Fever and teething?

Today my son started with a temperature of 39.celcius (I dont know what it is in .faranheit) He is teething at the moment and was wondering if there’s any connection? His temperature seems to be going back to normal, so I havent called the doctor, so will monitor him. But does has anyone else had the same experience with their children?

Thanks :)

Answer #1

hi every one, thanks again for your advice, but I just thought that I should give some advice back on the question I asked… a day after I asked this question my sons temperature was still 39”C (I still dont know what it is in “Farenheit) so we decided to take him to the paedatrician. once examined we discovered he actually have a throat infection with swollen tonsils,(he didnt show symptoms of either that we were aware of) which would have turned into tonsilitis if left any longer, so what im trying to say, is dont think of it as just a teething issue, more often than not it might be, but dont risk it mommys! im so glad we did go to the doctor eventually!

so my point is, rather be safe than sorry :)

Answer #2

My mother is a pediatrician, and I run a daycare. This is very common for babies there is nothing to worry about, it would be good to get a cold wash cloth or something somewhat large, soft, and cold for the baby to chew on. You want it to be some what large so they don’t swallow, soft so they don’t puncture their gums and cold because it will releive the pain of the tooth is about to hit the surface. For the fever if it gets to high you should call your pediatrician or who ever cares for your baby. Other wise wrap the baby and the blanket and if he/she starts to sweat this IS GOOD. this is the baby’s body fighting of the fever. Or you could give the baby some CHILDREN motrin. and only about a half teaspoon. I hope everything works out!!

Answer #3

Hi I am a dental assistant in a pediatric- orthodontic office, yes it is common, he may get a runny nose, and also pull on his ears. Baby motrin or baby advil will help. If he gets a runny nose that is green, it could be something other then teething.

Answer #4

Yes, my son is almost 2 and I remember when he was cutting teeth he also ran a fever and direha can also happen aswell. If his fever doesn’t go down after giving his some tylenol or ibprofin then you should probably call his Dr. Good luck, it can be really hard dealing with a little baby cutting teeth :)

Answer #5

in faranheit it is 102.2 The average body temp. in faranheit, the average temp is 98.6. You may want to talk to a doctor about it, for the future. it isn’t very serious though.

Answer #6

yes, fever and teething are quite common to occur at the same time. docs say they are not related…but I think it is! all of mine ran some kind of fever with the first few teeth! and my grandma had 8 kids and swears the docs dont know what they are talking about since most of her kids had low fevers with teething. if it gets to 101 degrees farenheit call the doc…otherwise a little tylenol can help the fever and the teething. good luck…I know how tough this time can be for you and your little one!

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