Religious Questions

My parents are extremely religious. I however am not.

  1. How can we truly prove god is real?
  2. How come when people say god saved them in car accidents and stuff then why didn’t he save the 6 million jew. you are basically saying you are more important that 6 million jews.
  3. Where in the bible does it say to keep Chrismas, Halloween, Easter, and ect.
  4. Where in the bible does it say Santa or putting up christmas trees are holy?
  5. where in the bible does it say SUNDAY is the true holy day? why not saturday the seventh day anymore?
  6. Why would god send someone to hell if he is supposed to be a loving and merciful god???
  7. Where in the bible does it say people are going to heaven? It says god will make the earth his kingdom FIRST!
  8. How come in the bible it says thou shall not kill or murder why do homophobic people say god says to kill them?
  9. If we are suppositivley going to heaven then I don’t think you guys would last long because got kicked out Satan for rebeling you’ll be kicked out too if you sin.
  10. Where in the bible does it say God Hates THE PERSON?? because I believe its god hates the SIN!?
Answer #1

Many Witches are like in believing, but ehy believe in a God & a Goddess that go by many names. So what about you? What about the Goddesses, Dainna, Hecate, Luna, Venus, ect.?

Synonyms To conceive in the mind

formulate, devise, conceive; see imagine 1.

To make

produce, originate, actualize, effect, form, occasion, perform, cause to exist, bring into being, call into being, call into existence, rear, erect, build, fashion, invent, engender, beget, generate, construct, found, shape, forge, design, plan, fabricate, author, contrive, cause to be, give birth to, bring to pass, bring about, invest, constitute; see also compose 3, invent 1, organize 2, produce 2.


  1. to cause to come into being, as something unique that would not naturally evolve or that is not made by ordinary processes.
  2. to evolve from one’s own thought or imagination, as a work of art or an invention.
  3. Theater. to perform (a role) for the first time or in the first production of a play.
  4. to make by investing with new rank or by designating; constitute; appoint: to create a peer.
  5. to be the cause or occasion of; give rise to: The announcement created confusion.
  6. to cause to happen; bring about; arrange, as by intention or design: to create a revolution; to create an opportunity to ask for a raise.

–verb (used without object) 7. to do something creative or constructive.

  1. British. to make a fuss.

Etymology: ME createn cereal Ads by Google

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create definition cre·ate (krē āt′; often krē′āt′)

transitive verb created -·at′ed, creating -·at′·ing

to cause to come into existence; bring into being; make; originate; esp., to make or design (something requiring art, skill, invention, etc.) to bring about; give rise to; cause new industries create new jobs to invest with a new rank, function, etc. to be the first to portray (a particular role in a play) Etymology: ME createn cereal


Archaic created Webster’s New World College Dictionary Copyright © 2005 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

create Synonyms

create v.

To conceive in the mind

formulate, devise, conceive; see imagine 1.

To make

produce, originate, actualize, effect, form, occasion, perform, cause to exist, bring into being, call into being, call into existence, rear, erect, build, fashion, invent, engender, beget, generate, construct, found, shape, forge, design, plan, fabricate, author, contrive, cause to be, give birth to, bring to pass, bring about, invest, constitute; see also compose 3, invent 1, organize 2, produce 2.

Webster’s New World Roget’s A-Z Thesaurus Copyright © 1999 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio. Used by arrangement with John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

create Usage Examples


atmosphere: The teams raise money in the weeks leading up to the event and on the day create a party atmosphere for the whole community. Noun phrase with adjective complement

suitable: Initial trials indicate that this level of correction will create effective error rates suitable for MPEG-2 and other digital video compression schemes. Adjective complement

engaging: It portrays effective teachers as knowledgeable, reflective pedagogical wizards who are able to create engaging, focused instruction for students. Used with why or when

which: It’s the fluctuations in relative humidity that central heating creates which cause the problem. that: If one is hesitant or appears not to be fully au fait with the methods, a barrier is created that inhibits treatment. Infinitive complement

serve: New towns continued to spring up in the 13th century, for example Salisbury, created to serve the new cathedral begun in 1220. Present participle complement

use: NDE will also import files created using Tree Gardener. Preposition: for

purpose: We have not been created for any purpose, by either God or evolution. Preposition: by

artist: Two stainless steel sculptural gateways created by artist Antony Robinson mark the entrances to the park. Basically to create is to cause things to happen that would not normally happen by itself, so making a sword would thus be creating it.

Or, creating new life forms, such as fish that glow in the dark, mules, cross breeds of species. Such as inserting the gnome of animals into that of plants so they may carry certain traits. For instance a tobacco plant in which fire fly DNA was inserted into, it glowed every time it got wet.
What about the human languages. At first we started out with simply body language, gestures, moans & groans, yet it evolved(being another aspect of the word create) into what it was(the old English, very advanced compared to modern day-evidence the human population is becoming less intelligent?) to what it is today.
Or how about when females are impregnated. The fetus would not live without the mother, & would not develop outside the mother's womb. It can not be exist any where else & can not develop anywhere else(for a certain period of time any ways), & there for it could be said that the mother & father has created life. Al lit was to begin with was a sperm & an egg, but grew & came into being within the mothers womb & she is the one who births it & brings it into being within this world.
because of this, in paleolithic ages the women was put into high standards & the belief of a Goddess came into being. The Goddess was actually the original or believe it or not, but, like the God, it was invented by man. The God came into being after the hint, when men would dress into animal hides to hunt other animals, that's why the first are half man half animal.

But just for petty matters, Yes, the human brain is limited,( that's most people's arguments when debating the existence of werewolves, vampires). Notice, all gods have human traits & characteristics. They're in the image of men(& sometimes part animals). If the human mind can come up with such things like on Star Wars then it can easily come up with a God with the traits & characteristics of that of a human, their selves. In animated films even the animals are given human characteristics.In myths & legends, even the ones about Gods & Goddess.

God Created everything out of nothing. What created God? Or is he the nothingness that created everything, thus God is nothingness & part God, meaning that we are capable of creating this for ourselves. & if God did create us out of nothing, wouldn't we be part nothing? & Really nothingness is nothing, because nothingness is everything that ever is & ever is going to be is now & here, you cannot "not exist", you cannot be nothingness. Nothingness is just another, intangible,  thing conjured up from the human mind.
Answer #2

I am not commited to the linguistic definition of creation.

