What is ranch?

Someone here asked about ranch burgers. What on earth is ranch? Is it like wildmeat?

Answer #1

In this case, it’s a flavour that you add to the meat….just like you get a ranch salad dressing, you can get a ranch seasoning.

Answer #2

Ok, so it is like barbeque spice? But in another case what would ranch be?

Answer #3

Hmmm…how can I describe ranch…it’s like a sour cream blend with chives, garlic, dill, and a few other seasonings.

Answer #4

Euuw? Sounds like badly flavoured chips. Is it nice? and thnx.

Answer #5

lol…actually it’s really good…it has a creamy, tangy taste….I love it.

Answer #6

I don’t like creamy and tangy, that’s probably why I don’t like the sound of it. I’ll sure try it when i visit some day :P

Answer #7

My friends use dipping-style ranch sauces for chicken and things like that, lol. I can’t stand the stuff :(.

Answer #8

Lol, here we dip fries, chicken, pizza in ranch…and pour it over our spaghetti, and lasagna. :P

Answer #9

oh wow! ranch + Lasagna?! I only like ranch on salads and with vegetables. :)

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