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Racial Discrimination?
Hey, so today in math there was this really hard question that like nobody knew and one girl had her hand up (Rachel).. shes like a genius.. not kidding.. and she is one of my good friends and the taecher looked right at her for like 8 seconds and looked away and then called on some other kid who didnt even have his hand up. And then like 5 minutes later one of my other friends asked if she could staple a paper together and the teatcher was glad to stapel it for her and then Rachel went up and asked if she could staple her paper and the teacher said "No, sit down." and then some other kid came up and asked her is she could staple his packet together (that was just like a 5th grade level friggin word puzzel thing that had nothing to do with are assignment) and the teacher stappled it for him! Me and a lot of other people were like "WTF?" Rachel had had all her work done and was reading some book when she asked her to stapel the paper.. Rachel happens to be African/American and it seems to me that shes being treated a lot crappier and the other students... But I don
t know , cause my math teahcer had never done anything like this before.. Is this racial descrimination?
Should I tell the principal?
I dont know what to do. Rachel hasn
t said anything about this but I dont think she cares. Or maybe she didn
t notice?
the teacher may not dislike the girl because she is african american, but may be rude simply because she is more intelligent than he is. either way, that is discrimination. and you should alert your principle if it continues. I hope she does not have to endure that much longer, best of luck to you and rachel.
There could be reasons for all of these, so I wouldn’t jump to it being racist right away.
If, in your opinion, there was a violation - report it to the principal.
yes take it to the head this is a law afence if it is r/d tell someone
I think you and your other friends should take it upon yourselves to mention this to the principal.
Rachel is obviously being treated differently, but the reasons are unclear - it could be her race, but it could be something else. Either way, it seems that rachel has just decided to shut up and put up, which she should not have to do.
Rachel probably doesn’t want to do anything about it, but your loyalty is to your friend, and if you think she’s being ill-treated, you have to tell.
talk to her about it and have her parents talk to the teacher and if that doesnt work then talk to the principal.
I dont think its racist or even ment to be horrible somtimes teacvhers wont go for the smarter classs mates as they are often correct they will ask somone who perhaps dosnt normaly put their hand up as a motivational move its aclty a technique that teachers are told to use for example somtimes a teacher may ask somone to read somone volenteers but the teacher chooses somone else its to boost confidence with a group hope this helps.
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