scared? or just not ready?

Ok well…me and my boyfriend of 10 months have been talking about sex alot lately, and frankly I don’t know what my decision about it is. I know he wouldn’t be mad at me if i told him I didn’t want to have sex or that i wasn’t ready. But im just not sure if im not ready or if im just scared that something might happen like an unwanted pregnancy. Should i face my fears or should i tell him im not ready? We are very much in love so I know we will end up having sex sooner or later but should it be sooner…or later?…plz plz help me soon!!! thanx!!

Answer #1

Its better for you guys to have it later when you are sure, then to rush it and have it sooner when you arent too sure. Talk a little with eachother about the possible results and the solutions to those results [if you even fall into anything bad]. if howeveryou guys decide that it is time, be sure to use extra extra protection so you wont get pregnant or get any STDs. I hope you guys make the right decision! =]


Answer #2

If you love your boyfriend, then you should have sex sooner rather than later. M girlfriend and I are in love and we chose to have sex after six months of being together. But remember, I you do choose to have sex with you boyfriend, use contraception. Go down to your doctors and get a persription for Birth Control pills to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Also I can’t stress this enough, but make sure that your boyfriend wears a condom, to prevent STI/STD’s. If you need more advice you can email me at;

Answer #3

do it when u are ready there is no need to rush. . . i dont backu up on the pill because it doesnt always work. . . try getting a shot or an iud. i would back u up on the iud because u cannot any possible way get pregnant with that because it blocks off every way. . . but either way u should still use protection when u are ready. . . to tell u one thing about the iud is that the only thing wrong with getting it is that u bleed for 4 months(doesnt bother its just like a period but longer) but after that u dont have a period for five years and cannot get pregnant for five years unless u want to take it doesnt hurt and it doesnt hurt after they pull it out either… if u want to have a girl talk send me a private message.

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