How to make a fake report card?

Well I messed up on my last report card and got out of the trouble somehow but I get report cards again tomorrow and I did even worst I need to know how to make a fake report card without photoshop and just microsoft word 2007. Help! And I know this is wrong but I need too!

Answer #1

do you have a Scanner? If so, scan the report card and change it using MS paint or Gimp (both free photo editing programs so you dont need photoshop)

otherwise just type it up all official looking, and include everything your school does

Answer #2

You don’t need to. Own up to it, you’re the one who didn’t try. Don’t lie and sneak around. What goes around comes around, if you slack off and don’t work, things come back to bite you in the ahss.

Answer #3

Good Lord, you don’t even realize just how difficult it is to make a realistic counterfeit! And with only Microsoft Word 2007? Your parents aren’t idiots you know.

Look, you are the one who didn’t learn your lesson when you got your last report card. You had time to improve, but you chose not to. Really, you deserve everything that is coming to you. Grow up- you need to learn to be responsible. When you get into university, you won’t have second chances.

Answer #4

just fess up to your mom or dad I had to with a grade point avergave of 46% but I am now passing most of my classes

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