Rich People and Oil Prices

Should we raise the taxes for citizens who make more than 100k so we could afford to buy more oil and cause a decrease in gas prices for the common folks?

Answer #1


I’m not rich. It is the “rich” people who start businesses

And that’s wrong. I’ve started 8 businesses and sold two. My dad has started two, and his net worth (including his house, which I don’t own one) is probably less than my networth (including my businesses)…my mom also has a business, and she’s in the bottom income bracket.

So, give me some stats to back up this piece of BS that “rich people start businesses” they don’t. Rich people own successful businesses. There is a HUGE difference between starting a business AND owning a large, successful one.

Answer #2

i hope you do not take offense,         To that that comes hereafter;         ’Tis only that it’s my two-cents,         Not one penny more thereafter. §;o)       No!

  Think about it. It is the “rich” people who start businesses and expand businesses which generates the jobs that we depend on. I, personally, think that taxes should be equal – the same PERCENTAGE RATE for all individuals and a same rate among all businesses. Maybe there should be a NO-TAX level for very low income people, but otherwise things should be equal.

We live in a great country. Not only is it the only real Super-power in the world but it is also the only country that is most capable to protect the freedoms of other countries throughout the world. Where would the world be without the intervention of the United States in World Wars I & II?

I know our country isn’t perfect. As a country we may have made some mistakes. But our people are unique! They go out of their way to come to the aid of people in other countries, whether it be militarily or financial/commodities in times of need.

Also, in relation to business taxes, can you name JUST ONE business that pays taxes? NO, businesses don’t pay taxes. They pass taxes down as a cost of doing business and raise their prices to cover the taxes. It is the consumers who are paying the business taxes.

We are a capitalist country. The prices we pay for anything, including fuel/gasoline, is determined by supply and demand. If we want the prices to go down then we need to start reducing our demands for oil. We need to develop more resources to reduce our dependence on oil.

Answer #3

When you look at more socialist countries like France, Germany, Italy, Scandinavia, etc. the few percent extra tax they pay really does not ruin their economy. It is true that you do not see as large disparities in wealth there but in general they pay their couple percent extra tax, enjoy their nationalized health care, heavily subsidized secondary schools, etc and get on with their lives not so differently than we do..

No place in our constitution does it say we are a capitalist, socialist, or communist country. Our founding fathers even changed John Locke’s inalienable rights “life, liberty, and property” to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” I guess the founding fathers were a bunch of commies.

The capitalist economic ideology is very popular here; especially those who already have a lot of capital or are seduced by industrialists into believing that it is better for everyone but in the end it is only an ideology. In the real world there is no pure capitalist, socialist, or communist system. The best systems are pragmatic and do what works instead of what conforms to theory.

Were I able to I’d add a $1/gal tax to gasoline and use the funds to subsidize biofuels, renewable energy, conservation, etc. Yes it would hurt a lot of people but I think that it was cheap oil that got us into this mess ot start with.

Answer #4

A flat tax is a tax cut for the rich. The wealthy should pay a progresively higher tax because with wealth comes power, and power gives them access to government that the average citizen does not have. Can anyone here get an audience with Bush? I am pretty sure not. Can Bill Gates? Absolutely. By switching to a flat tax, one would be allowing the rich, who save most of their income to save even more of it, while the middle class, and especially the working poor, save very little, if any, of their income. It would essentially be a reverse distribution of wealth allowing rich people to take even more and more money OUT of the economy. That is what led to the depression, and it is what we are seeing now.

It is the middle class and poor who are hurting the most in this country. Why are so many people concerned about the welfare of extrememly wealthy people? They are doing fine, they do not need your help.

And our military budget is out of control. We currently spend more on our military budget then the military budgets of every other country in the world combined! Talk about overkill (pun intended). As the last great republican president , Dwight Eisenhower, said in his farewell speech in January 1961:

“A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction… This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. The total influence — economic, political, even spiritual — is felt in every city, every statehouse, every office of the federal government. We recognize the imperative need for this development. Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. Our toil, resources and livelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals so that security and liberty may prosper together.”

And this came from a great military mind. Obviously, as a country we ignored his warnings, and look where it has gotten us.

Answer #5

Europe has always paid very high prices for gasoline…so myself, I just can’t bi*ch about it without feeling like a spoiled child…

However, before I’d want to slap another $1 or $3 “tax” onto a gallon, going to the government…I’d want it laid out exactly where it’s going, and make them accountable…we already hand out a lot of money to a group of “not so good at business” kind of folks…who’s only accountability to us the “payors”, is if they happen to get caught with their fingers in the cookie jar…to trust the government…as is…be it Republican or Demacratic leaders is folly…between the corruption and plain old stupidy, I’d rather keep mine under the bed.


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