And WE are not committed to YOUR personal subjective definition of ‘’creation’’ EITHER. So AGAIN, you cannot make challenges involving a pre-acceptence of YOUR beliefs (in this case: YOUR definitions) …its pointless.

This is a different story. I can prove that in a separate conversation if you wish.

No… you can’t… Before you make such silly claims, you need to understand the difference between:


Otherwise, you’re just undermining your credibility.

You just overlooked a very simple fact. Creating something (a thought) out of nothing and thinking about something that does not exist are the SAME thing :D lolz

No… they aren’t the same… stop stating your ‘beliefs’ as ‘facts’ …your credibility is sinking further…

Instead of having to type the word silly zillions of times, why don’t you, guys, just prove me wrong? Why don’t you try and embarrass me? You know you are just being argumentative, but don’t worry, I am not gonna tell anyone :P

Oh you just went from silly to PATHETIC. Prove you wrong? Is that the ONLY PLACE you have left to hide? That’s an argument used by insecure teenagers. Guess what? The existence of god(s) CANNOT BE PROVEN OR DISPROVEN. So ultimately I HAVE proven you WRONG, because YOU said you COULD prove God is real… you failed…

Why don’t you try and embarrass me?

You don’t need OUR help for that.

If God does not exist, how do you explain thinking about Him? Or How did the idea of God twist our brains if we were not born with it?

Humans are self aware, so they naturally fear their own mortality. Aside from that, there are plenty of things that don’t exist, that people can think about. Thought doesn’t equal existence… silly…

What did I do to deserve talking to people whose vocabulary consists of silly, sick and idiotic?

Because you’re vain, self-absorbed (proven), silly, sick, and idiotic (proof in progress)… there’s no need for us to provide additional adjectives when a person or their argument warrants no further description.

Answer #3

And now you are starting to impress me, Captainassassin.

Maybe English isn’t your native language, because your definition is WRONG.

I am not commited to the linguistic definition of creation. To me, creation is making something out of nothing. Invention, on the other hand, is making something out of something else. This is all what I care about here.

The discussion is not limited to those two beliefs. I’m not atheist OR muslim.

1st time you get me. It feels bad :D lolz

You said Zeus, Odin and Questzalcoat are imitations of God. That is YOUR belief… something you cannot prove.

This is a different story. I can prove that in a separate conversation if you wish. I assume you don’t want your butt being kicked over and over again in 2 different discussions at the same damn time :P

You’ve also changed the criteria of your little ‘challenge’ …at first it was to give example of something that doesn’t exist, that cannot possibly exist; then when one was provided, you CHANGE the requirements, to creating something out of nothing… YOU are the cheater. And YOU are now ATHEIST.

FINALLY you made sense! You just overlooked a very simple fact. Creating something (a thought) out of nothing and thinking about something that does not exist are the SAME thing :D lolz

But, alright, you were close.. I admit it.

Your argument is silly because it doesn’t prove god is real… which was the criteria for the original question.

Oh, doesn’t it? I mean DOESN’T IT? C’mon, guys.. a 21-yr-old Middle-Eastern has been cumming inside your lil minds and leaving you out there completely helpless :P Instead of having to type the word silly zillions of times, why don’t you, guys, just prove me wrong? Why don’t you try and embarrass me? You know you are just being argumentative, but don’t worry, I am not gonna tell anyone :P

Know what? I am sick of answering your “hard” questions. Now you start answering mine.

  • If God does not exist, how do you explain thinking about Him? Or How did the idea of God twist our brains if we were not born with it?

  • What did I do to deserve talking to people whose vocabulary consists of “silly”, “sick” and “idiotic”?

Please do not post the answers that I have already guessed.

Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #4

NOBLIANO stated “My wife and I, being the family of the dead child, were not my concern here. Things were rather seen through the eyes of the child. The death of my child is an incident in my life and my wife’s. My child’s death now has a dual nature. 1st, it’s the result of the car accident or the gas room, which does not matter to my child whose life has met an end anyway. 2nd, it’s something that happened IN my life, it’s a part of how I live, which does matter to me.”

Then NOBLIANO stated “No, my child is not dead. I do not have any, I am not even married.”

Not only are your arguments that try to prove G-d silly and outlandish… But you lie about having a child who died, just to make a point.

What kind of sick person are you… Every discussion you have, every argument you make, every claim you present, every theory you give…are ALL MEANINGLESS…

You lied about having a child who died to make a point. Shame on you. Is this what YOUR G-d teaches?

I want no part of it…

Answer #5

Utopia and Jimahl, it is a pitty we have reached this level. You, my friends, are as old as my parents and all you could come up with is calling me a liar and calling my thoughts an idiotic argument. I have no idea how that makes you feel good.

*Ofcourse it does matter to me if/how my son/daughters dies, but to my son/daughter, it does not. From where they stand, it only matters how they lived. My wife and I, being the family of the dead child, were not my concern here. Things were rather seen through the eyes of the child.

The death of my child is an incident in my life and my wife’s. My child’s death now has a dual nature. 1st, it’s the result of the car accident or the gas room, which does not matter to my child whose life has met an end anyway. 2nd, it’s something that happened IN my life, it’s a part of how I live, which does matter to me.*

This is not a lie. This is an example.

Captainassassin, I dunno how many times I have to repeat myself.

“Yes… it does…”

Creating something means making it out of nothing. Within this scope or any other scope, humanbeings are not able to create anything. We can only invent and manufacture.

No I’m not… lightsabers don’t exist and can’t possibly exist… I’m sorry you didn’t exclude sci-fi fantasy material in your challenge, but that really isn’t my problem.

Fiction = real life + imagination Creation = nothingness + imagination << which is very hard for our brains to comprehend ‘cause the only thing we know about nothingness is that it is the opposite of existence. It is like trying to understand white through black.

So inorder to create something, you have to have a piece of nothingness to start with. But wherever there is universe, there is NO nothingness. We live in and are materialistically limited by universe within which nothingness does not exist. Therefore, creating something is not possible. We can’t even create a thought ‘cause there is no nothingness in our minds. We only have the ability to reason and analyse.

Now naming me something that does not exist is a process of creating a thought. I mean before you name me the thing that you think does not exist, you have to mentally create it 1st which is not possible. My friend, neither you nor I can think of something that does not exist.. it is just as simple as that.

Yeah… it is… your argument is based on pre-acceptance of YOUR beliefs… of which they remain… BELIEFS…

I made sure things were not put in terms of Muslim-vs-Atheist. I tried as hard as possible to make it look like a humanbeing-to-humanbeing kind of discussion. Through my argument, I did not call myself a Muslim, nor did I call anybody an atheist. I did not put my belief as a given or assumption, I put it as a final conclusion. The only thing I pre-accepted is the power of our minds.

you don’t KNOW which god is real and which are imitations.

