Religious you think this is true?

Harmony of religions : All true religions lead to the same goal. Revere all great teachers and prophets of all religions, respect their teachings as the same eternal truths adopted to the needs of different peoples at different times.

Answer #1

“why do people beleive that they need to possess the truth to succeed with life?”

I don’t think this is true. Desiring to know the truth, and needing it to succeed are mutually exclusive. But in my opinion, not ever questioning what you believe and letting a lie control your life is a real tragedy.

Answer #2

Maybe I am using the term incorrectly, but I always thought that it meant that they have nothing to do with each other.

Answer #3

Christians worship the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the Great I Am, of the Holy Bible. We adhere to is principals, we follow its precepts, we accept Jesus Christ as our Savior. We receive the Holy Spirit as the indwelling presence of God in our lives. We reject any and all doctrines outside of this.

Answer #4

The great religions of the world don’t adhere to that thinking…however, it’s never been lost on me, that they ALL seem to have a prophet…and “God” is just “God”…one God, a bunch of prophets…

It would be great if they ever checked the similarities instead of harping on the differences. But that appears to be against human nature.


Answer #5

arachnid— kinda like what you said “one that simply has people who honestly believe in it”

This is what I find to be true.

“True religion is not about possessing the truth. No religion does that. It is rather an invitation into a journey that leads one toward the mystery of God.” ~Bishop J.S. Spong

Answer #6

Then you’re basically saying “don’t all religions look alike if you strip them of everything that makes them different?”, to which the answer is obviously “yes, duh”. ;)

Answer #7

You need to qualify what you mean by “true religion”. Is a true religion one that’s right, in which case your statement is a tautology (but nobody can actually tell you if a religion is ‘true’ or not), or is a “true” religion one that simply has people who honestly believe in it, or something else?

Answer #8

I’m no longer religious, but I believe this is indeed the message Paul (of the new testament) tried to portray. In his view, faithfulness to God is what really mattered. Faith in the resurrection was a way of expressing that faith, not the way.

Answer #9

That’s an utopia idea. It would be nice but it would take out a little free will. Ultimately it would fall apart on its self.

Answer #10


Answer #11

defiantly not

Answer #12

One religion I’ve always been impressed with is Baha’I. Baha’I believe that God sends messengers down periodically with the right lessons for that time and place. They study all of the prophets including Zoroaster, Krishna, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad with the idea that each had lessons for us to learn.

Contrast that with the viewpoint that many religions have that they alone have a monopoly on the truth and all others were wrong.

Answer #13

why do people beleive that they need to possess the truth to succeed with life? I dont think our simple minds can grasp the truth (if there is such a thing). most religions are based in LOVE ? or some feeling of ecstacy? a way to reach this state… “to see the light” or be “enlightned” ultimately I think its about changing your way of thinking about life and therefor improving as a humanBEING.. most people just get stuck in the details.

Answer #14

“So they thought G-d wouldnt mind if we just started making stuff up about him. “

And how do you know that the god you worship wasn’t just made up? Or cnversely, how do you know Joseph Smith just made stuff up, and wasn’t a real prophet, and didn’t really speak to god?

“our religion forbids us to conform to what we know to be wrong”

And how do you know they are wrong, and you are right? Did god tell you personally?

Answer #15

More correct is harmony of outcome. It doesn’t matter what your religion is. We all will eventually be one with God (if there is a God) or we will simply cease to exist (if there is no God).

No matter what some religions say, I don’t think that God can be selective in who gravitates back to Its Oneness.

        Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Answer #16

lol. looks like I am going to agree with you to an extent. (that is if I understand what you mean correctly). I believe all people need to believe in something (not necessarily a spesific religion) and that it doesn’t exactly matter how you go about it. I believe that all true religions (which could be a whole other discussion) leads to the same goal in that it gives the people who believe in them a meaning to life, the same way non believers find a different meaning to life by perhaps believing in their own abilities and talents.

Answer #17


Answer #18

What you are talking about is Agnostic

No… she isn’t… you really have NO idea what you’re talking about.

our religion forbids us to conform to what we know to be wrong.

Once again… you don’t KNOW… you merely BELIEVE. All 38,000+- denominations of Christianity ‘believe’ or ‘believed’ they are/were right.

All theistic religions are inherently agnostic… the concept of faith insures that.

