Really sore chest

For the past few days my chest has been unbearably sore. My breasts feel tender and heavy but I can’t touch my nipples at all. I took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and it came back negative…but it was 4-5 days before my expected period (I used First Response) so the chances of it being accurate were 62-78%. Is there anything else this could be? I’ve never had my chest hurt like this before…should I just wait until I’m expecting my period and then take another test?

Answer #1

Yes, wait until you should be getting your period and take another test.

and then if it’s still negative go see a doctor.

I went through a stage where I had really sore breasts for a while, but it was just hormones and it dissapeared after about 2-3 months

Answer #2

no you should go to a doctor and get it checked out… you should understand it is NOT a pregnancy, but a condition that needs to be checked…

wow I do believe you dont listen to advice… please go get checked I dont think your condition will become better overtime…

listen to me this time

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