There is only one God. I don’t care about the infinite list of names we give to Him. He remains one, the one who creates and controls everything.

Know what? Nobody here made as many sins as I did, but it is because of God that I am full of hope and joy. It is because of God that I can’t hate you for saying that my argument - with which you, guys, are completely unable to deal :P - is silly.

Keep your head up Greetings from Egypt! Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #6

Captainassassin, Swords exist, right? Their metal blades exist, right? Taking such blades out and putting that sort of light or coloured energy instead of them does not mean we have created anything. If we bring lightsabers to real life, we can only regard them as an invention, just like televisions and radios. Thinking about them is not thinking about something that does not exist. It is thinking about something that is a result of putting together things that already exist.

Here is what I said earlier..

“No, no, no.. you are not allowed to use things that already exist. You can’t just take a piece from everything and put all the pieces together to come out with something that didn’t exist in such a form before. I didn’t challenge you to invent anything. Creativity is not my subject here. I am not talking about a creature made of Marie Curie’s head, a giraffe’s neck, a lion’s body and my feet. I am talking about something which is not composed of things that already exist, something that has NO imitation in our universe.”

So I guess you are simply cheating :P

Utopia, I am sorry if my posts have reminded you of something painful.

No, my child is not dead. I do not have any, I am not even married.

I repeat my apology. Please accept it. According to my belief, your child is in Heaven now without even having to go through The Judgement Day.

Jimahl, Zeus, Odin and Quetzalcoatl and many others are the differents results people arrived at while they were trying to understand the one and only God. Across history, people tried to replicate God as an attempt to overcome the fact that they can neither see, hear, touch, smell or touch Him. They wanted something materialistic, something which falls WITHIN the dimensions of this world not beyond them. Therefore, they came out with Jesus being God’s incarnate, Ra’, Zeus, Odin and Quetzalcoatl.

Lemme remind you with my words.. “I am talking about something which is not composed of things that already exist, something that has NO imitation in our universe.”

Zeus, Odin and Questzalcoat are imitations of God.

Now if you have to imitate something, that thing has to exist. I mean you can’t imitate something that does not exist in the 1st place, right?

You can think of Zeus and so can I, but, my friend, we would not think of Zeus if the reason why people invented Zeus did not exist, do you follow? This reason is people’s desire to understand the concept of God. God is inside of them, they were born with it. They responded. Their response was Zeus which is you and I are thinking of and pronouncing now.

My argument is not silly.

Answer #7

“- If God does not exist, how do you explain thinking about Him? “

I think about lots of things that don’t exist. Santa, the easter bunny, leprechauns. It is a silly argument (zillion and one times now). We get that YOU believe this little mental exercise of yours. But it is only you who believes it. It is not based on anything that you can prove.

Answer #8

Creating something means making it out of nothing. Within this scope or any other scope, humanbeings are not able to create anything. We can only invent and manufacture.

Maybe English isn’t your native language, because your definition is WRONG.

I made sure things were not put in terms of Muslim-vs-Atheist.

The discussion is not limited to those two beliefs. I’m not atheist OR muslim. You said Zeus, Odin and Questzalcoat are imitations of God. That is YOUR belief… something you cannot prove. You’ve also changed the criteria of your little ‘challenge’ …at first it was to give example of something that doesn’t exist, that cannot possibly exist; then when one was provided, you CHANGE the requirements, to creating something out of nothing… YOU are the cheater. And YOU are now ATHEIST.

Know what? Nobody here made as many sins as I did, but it is because of God that I am full of hope and joy. It is because of God that I can’t hate you for saying that my argument - with which you, guys, are completely unable to deal :P - is silly.

Your argument is silly because it doesn’t prove god is real… which was the criteria for the original question.

Answer #9

Taking such blades out and putting that sort of light or coloured energy instead of them does not mean we have created anything.

Yes… it does…

If we bring lightsabers to real life, we can only regard them as an invention, just like televisions and radios. Thinking about them is not thinking about something that does not exist. It is thinking about something that is a result of putting together things that already exist.

Lightsabers encompass IMPOSSIBLE technology: They’re made of fictional materials, powered by fictional crystals, wielded by fictional characters… NONE of which exist…

So I guess you are simply cheating :P

No I’m not… lightsabers don’t exist and can’t possibly exist… I’m sorry you didn’t exclude sci-fi & fantasy material in your challenge, but that really isn’t my problem.

My argument is not silly.

Yeah… it is… your argument is based on pre-acceptance of YOUR beliefs… of which they remain… BELIEFS… you don’t KNOW which god is real and which are imitations.

Answer #10

Jimahl, Our imagination is limited to the capabilities of our brains. Our brains can only imagine things that does exist and their mutations. We simply can’t think of something that does not exist at all. Now just thinking of God, just pronouncing the word God, means that He exists, ‘cause we would not argue about Him if He did not.

By the way, how did you do this thing? I mean your pic..

Seems the only utopian thing about you, Utopia, is your misunderstaning skills :P

“It does not matter how many years you live, it does not matter if you die in a car accident or inside a gas room. It only matters how you live the number of years God gives you.”

That was my quote, right?

Now, lemme rephrase it..

“It does not matter how many years YOU (not others) live, it does not matter if YOU (not your beloved ones) die in a car accident or inside a gas room. It only matters how YOU (not your friends, not your family) live the number of years God gives ONLY you.”

Ofcourse it does matter to me if/how my son/daughters dies, but to my son/daughter, it does not. From where they stand, it only matters how they lived. My wife and I, being the family of the dead child, were not my concern here. Things were rather seen through the eyes of the child.

The death of my child is an incident in my life and my wife’s. My child’s death now has a dual nature. 1st, it’s the result of the car accident or the gas room, which does not matter to my child whose life has met an end anyway. 2nd, it’s something that happened IN my life, it’s a part of how I live, which does matter to me.

“Oh really? I am sure the families of the 6 million murdered will find great comfort in that statement. Especially the families of the 1.5 million children killed… “

The end of the children’s lives is a test to the members of their families who are still alive.

Again, it does not matter to child A how child A died. It only matters to child A how child A lived. However, it matters to the family of child A how child A died, ‘cause the death of child A is something that took place during their lives.