Answer #19

Harmony of religions : All true religions lead to the same goal. Revere all great teachers and prophets of all religions, respect their teachings as the same eternal truths adopted to the needs of different peoples at different times.**

Its true, they lead to the same goal: To provide philosophies to live by, and an explanation for how we started, and how we end. Most people are too stupid to realize it.

But there will be no harmony. Humans by nature are too barbaric and again too stupid for that to happen.

Answer #20

Mutually exclusive means “if you have one, you can’t have the other”. :)

Answer #21

Nope I don’t believe in that!

Answer #22

Nope I don’t :P

Answer #23

“Desiring to know the truth, and needing it to succeed are mutually exclusive.”

Don’t you mean “not the same thing”? They’re certainly not mutually exclusive!

Answer #24

What truth is everyone seeking?

Answer #25

I stand corrected… thanks…

Answer #26

What you are talking about is the 60’s theme of if it feels good do it reguardless of who it hurts. G-d set laws that are for our protection, my faith requires me to obey all of G-d’s laws even the ones I dont understand. Now there are those who go out to find the religion that is right for them, but not for the right G-d. For example Mormons, they liked the idea of G-d but didnt like his rules. So they thought G-d wouldnt mind if we just started making stuff up about him. The point is in order to have G-d there must be perfection, with perfection comes truth. If he did support all versions of G-d then he would support a lie. Which is impossible for G-d. What you are talking about is Agnostic, no true Christian/Jew could support We dont mean to sound offensive with all of the “no” answers but our religion forbids us to conform to what we know to be wrong.

Answer #27

no I don’t think so, I think all religions mixed together may be getting near to the truth of what we’re all about. but singurly, they have it messed up.

no one religion has all the answers. I am spiritualist and that suits me because it allows for more freedom of thought than most religions, but fundamentally, as long as you are doing no harm to anyone else, or trying to enforce your beliefs onto others, then do what conforts you…

but no, I don’t think that all religions lead to the same goal, in fact, personally I believe that some have it very wrong. as far as I am concerned, any religion which involves intrusive pressure or sacrifice should be avoided. if there is ‘someone up there’ then I am sure they would want a person to be kind and loving not dictating and ultimatum’ish (not a word, I know lol!)

Answer #28

*[“…All true religions lead to the same goal…”]

*That is not true…for all religions do NOT believe in the SAME God…for the “gods” of these “true” religions are ALL man-made “gods”…the figments of the IMAGINATIONS of sinful man [Romans 1:21, 22]…who has REJECTED the one TRUE God who came in the person of Jesus Christ…”and changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things” [Romans 1:23]…all of which can only lead to ONE place…PERDITION…the bottomless pit in HELL.

There is only ONE true religion…and that is the religion of the Prophets and Fathers of Israel who believed in the COMING of the Messiah (I.e., Yeshua Jesus) to save them from their sins. This religion today is practiced by people who believe in the God of Israel (I.e., manifested in Yeshua Jesus…who came and died for our sins…that we might be made the righteousness of God IN Him!). Our authority is only gleaned from the Scriptures…both the Old and the New testaments…for “All scripture is is given by INSPIRATION of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works” [2 Timothy 3:16].

BOTTOM-LINE: There are NO other “true” religions…for they are ALL man-made…and created solely because their followers do NOT want to acknowledge the Lord Jesus Christ as their God and Saviour and became vain in their IMAGINATIONS and turned the truth of God into a LIE. Therefore because they have REJECTED God’s ONLY provision for their salvation [Acts 4:12]…they WILL go into everlasting PERDITION in Hell.

*[“…Revere all great teachers and prophets of all religions, respect their teachings…”]

*All of these “great teachers and prophets” are FALSE prophets and teachers…for they try to lead the unsuspecting sheep through some other DOOR. Here is what Jesus says about these false prophets: “Then said Jesus unto them again, ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, I AM the DOOR of the sheep. All that ever came before me are THIEVES and ROBBERS: but the sheep did NOT hear them. I am the DOOR: by ME if any man enter in, he shall be SAVED, and shall go in and out, and FIND PASTURE’” [John 10:7-9].

BOTTOM-LINE:All the “great teachers and prophets” of all the religions are FALSE prophets and teachers…because they are THIEVES and ROBBERS and try to lead the unsuspecting sheep through ANOTHER “door”…rather than the TRUE “door” which is Christ Jesus, the LORD.


Answer #29

if you mixed all of the religions together, you wouldn’t have “the truth” you would have a new religion. you’re assuming that all churches only teach the truth. this is false.

I do however agree with the idea of being tolerant to other’s beliefs, different as they may be.

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