

Call the doctor whenever your child suddenly develops a rash, especially if it is accompanied by a fever, sore throat, or swollen glands. This is especially important if your child has any of the symptoms of strep throat, or if someone in your family or in your child’s school has recently had a strep infection

Answer #2

My 2 year old neighbor had Scarlet Fever Rash…it’s only the rash that goes with Scarlet Fever. Most likely that’s what your son also has…as long as he doesn’t have the fever that accompanies Scarlet Fever. It’s harmless, even though it doesn’t look very nice. You won’t be able to get rid of it any sooner…it has to run it’s course.

Answer #3

my son had it when he was 3. it is nothing to worry about and treated with anti biotics. just let it run its coarse. no need to do any extra.

Answer #4

do what they said, try it out im sure the doctors rite!

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