“Sorry, kiddies…we are going to inject bleach into your eyes to see if we can turn them blue and then when we are done we will throw you up in the air and use you for target practice, because it doesn’t matter how you die, it only matters how you lived…”

It does not matter how you die, but it matters if you make someone else die. Your death is the end of your life, but murdering someone is something you do during your life. It matters to you ‘cause it is a part of your life, it’s a part of how you live it. As for the victim, it does not matter that you murdered them, ‘cause it’s not a part of their life, it’s the end of it.

“Oh, wow, this G-d of yours is so wonderful…”

So wonderful He made me. So wonderful he is the only one to blame your existence on.

Do not try to make fun of me again. Life would be boring if we all had the same opinion.

Love and respect, Noblez

Answer #11
  1. How can we truly prove god is real?

      Look,either you believe or you dont believe.You see,the existence of God cannot be proved cientifically.Nowadays,everyone wants to have everything proved scientifically.They dont believe in Jesus' birth without a father.They instead make up stories about the Virgin Mary(or Hazrat Mariam R.A)that she had had a husband,or something.You cant prove it.Its a feeling in your heart that yes,God exists.Some people say that it is inefficient-but who has the right to argue with someone's belief?Doesnt everyone rant on about 'everyone is entitled to their own opinon'?
  2. How come when people say god saved them in car accidents and stuff then why didn’t he save the 6 million jew. you are basically saying you are more important that 6 million jews.

                No,you are NOT doing that!!!You are only being GRATEFUL that God saved your life.And those Jews died because it was time for them to die.It was written for when they would die and they did.You are blaming God for what happened to many Jews.You see,if God controlled everything and everything was happy and good-think!!He made this world so that humans could decided what to do!!!They know whats right and wrong and they shoudl decide!!!Right or wrong???
  3. Where in the bible does it say to keep Chrismas, Halloween, Easter, and ect.

          You're right,Halloween and Easter isnt in the bible.People just celebrate it anyways.And Christmas is the day Jesus Christ was born on.
  4. Where in the bible does it say Santa or putting up christmas trees are holy?

                Santa and the tree arent in the bible,either.Its just  a tradition.God never said anything about them.
  5. where in the bible does it say SUNDAY is the true holy day? why not saturday the seventh day anymore?

                 Hm,.Im not Christian and I our holy day isnt Sunday do I cant answer this.
  6. Why would god send someone to hell if he is supposed to be a loving and merciful god???

                 Hello?Oh,yeah,you're right!Lets send all the world's rapists and brutal murderers and evil doers to heaven!What if your family was brutally slaughtered and the murderer was in heaven?Wouldnt you be furious and question God then why have you put that murderer in Heaven?And if we all went to heaven anyway,then why dont we lkill,mmurder,rape,etc,because we'll be forgiven anyway???Have some sense.
  7. Where in the bible does it say people are going to heaven? It says god will make the earth his kingdom FIRST!

         Thats something the Bible says I dunnoabiout it.


  1. If we are suppositivley going to heaven then I don’t think you guys would last long because got kicked out Satan for rebeling you’ll be kicked out too if you sin.

       Actually,LIFE is the test,HEAVEN is the reward.You're allowed to do anything there.

‘ And you are blaming God for everything.U dont have any sense.No offence.

Answer #12

wow people are clueless let me quote what I just put up there for # 10


  1. haileybre, teresa_is_cool, aliyah0137, captainassassin(sorry dude) you’re all wrong It says God HATES RIGHT HERE = ~~~ “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” -Romans 9:13~~~

It’s also stated that God HATES sin Here are some more lovley quotes from the bible

“To Fear the Lord is wisdom” –Job 28:28 “..To Fear the Lord is wisdom” -Job 28:28 “ I the Lord thy God am a jealous God” -Deut 5:9

As I recently stated the idea of an all loving god is a NEW idea. Originally they portrayed them as a spiteful vengeful figure. Just as bad as the most hateful of the Pagans Gods. Also,like the pagan gods of old, he demanded sacrifice & praise, but he took it a step farther than them, he demanded mass genocide & demanded the slaughter of whole cities & towns. “So the Lord sent pestilence upon Israel: and there fell of Israel seventy thousand men. And God sent an angel unto Jerusalem to destroy it: and as he was destroying, the Lord beheld, and he repented him of the evil, and said to the angel that destroyed, It is enough, stay now thine hand.” – 1 Chronicles 21:14-15

King David took a census of Israel. God murders 70,000 for following their king. But it was God who had King David take the census in the first place.

God Orders 1,000,000 to stone a single man to death Numbers 15:35-36

31: 1-18 God orders the Israelites to kill all the Medianites except the virgins in which they were to save for themselves.

God loving, that I doubt

God “all” loving, I doubt it He even says he hates he even says he jealuoes & wrathful he’s not al lloving, though he can love I don’t doubt, but he can alos hate & as for forgiving, then why is there a hell.

Answer #13

*This is not a lie. This is an example.

Might be an example but it was stated as a fact. Nothing in your statement indicates that it was an example.

Answer #14

People invented zeus, just like they invented the judeo-christian god.

Your right, your question no longer seems silly. Now it is just down right idiotic.

Answer #15

According to Christianity the six million Jews will be burning in Hell while Hitler is Heaven

Check out these Adolf Hitler quotes:

Hitler: “My feelings as a Christian points me to my Lord and Savior as a fighter. It points me to the man who once in loneliness, surrounded by a few followers, recognized these Jews for what they were and summoned men to fight against them and who, God’s truth! was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love as a Christian and as a man I read through the passage which tells us how the Lord at last rose in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders. How terrific was His fight for the world against the Jewish poison. To-day, after two thousand years, with deepest emotion I recognize more profoundly than ever before the fact that it was for this that He had to shed His blood upon the Cross. As a Christian I have no duty to allow myself to be cheated, but I have the duty to be a fighter for truth and justice… And if there is anything which could demonstrate that we are acting rightly it is the distress that daily grows. For as a Christian I have also a duty to my own people.”

“Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew, I am fighting for the work of the Lord.”

–2.perhaps the Holocaust was a test of faith.–

I see now, you think god uses people and allows them to suffer as a test?

