I need to reveal something to a partner, but how can I say it?

Hello, this situation is extremely embarrasing and heartbreaking. Im 25 years old and have been in a relationshio with my son’s father for 7 years. Last year we broke up and I have been trying very hard to get over him and move on. Occasionally him and I will have sex, maybe once every four months. That was fine for me because my sex drive after we seperated wasnt too high and I am always busy with school, work and my son. The times him and I have sex we do no use protection. Now heres the problem. I had sex with a friend for the first time in years which was just something that happened in the moment, we did use a condom but it broke. About 3 weeks later I go to the doctor to get checked and found out my exboyfriend gave me chlamydia which I believe I may have transfered to my friend. What do I do now? How can I tell him? What is he going to think of me.. Alot of thoughts running through my mind! Help please

Answer #1

You’re best to just sit him down and well, get it over with. Unfortunately there really isn’t going to be any easy way to tell him. But your choice to be honest with him is the most adult, responsible decision, so good on ya for that.

Answer #2

I agree with red, you just have to do it. It’s totally cureable so it’s not like you gave him something life threatening. The best thing you can do is tell him. And also start using protection because its apparent that your ex has been sleeping with other people too. You don’t want to get an incurable disease.

Answer #3

Spread the love lol

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