How do I broaden my husband's mind?

Hmm…how to go about this? Well, my husband and I have been together for about seven years…and sadly, I am starting to realize we don’t have that much in common. For example, my idea of a good time is bowling, sightseeing, cultural type stuff…while his idea of a good time is sex, going to the mall out of town, and accuring credit card debt. I don’t know how to broaden his mind and see things outside the box. Or do I just need a new husband? :)

Answer #1

Some relationship counseling couldn’t hurt - might keep the ship on course - professional, wise, respected friend, or minister…I wish you the best !!

Answer #2

Well, you asked if you might need a new husband.You only need a new husband if you don;t love your current husband. If you still love him then just try to open his mind a little.

Answer #3

Dear msmaliah, Your last post stated you were married for 4 years with a little boy? You wanted another child? Sue…good luck

Answer #4

No you do not need a new husband. You just have different mind sets. So to help each other along you need to compromise with each other. Talk to him about it and sometimes he’ll have to do things you want, and you’ll have to do things he wants and it will open both your minds on what the other enjoys doing. Start taking him out bowling and things and he might enjoy it more then he realises. If that doesnt work, then you need to do that stuff with your friends, your husband doesnt need to love everything you do and go everywhere you want, sometimes would be nice, but if he honestly hates it, then start doing those things with other friends who enjoy it. Whos nos, he mite start missing you more if your out with friends more.

Answer #5

Alright, here’s a guy’s point of view on this. If his version of a good time is what you say it is… RESTRICT HIM FROM IT! Have him go bowling with you, and make a bet… if he wins then so on and so forth. For the shopping part, go with him, and get a count of how much money he’s spending so it’s a lot less fun for him. The thing with us men is that Restrictions are what change us. He might start to be a\nnoying about it if he’s a certain type of guy but just ignore it.

Answer #6

At least a secret partner :))

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