Like the christians who claim that god is working in their life, believe that people living in poverty are a tool from god to teach compassion

Answer #16
  1. You can’t
  2. Not surprising. People are like that. To them , they’re the most important being in their lives. It’s all about them.
  3. It doesn’t. They weren’t even Christian holidays, they were/ are originally Pagan’s. Christmas was originally the winter solstice, Yule being the rebirth of their sun god when he lay’d dead for the days(when the sun “stays on the same coarse” before moving on). Easter originally Ostria, a festival held to honor the goddess Ostria, goddess of fertility. Halloween originally being Samhain, the Pagans’ & Celtics’ new year, also to be when the spirit return to the underworld(not being heaven or hell, just a place where the dead went when they died), & when the barriers become the thinnest between worlds. The Christians took the in order to get people to convert. “Hey, you’ve holidays, we’ve holidays too, come on over”. Almost the same as “come to the dark side, we’ve cookies”.
  4. Another figure inspired by the Pagans.
  5. He’s not, even the bible says different: “..To Fear the Lord is wisdom” -Job 28:28 “The Lord is a man of War!” -Exodus 15:3 “…I the Lord thy God am a jealous God”-Deut 5:9 God being all loving & such is a rather new concept. Hell, to say God is all loving would be to contradict many of ancient texts in the bible & common sense.
  7. It doesn’t in the bible at all. It says to kill witches & demands for certain killings. For instance when the Jews where searching for their holy lands, God told them to kill men, women & children, but to keep the virgins for themselves.
  8. I agree. I can see it now. God says to do something “but that’s in the bible” “I’m God you idiot, I say what goes” “But the bible is the law” “f*ck you, you’re going to h3ll, how’s that for law”.
  9. haileybre, teresa_is_cool, aliyah0137, captainassassin(sorry dude) you’re all wrong It says God HATES RIGHT HERE => ~~~ “As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” -Romans 9:13~~~
Answer #17

Captainassassin, what the hell is that? :D lolz

Answer #18

Good one, boy :P but it’s just not working :P

1st, We can never tell if Aliens do not exist. I mean it is easy to find 100 men and women here who believe they do.

2nd, Aliens on Mars are a mutation of humanbeings on Earth.

Given A: Earth is a planet. Mars is a planet. Given B: There is life on Earth. From A and B: There might be life on Mars.

Given C: There are reasoning creatures living on Earth. From C: There might be reasoning creatures living on Mars.

Planet Earth : life : humanbeings Planet Mars : life : X

X = Aliens

Thinking of Aliens is not thinking of something that does not exist. Thinking of Aliens is only an intellectual process of deduction and conclusion.

You don’t play with me :P

Keep your head up Greetings from Egypt! Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #19
  1. How can we truly prove god is real?

I answered this question somewhere here.

There you go..

“Everything, my friend, every single thing, is evidence for God. He is everywhere. Everywhere is his creation.

Even the sentence ‘God does not exist’ has God in it.

You can think of God, right? Even atheists can do it. Now if you tell me that you can think of something that doesn’t exist and can’t possibly exist, I will be an atheist right now.

C’mon.. this is an open challenge for all of you, my sisters and brothers. Just name me one single thing that doesn’t exist and can’t possibly exist.

No, no, no.. you are not allowed to use things that already exist. You can’t just take a piece from everything and put all the pieces together to come out with something that didn’t exist in such a form before. I didn’t challenge you to invent anything. Creativity is not my subject here. I am not talking about a creature made of Marie Curie’s head, a giraffe’s neck, a lion’s body and my feet. I am talking about something which is not composed of things that already exist, something that has NO imitation in our universe.

Name me this something, and I am an atheist.

You can think of God, remember? But you can’t think of anything that doesn’t exist.

God is not composed of anything. God is not an imitation of anything that we know. So, here is the question: Where did we get God from? Who put Him inside of our minds? Who made Him a subject of our arguments?

If God wasn’t real, nobody would ever mention God, let alone feel and think of Him.. the idea of God would never ever hit anyone’s mind.

In order to believe or believe not in something, that thing has to exist in the 1st place. I myself don’t believe in Communism, but Communism does exist.

Just open your eyes, my friend, and you shall see God in every step you take. He is closer to you than your own heart.”

  1. How come when people say god saved them in car accidents and stuff then why didn’t he save the 6 million jew. you are basically saying you are more important that 6 million jews.

Staying alive does not mean you are saved, and being saved does not mean you are not important. Everone is meant to live for a while, some people are meant to live longer than others. It’s not that bad people die and good people survive. Don’t try to figure out life in terms of addition and subtraction. Figure it out in terms of multiplication and division. It does not matter how many years you live, it does not matter if you die in a car accident or inside a gas room. It only matters how you live the number of years God gives you.

  1. Where in the bible does it say to keep Chrismas, Halloween, Easter, and ect.

I dunno. I am not a Christian.

  1. Where in the bible does it say Santa or putting up christmas trees are holy?


  1. where in the bible does it say SUNDAY is the true holy day? why not saturday the seventh day anymore?


  1. Why would god send someone to hell if he is supposed to be a loving and merciful god???

‘Cause He is just, too.

  1. Where in the bible does it say people are going to heaven? It says god will make the earth his kingdom FIRST!

Earth is already God’s kingdom.

  1. How come in the bible it says thou shall not kill or murder why do homophobic people say god says to kill them?

I dunno.

  1. If we are suppositivley going to heaven then I don’t think you guys would last long because got kicked out Satan for rebeling you’ll be kicked out too if you sin.

You don’t sin in heaven.

  1. Where in the bible does it say God Hates THE PERSON?? because I believe its god hates the SIN!?

God doesn’t hate anything.

Keep your head high up Greetings from Egypt! Noblez Chavazelle

Answer #20

Captainassassin, what the hell is that? :D lolz

…google it, genius.

And you are blaming God for everything.U dont have any sense.No offence.

Then in contrast, blaming God for NOTHING, can also mean you don’t have any sense.

Answer #21
  1. we cant do it “scientifically”. how can you explain those miracles that happen?? we live by faith, and not by sight.
  2. perhaps the Holocaust was a test of faith.
  3. it doesnt… =P
  4. it doesnt. it isnt. Christmas is NOT about Santa Claus or christmas trees. its about Jesus Christ’s birth.
  5. because SUNDAY is the 7th day. in the Bible, it states that God rested on the 7th day, and so we just, I guess, consider that holy? I dunno. its not relly considered “holy”
  6. ummh, if you dont believe in him, well, he cant save u. =P
  7. ummh, no. it says in the Bible that Heaven is his kingdom.
  8. well, I guess “homophobic” people are not mentally stable? because he would NOT tell you to kill urself.
  9. how is that a question? and, umm, in Heaven, we shall live forever praising and glorifying his name.
  10. ummh, it doesnt say that in the Bible. God detests SIN. he doesn’t “hate” a person. he loves us all so. that’s why he sent his one and only son to die for us. to save us from sin.
Answer #22

sweety religion is not about proof.

