
So, my friends want me to have a small get together at my mums house on saturday while shes in mexico, anad drink and all that. Like max. 10 people Should I do it? I’ve done it lots before but im just curious. & the guy I like is gonna come..

Answer #1

Well, it’s a matter of respect for yourself and your mother and the right to expect your mother to trust you.

It is against the law and can land you and or your friends in jail and with criminal records.

Laws against minors drinking are laws that society has created in order to protect you from things that you are not yet physically and emotionally prepared to handle. Things that can cause you serious harm or even death.

It is your life, though. It ends up being up to YOU as to whether you want to foul it up or live it according to values that society and your parents are trying to instill in you.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #2

do it, I’m 16 now and me and my friends have been doin that sorta stuff for like 2 years! it’ll be great just be sensible!

Answer #3

haha go for it. just keep the noise down and make sure theres not a lot of cars or garbage left out. you’ll be clear, enjoy.

Answer #4

Let’s see - Your 15 or 16 years old. That is UNDER the legal drinking age.

Should the cops be called - you will be in trouble for having all of these minors in your house that are drunk - as long as your friends getting in trouble too for underage drinking. If your mom finds out - you lose her trust, her respect, and most likely all of your privledges. Trust is the hardest thing to get back from a parent along with respect. Your mother will defiantly be upset that you broke her trust and disrespected her by having a bunch of minors in her house while she was away drinking alcohol.

Drinking laws are there for a reason. Your people do not know how to handle, control, or moderate their alcohol and also their bodies are not fully developed yet and it’s jsut asking for problems.

Answer #5

uh no unless you r of age

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