How do I keep my granddaughter off of MySpace?

how can I keep my granddaughter off of my space web site (myspace). My grand daughter, who I have custody Of, wants a myspace account. I am afraid because she is so immature and we already know that she can not be trusted and she has poor judgement.

Answer #1

um if your scared of her to have one dont put her real pic on there put somethin simple like a heart or somthin else that she likes, lie bout her age and stuff like that on there, just not the things that says what your favorite book, music, movie or anything like that. OH AND IF SHE HAS ANY FRIENDS REQUEST OR ANYONE WANTS TO BE HER FRIEND TELL HER TO SHOW you WHO WANTS TO BE HER FRIEND JUST TO MAKE SURE ITS OK!!! its really not a problem on there unless a BAD person gets on there and bothers her. But that probly wont happen!!! AND MAKE SURE you HAVE HER PASSWORD!!! :) oh and dont worry bout it you can always block people, or put your profile on private!! (a private profile means that no one else can see your profile unless they are on your frinds list!! they can only be on your friends list if you approve of them!!) :) oh also dont worry because if it becomes a problem you can always delete it!!!



GOOD LUCK :) !!!

Answer #2

hailey… if you feel the need to be rude dont do it on someone elses thread. please. have a little courtesy. but you are correct im not making a point that was a generally very weak post.

Answer #3

Okay, how about starting another thread about the functions of the teen brain. We are starting to get off topic here and a highjacked thread will get locked. I will be me more than willing to give you an answer on that one as well…but be warned the Captain is right on track with this one. Sue

Answer #4

ha ha ha ha this is funny. your right BUT if you hack off a teen too much– it ruins your relationship with them. as I am one currently and everyone has been one WE CAN BE STRESSY and hurt parents feelings.

Answer #5

jeez you older generation

Its purely biological. The brain’s sense of reasoning doesn’t fully develop until a person are 21-23 years of age.

Answer #6

exactly my point captainassassin— you should let the teenagers brain develop by not intruding on it- and annoying them by going on their my space.

Answer #7

get her a bebo lol just joke ummm…I think ya have to be 14 anyway till you can go on it>>>maybe start up an msn acont..then she can only add the friends that she knows ..hope that helps

Answer #8

I have had one forever there are privacy settings no one over 18 can contact her if she sets that setting.. make her page private…make it so only her friends can write her and require a last name before people add her so they have to know her to add her!

Answer #9

If I was in your shoes, I would let her get one, but make sure I had her password so that you can monitor her behavior, also, I would suggest by monitoring her behavior you’ll be able to watch and see who she talks to, and what she does, check her messages, until you feel she can be trusted. :]

Answer #10

you should let the teenagers brain develop by not intruding on it- and annoying them by going on their my space.

Errr… no… that’s not how it works. Their house, their rules. If the teen doesn’t like it, she can file for emancipation (in a few years) and move out early.

However, if she’s THAT willing to pisss away the relationship with her grandma, over something as stupid and insignificant as MySpace… then she has deeper problems…

Answer #11

sorry lauren… but I agree with captain… he’s right… no matter how big we teenagers think we are… we need adults to “go up on your myspace”… we could get oursleves into a lot of crap… believe it or not there are bad people in the world that can and will find a way to get to us…

and I don’t even want to know what we would be like if our brains developed without the help of adults…scary thought… scary thought.

Answer #12

well honestly I would tell her that there are a lot of perverted people on myspace I know I have on and a lot of guys will take advantage of her and most guys will lie about there ages to so don’t allowed on to have an myspace account until she mature enough to realize that not everyone are going to be a sweet young man who is her age then when she meets them they could be 30-90s years old I don’t think you want her to get hurt get have a talk with her about how dangerous the internet can be k when you have “the talk” get back to me

Answer #13

chances are that if you tell her no that she will end up getting one anyway because she is able to get on the computer. you could not let her have a computer in her room and have it somewhere where you can keep an eye on her. if she is younger than 14, then I would not even consider it. on myspace, people cannot talk to you or get your information unless you say they can. but if she has poor judgement then I really dont know. you could go to every once and a while and go to search and type in her name, and if you find she has a myspace then you can have her delete it.

im sry I dont know what else to do, but I hope I helped somewhat.

Answer #14

chances are that if you tell her no that she will end up getting one anyway because she is able to get on the computer. you could not let her have a computer in her room and have it somewhere where you can keep an eye on her. if she is younger than 14, then I would not even consider it. on myspace, people cannot talk to you or get your information unless you say they can. but if she has poor judgement then I really dont know. you could go to every once and a while and go to search and type in her name, and if you find she has a myspace then you can have her delete it.

im sry I dont know what else to do, but I hope I helped somewhat.

Answer #15

First she has to be at least 14 years old to use Myspace. That’s MYSPACE’s rules.

If she’s 14 and really wants one I would give it to her, under the condition that you get to inspect it whenever you want and you can have it deleted if she violates any of the rules that you set. >>

Go over internet safety with her:

Myspace also has a program to help parents out called Parentcare:

xox Sika

Answer #16

Dear mom101, Schools have blockers on their computer so your daughter will not be able to access it there. As for you home there are literally hundreds of parental guards for free to download. These can be set up so she cannot access it from home. One is net nanny…I think it is still free and is easy to use. You cannot be everywhere with her so doing what you can at home is all that is expected of you. A big thumbs up to you for taking this step. You know the child best and know if she is mature enough to handle myspace. It isn’t the parent that does everything they can that has to ID their child in the morge…it’s the parent who does nothing. Sue…good luck

Answer #17

Well, it would be VERY hard to keep her from having one because she has access to computers everywhere like school, the library, and at home, I’m guessing. She could make it difficult for you to know if she even had one, just by changing her name a little, so if you searched for her, you wouldn’t know what to look for. Basically, I’m sorry to say that there is no way to keep her from having a myspace. The only thing that you could do would be to inform her on how to be safe when using it and why it’s important. Here is a link I found:

Good luck!

Answer #18

excuse mee? cant you just give your grandaughter a bit of dignity and let her have her privacy. you can ask her about it– and if she doesnt tell you– then thats her right. jeez you older generation.

Answer #19

First she has to be at least 14 years old to use Myspace. That’s MYSPACE’s rules.

they can lie about their age.

Answer #20

Yeah, and/or REQUIRE her to make you one of her MySpace friends…

Answer #21

Make her tell you her password… That way you can make sure she’s not doing anything irresponsible.

Answer #22

naa it is fine I have 1 just set her to private no one wil be able 2 see her !!! she will have fun

Answer #23

block myspace on your pc

Answer #24

lauren… you’re not making a point.

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