  1. its something called FAITH… how can we prove anything at all?… you’re simply overthinking.

  2. Wow. I am not even kind of sure how you can compare 2 completely different things… But I will attempt. With everything good there is evil. Ex. Good- God, Evil- Satan; Good-heaven, Evil- hell. And it confuses me that people expect good things to happen, but when bad things happen we blame God, but who is to blame except for ourselves? Humans are naturally evil, therefore we do evil things… People need to stop blaiming God and take a look around. That’s why the holocaust happened… Because somewhere, someone screwed up… Thanks be to God the holocaust ended.

  3. I’m not sure that this has anything to do with anything… But these are holidays that help us REMEMBER the great things that have happened… Halloween is just fun. screw what people say about it being the “devil’s holiday”… Its just something fun for kids to do.

  4. It doesn’t say that… Once again.. what does that have to do with anything??… it DOESN’T!!! ha… Again.. for fun… old traditions.. etc. No religious purposes.

  5. Because God rested on the seventh day.. aka Sunday… It just happened that way.. ha… If its that big of a deal to you, and you REALLY want to worship all day Saturday, knock yourself out… I’m sure God would be delighted.

  6. God gives chances. And he is loving, merciful, and FAIR! if someone didn’t have a chance, I personally believe God would NOT condem them to hell. God is such a great God he has given us free will. Which gives us the CHOICE to do good or evil. again… weather we go to heaven or hell… It is simply up to us.

  7. Heaven is God’s kingdom, you are misinformed.. It’s OUR job to make the Earth God’s kingdom.

  8. Because Satan has twittled with their minds. I’m not going to act like I know what happens to mentally unstable people after they die. Again, look at humanity as a whole… We mess up ourselves, God doesn’t do this to us.

  9. Oh my Gosh! This is an insane one.. Satan thought he could be stronger than God. wanted to take God’s place! God forgives for our sin, if we ASK for forgiveness! Satan did NOT want God to forgive him… Sin is a problem… But God won’t condem someone to hello simply because they sin. It is when we sin so much it interferes with our relationship with God, That is when the big problem occurs.That’s what God wants from us… RELATIONSHIP!!! And don’t you think that Satan wanting to be stronger than God just might effect their relationship?… I sure think so!

  10. And I’m not sure what bible you’ve been reading if you think it says God hates the person… He surely DOES NOT!. So just get that image our of your mind… its taking up too much room.

Funmail me… I would like to attempt to set your views straight.

Answer #23

in all honesty the answers you seek will most likely evade you for the rest of your life,all you need to believe is that if you do good things ,good things will happen to you in this life and the next.Dont worry to much about hell ,it wasnt even in the first testament .it was added later in the second testament so that the church could hold power over the regular people.just like in the midevil ages the church would charge money for people to confess.and utopias first response is legitimate …religion is the root to a lot of evil in the world …even today there fighting over the holy land..holy crusades ..and it was used as a tool in the holocaust..hitler didnt hate jews ..he needed a disliked social class to use as a scapgoat to get the rest of the country squarely behind him,when there is a comon enemy ..all are friends … anyway enough ranting

Answer #24
  1. Nobody can.
  2. Its quite common for religious people to think they have some supernatural forces protecting them from harm. Its also common to credit God for ALL good things that happen, and blame themselves or Satan for the bad things. I call it divine blame placement, and I think it goes against the concept of free will.
  3. It doesn’t.
  4. It doesn’t. Both Santa & Xmas trees (and all the other fun Xmas practices) were originally Pagan before Christianity adopted them.
  5. It doesn’t.
  6. Nobody can answer that, because nobody knows how God (if he exists) operates.
  7. Several places.
  8. Because the Bible DOES say homosexuals should to be put to death. And it also DOES say we aren’t supposed to kill/murder people.
  9. You could always ask for fogiveness… again…
  10. It doesn’t… who’s telling you this sh*t??
Answer #25

nobliano, you keep moving the goal posts. We have no idea what any possible aliens might look like. We know for a fact that there is not intelligent alien life on mars.

Your little test here is meaningless, and proves nothing, other than that most peoples imaginations are limited to their experiences.

Answer #26

Well, we have faith.

that is not proof

The things God has done noted in the old Testament. Noah’s arc has now been found.

No it hasn’t.

The chariots and spears at the bottom of the red sea when Moses led his people out of Egypt has been found.

No they haven’t

That small bit of proof should be enough to show you God is true.

That is not proof, it is evidence, extremely unreliable evidence.

Although, you should not need proof, even Satan understands God is real :-s

Maybe you don’t need evidence to believe something as fantastic and unknowable as a diety, but I do. That doesn’t make me a bad person.

No-one can question the work of God.

Why? Is he afraid we might hurt his feelings?

He has a plan for everyone.

Then why can’t he tell us what it is?

Why didn’t he save his ONLY son on the cross? Because his plan was that Christ saves us from our sins, gives us a way to be saved. That was the plan for Christ. Everyone is unique to God.

Dogma is not proof either. We have all heard this before. No need to keep repeating it.

Those days are special to all Christians, whom show the true love for Christ. Your parents love you, so they celebrate your birthday. Christians love Christ. Many days are kept sacred for different reasons.

No, those days are holidays based on pagan fesitvals. They needed to make chrisitianinty more palatable for the pagans, so they made the holidays and rituals the same.

Christmas trees are not pagan, they are a sign of the holy trinity, father, son and holy ghost. To remind us, what Christmas is all about. A monk was spreading the good news in the 7th century and spotted the tree, and found it as the holy trinity shaped object.

Do you ever question one thing you hear?

God made the world in 6 days ( proven via a young earth ) and rested on the 7th.

No he didn’t. There is ample proof that the world has been around for over 4 billion years, and that humans have only been here a few hundred thousand. Are you disputing this?

God does not want someone who rejects him.

Why? is he vain? Can’t handle rejection?

He let us know he is around via the law , then sent his son to earth for us. If someone still won’t accept him and continue to live in sin, why should God save him? The law is supposed to be upheld not broken with people living immoral lives that continue to reject God.

So this god of yours will cast perfectly good people into hell for simply not believing. But he will accept pedophiles, rapists, and murderers as long as they believe and asked for forgiveness. Yeah, he is a real loving guy, that god of yours.

