How do I get my mom to lighten up?

Ok, so my mom is extremely family oriented. I don’t have a problem with it, but sometimes I just want to go and hang out with my friends. I work during the week [at my mom’s office] and I look at the weekend as time to just relax with my friends. Only, with my mom, my curfew is 12, but she wants me home before that… Like I walk in the door at 11:56 and she yells because I’m cutting it too close to curfew. Not only that, but if I hang out with my friend on like Friday night, she wants me to stay home all of Saturday. It’s so annoying and agrivating because I can only spend some time with my friends and boyfriend. My dad doesn’t agree with her and says that I’m a teen and I need to have a social life. Anyways, it’s not like I do drugs and get wasted when I go out. So, any ideas on how to get my mom to lighten up and be more willing to let me hang out with my friends?

Answer #1

I’d sit down with the both of them and ask: ‘put me to the test, I will show you I can be responsible’ - then make triple-sure you are !!

Answer #2

I thiNk thE bESt thiNG tO dO iS tO Chill AROUNd thE hOUSE A lil MORE OftEN ; likE iNVitE YUR fRiENdS OVER . tHAt WAy YUR MOM CAN GEt tO kNOW dEM bEttER ON A ONE ON ONE lEVEl ; && ONCE ShE REAliZES thEY ARENt A bAd iNflUENCE ; ShEll , MOSt likEly , bE MORE WilliNg tO lEt YUh hANG OUt Wit thEM .


MAYbE ShE iS REACtiN likE thAt bEkUS likE ANY OthER MOthER ShE lOVES U && dOESNt WANt you tO dO thE WRONG thiNG . you hAVE tO UNdERStANd thAt tRUSt COMES Wit tiME .

A VERy GOOd OPtiON WOUld AlSO bE tO SPEAk tO hER AbOUt thE MAttER ; ShE dOOOESSS lOVE U ; thAt I CANt && WONt dENy ; SO ShE WONt REfUSE tO hEAR you OUt ON thiNGS tHAt YUh fiNd ARE iMPORtANt .

GiVE it A tRY ; && Oh yEAh ; MAkE SURE you AlWAYS GEt hER ON thOSE tiMES ShE iS iN A GOOd MOOd ; bEliEVE ME ; thAtS GOOd AdViCE && A hAlf RitE thERE =] hEhE .

Answer #3

Well explain that to her and I don’t know put a few hours away for family time on sunday afternoon if no ones busy that way she knows that you have time set aside for family to .


Answer #4

I agree with justme123 you just need to “talk” with her. explain to her that you almost never get to do anything “fun” and that you want to hang with friends of friday and saturday. If you’re really desperate to hang with friends crash at a friends house and then stay over saturday as well. also try and see if you’re mom will go for the “Sunday is family time” approach. if she says she wants you to stay home saturday say that you’ll be with family all day sunday and that you want at least a little social life.( though a social life is hard with work)

Answer #5

I agree with justme123

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