Scanning && Phonesz

ii need everyonesz opinion on thiis one…

my school was doing scanning on tuesday feb. 3 & who ever had a phone or anything electronic got it takin away. then the same day they did the scanning, the police took the electronics & pput them in a vault, now we have to wait til tuesday, feb. 10 to get the phones,,,

somebody please tell how stupid that really was…

personally ii find iit really dumb they took the phonesz & den gave them to the police !!

Answer #1

thats so fuxking “pres”

Answer #2

omg I think they should allow phones in school SO MUCH! I love my cell phone and I think I should be able to bring it 2 school with out teachers getting all freaky

Answer #3

Honestly, I dont think it’s that stupid. The school has rules - and people broke them. So they got their electronics taken away for a short period of time. Your lucky it’s just until Feb10th. When I was in school - if we had things we weren’t supposed to they kept them until the end of the school year - no exceptions.

Answer #4

all school do NOT Allow Phones, They have to be handed in rececption before school!.. (hafe of the kid dont do that anyways) I never did, and I sued to sit on my phone all day at school. I guess I never got court

Answer #5

yes that is pathetic. We have a similar rule at my school- caught with a phone it’s kept in reception until Friday. But giving it to the police and keeping it in a vault? That is way too far.

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