* ( example: Sarah 29, parties every night, casual sex, drugs and is a lovely girl to speak to, nice and well spoken, doesn’t believe in God or Christ even though she was taught about God )

Why would God want to save her? In this twisted modern world, that maybe a normal lifestyle for some, but that is immoral and will go to hell, no doubt. God is merciful, to those whom love him. *

This type of thought is truly dispicable. Who are you to judge? Isn’t that up to your god?

People have to be purified to go to heaven in purgatory. If you are lucky enough to go to purgatory thats a good thing. You will suffer terrible in fire to purge yourself for the consequences of your sins. If you die with mortal sins like my Sarah example, you will go to hell. However, After purgatory , only then can they go to heaven. That’s why catholics pray on NOV 2nd to deliver souls to heaven from purgatory.

And do you think usurping your god’s will by judging others is being pure in his eyes?

You shall not kill yes, people use religion as an excuse to kill. The law of Moses is clear and must always be obeyed. God is our creator and orders angels to kill forhim, afterall we are his creation and a creator can do what he wants with his own creation.

So angels are god’s hitmen?

You can’t sin in heaven. The soul is pure and loves God so much thanks to the benefits of purgatory.

How do you know this?

Has God not got the right to hate ?

Sure he has, most of you thumpers do a good job at it, so you must have learned it from somewhere.

God gives people a conciseness so we can decide if its good or bad. How can God hate the sin when we are the ones doing it?

And do you think that atheists have a concisence?

* Does God hate sex? why did he say be fruitful and give us sexual organs. ofoucrse he doesn’t, providing we use the tools he gave us within then law he gave us.

Does God hate it when we Lust, or watch porn and commit adultery, yes. Using the tools against te law creates SIN. *

He hates it so much, he says adulterers should be stoned to death by your neighbors.

It is WE whom commit the sins, not sins that overcome us. God is to be loved and to be feared. When you truly fear God is when you have come to really love and understand your creator.

Sin is a manmade concept.

A fear of his wonderful powers and loving merciful spirit is what all souls seek.

So he is hateful, vengeful, yet merciful? You are completely clueless.

Answer #27

Jimahl, Our imagination is limited to the capabilities of our brains. Our brains can only imagine things that does exist and their mutations. We simply can’t think of something that does not exist at all. Now just thinking of God, just pronouncing the word God, means that He exists, ‘cause we would not argue about Him if He did not.

This is truly one of the sillyest arguments I have ever heard a believer make. Does Zeus exist? I can think and pronounce the word zeus. Does that make him real? How about Odin, or Quetzalcoatl. Like I said, just silly.

By the way, how did you do this thing? I mean your pic..

Morphing software.

Answer #28

Now if you tell me that you can think of something that doesn’t exist and can’t possibly exist, I will be an atheist right now.


Answer #29

Nobliano, again, I must say, Really? It does not matter how one dies, only how they lived. A child ripped from the arms of their parent and tortured until they died a slow, horrible death, that does not matter? “it does not matter to child A how child A died.” So, slow torture leading to a painful murder is the same to a child as dying in a hospital room, surrounded by their loving parents, with pain medication to end the suffering.

I also am the parent of a child who died. I am sorry for your loss. but my child’s death is more than an “incident” to me.

Answer #30

Now if you tell me that you can think of something that doesn’t exist and can’t possibly exist, I will be an atheist right now.

Wow, you are kidding right?

How about and alien from mars? I can think of it, but it can’t exist.

Answer #31

Oh I forgot to state I’m done with this thread.

Good, because you have no credibility when you make such idiotic and fantastic claims like Noah’s ark was found, and the pharoes chariots were found.

Answer #32

Ok. before I talk I want to state something. I do not want to make this into an argument rather a civilized discussion. Don’t you guys live by the bible? God says not to worship any other gods. You are keeping something that is not holy. Is it kinda like me going to rituals every day and say its just a side thing I really don’t understand the difference in that and saying its just a “christian festival”. Second, thats your your reasoning not the bibles.

Answer #33

Many of these questions have been asked time an again. I will provide the answer hoping that people don’t ask it again. However I think that that is very unlikely.

1. How can we truly prove god is real?

God is not physical but He is a Spirit. Whenever people use the word “prove” the word “scientifically” is what is understood. Since science can study only physical things it is outside the scope of science to prove (as in an experiment) God. However since God is our Creator His works can be seen in all the creation. Now weather one considers the marvels in the nature as evidence of God depends on oneself. Therefore God cannot be proved to another person.(as in demonstrating via an experiment). But one can prove to oneself that God exists. So are there evidences that God exists? Yes. Can I show some evidences? No.

2. How come when people say god saved them in car accidents and stuff then why didn’t he save the 6 million jew. you are basically saying you are more important that 6 million jews.

The question is if God exists why did he not help the Jews? The question assumes that if God existed then He would have helped the “6 million” Jews. How is the questioner sure that, that is how a God would act? He is not sure but just assumes. If we knew for sure that God would help people in such a situation, then if the people are help by God then we could say that God does not exist?

3. Where in the bible does it say to keep Chrismas, Halloween, Easter, and ect

No. The bible does not ask us to keep them. They are not Christian festivals.

4. Where in the bible does it say Santa or putting up christmas trees are holy

No. That is also not said in the Bible.

5. where in the bible does it say SUNDAY is the true holy day? why not saturday the seventh day anymore

There is no particular day mentioned as holy in the Bible. So you work for six days and the seventh day must be kept holy. There is a law that says that if you have a slave you must let him go free on the seventh year. This does not specify any particular year. From when you have bought the slave the seven years are calculated.

6. Why would god send someone to hell if he is supposed to be a loving and merciful god???

Again how does the questioner know that God would not send anyone to hell? According to human logic that may be how we feel God should act. But we do not know God’s logic.

In any case God does not send any one to hell. Man has the choice to choose weather to go to heaven or hell.

7. Where in the bible does it say people are going to heaven? It says god will make the earth his kingdom FIRST!

It does not say in the Bible that people are going to heaven. It says that anyone who is saved will go to heaven.

8. How come in the bible it says thou shall not kill or murder why do homophobic people say god says to kill them?

So by the logic of the questioner all army people should be punished as it is murder is a criminal offense in the court of law and army people kill a lot of people during a war. Just as killing during a war is not considered a criminal offense, punishment for the braking of a law is not a sin. “Do not kill” is a law. To kill a homosexual is administering a punishment.

