Ultra sound technician

So I wanna be an ultrasound technician what school should I go to or what corses would I have to take to get into that feild?

Answer #1

K that didn’t answer the question at all…

If you’re in high school…make sure you take grade 11 and/or 12 chemistry, physics, mathematics for technology or calculus, biology, and a technology based course like electricity.
For college or university…I would recommend taking a Biomedical Engineering (usually 3-4 years) program which will fully prepare you for your job as an ultrasound tech. If an exclusive biomedical program is not available near you, you could study electronics engineering, and then enroll yourself in a 1 year biomedical program which requires a degree in electronics engineering. I’m a biomedical technologist working in dialysis…if you have any other questions feel free to shoot me a message. Good luck!

Answer #2

Medical sonography, also called ultrasonography, is an ultrasound-based diagnostic imaging technique used to visualize muscles, tendons and internal organs. Working in the realm of diagnostic investigation, Ultrasound Technicians and Sonographers administer high-frequency scans to help in the diagnostic process through deep-body imaging. More than half of all ultrasound technologists are employed by hospitals, with the remainder finding employment in physicians` offices or in medical diagnostic laboratories and imaging centers: http://www.guidetohealthcareschools.com/sonographer.html Take care !!

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