So am I saying that killing homosexuals is ok? No. The law applies to all but punishment differs with each community. For example abusing woman is an offense all over the world, but punishments may vary for this offense in different countries. Punishment varies based on various things like time, region etc. God viewed homosexuality as a serious sin and he ordered the Israelites to punish homosexuals with death. With the death of Jesus on the cross the new testament came into effect. We are now commanded only to preach the Good News. Therefore we do only that.

9. If we are suppositivley going to heaven then I don’t think you guys would last long because got kicked out Satan for rebeling you’ll be kicked out too if you sin.

When we accept Jesus as our savior the Holy Spirit comes and dwells in us. Thus we have the Holy Spirit in us and will have when we are in heaven. Any type of rebellious nature would have ceased to exist. Therefore we will never be kicked out.

10. Where in the bible does it say God Hates THE PERSON?? because I believe its god hates the SIN!?

It does not say in the Bible God hates the person. He hates only the sin.

Oh and I saw a post here that says “…h thanks to the benefits of purgatory. “ I just wanted to inform brotherdavid that there is no such a thing as purgatory. We would be pure in heaven because Jesus sanctifies us.

Answer #34
  1. We can’t.
  2. Because people who believe only see the positve things that come out of their belief and rarely acknowledge the evil that it does.
  3. It doesn’t.
  4. It Doesn’t.
  5. The bible says keep the sabbath holy, which was always considered saturday. But when they were trying to sell chirstianity to the pagans, they changed somethings to fit with pagan traditions.
  6. Good question. I have never gotten a good answer from a believer for this one. I actually think most believer don’t really think their god would send good people to hell simply for not believing.
  7. It actually does say it. But it says a lot of fantastic things, as does most mythology
  8. Because they are crazy.
  9. Most believers think it is up to god to make those decisions. But I agree, if there is a god, I don’t think he will be happy with the way some fundamentalist christians behave.
  10. Well there are many places in the OT where god hated the people. Like most of humanity in the great flood. Christ supposedly taught about forgiveness and tolerance. I do believe most christians try to follow these tenets, as do most everyone else. But there are plenty who will twist their religious belief in order to demoize certain groups. Some on this site.
Answer #35

Best of all is, you guys might even be so lucky to meet Hitler himself in heaven, he was religious and most possibly had true remorse over his sins and prayed for forgiveness before his death ………enjoy eternity with him ….good luck, I’ve got a feeling your going to need it ;-) (that is…..if you still think eternal life exists)

Mean to say:

If you’ve killed 1/100/1000/1mil people it doesn’t matter, if you have real remorse over your sins and pray for forgiveness, you will be saved from hell.

If you’ve raped1/100/1000/1mil people it doesn’t matter, if you have real remorse over your sins and pray for forgiveness, you will be saved from hell. Etc Etc Etc

Answer #36

1: you cant people have spent there whole lives trying to do it and never have 2: all things happen for a reasion and it kinda changed the usa in good ways 3:it does not say we just do it but I dont know why 4:it does not once again 5: it does not but from people calculating stuff from the bible almost all the importent things fall on sundays 6:peopl,e do wrong stuff and who know may be he thinks he’s doing it out of love 7:it is his kingdom now and umm it talks a lot of heaven but people b-leave it to think there safer once they die 8:its all ion there heads 9:thats not a qustion its a statement 10:god hates the sin it says not the perison but you can make up for your sins in your own way

hope I helped =]

Answer #37

*“It does not matter how many years you live, it does not matter if you die in a car accident or inside a gas room. It only matters how you live the number of years God gives you.”

Oh really? I am sure the families of the 6 million murdered will find great comfort in that statement. Especially the families of the 1.5 million children killed… Sorry, kiddies…we are going to inject bleach into your eyes to see if we can turn them blue and then when we are done we will throw you up in the air and use you for target practice, because it doesn’t matter how you die, it only matters how you lived…

Oh, wow, this G-d of yours is so wonderful…

Answer #38

I fail to understand you comment teresa_is_cool , you say that the important things fall on Sunday. How does that determine that you should keep that as the Sabbath day? Isn’t it God rested on the seventh day which is saturday the sabbath.

Answer #39

Lame, you are blaming G-d for how people treat others. G-d does not send anyone to hell, it is the people who send themselves there. If you want proof I can show you thousands of things the bible has predicted and science has shown but they will all look like a bunch of coincidences to you.

Answer #40

*“2: all things happen for a reasion and it kinda changed the usa in good ways”

Wow, it kinda changed the USA in good ways… How EXACTLY did the holocaust help the USA?

Answer #41

*“ Thanks be to God the holocaust ended.”

So G-d ended the Holocaust? Too bad he didn’t end it after the first jew or gypsy or special needs person was killed. That goes back to my original question… what kind of sick G-d do you believe in?

I want a G-d that does not wait until millions have been exterminated like vermin. I want a G-d that does not allow it to happen in the first place.

Answer #42

No no no aliyah0137. I am basing most of my facts on what people have told me about the bible about people and about certain things. And no Saturday was the seventh day. Not Sunday. And I didn’t mean killing homophobic people I ment homosexuals because I get a lot of remarks that people are supposed to kill them. I was distracted because I was watching On youtube gaygod video about how he will not date a meat eater. And 9 was supposed to be a question I just got distracted, again. It was supposed to be how are we supposed to stay in heaven if its obvious we will sin?

Answer #43

*“2. perhaps the Holocaust was a test of faith.”

Of whose faith? Jews believe in G-d. Are you saying that G-d decided to “test” the jews by allowing them to be shot, raped, starved, skinned alive, turned into soap, gassed, burned in ovens, sterilized, beaten and killed just to test their faith. They showed their faith. They believed in G-d. They showed their faith. Those that survived continued to worship G-d. They “passed” the test, they had faith.

What kind of sick G-d do you believe in that would allow 6 million to die just for a “test”.

Answer #44

You have obviously given this quite a bit of thought. Religion is at the root of most of your questions. I make a difference between practicing religion and having faith. Religion ruins everything. Almost every religion thinks that their laws, their practices, their beliefs are the correct ones and that everyone else is wrong. That leads to judgment, judgment leads to hatred, and hatred leads to cruelty…all in the name of religion…all in the name of “MY” god is better than “YOUR” god, “MY” religion is the “ONE” true religion and yours is wrong. Just read some of the answers on this site…

Answer #45

I don’t believe hell is real at all. And were in the bible does it say Jesus was born on christmas day?

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