Why do some Christians hate atheists?

Why do some Christians hate atheists or other religions?? I’m can’t tell some people that I’m atheist because I’m afraid they might hate me for believing in something different from them.

Answer #1

Seriously, I am a Christian. I don’t hate athiests. Seriously, it’s actually questions like that that promote disharmony. I may hate the fact that I FEEL that you are doomed, but I don’t hate you! If there is anything or anyone I get angry at for non believers it’s Satan.

Flossheal: I personally don’t notice it here. As a matter of fact, I’ve been wondering the same thing about other counties.

If a person who claims they are Christian says they hate you, then they obviously have not taken the final step and accepted they are a sinner in need of a gift to attain salvation. If anyone thinks they are better than you because they believe, again, they don’t accept they are a sinner. We all have sinned and therefore, we all have fallen short of the Glory of God.

This is why the bible tells us that we cannot earn our salvation. The bible also says that we are to love others as ourselves.

I don’t know, each person is different, but I think you may be taking disagreement as hate, in which case, it is your own feeling and not the other person. Christians are not better than anyone else we have just been forgiven.

Answer #2

No faithful Christian I know hates anybody - a Christian following God’s will is to hate sin but love the person, for there but by the grace of God go I - we love people and want them to come to the Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and what He did for them/all of us at Calvary - read John 3 : 16 for the free gift God gave to mankind because He loves us…Take care !!

Answer #3

luthien – things like saying “God bless” to people is exactly the sort of thing that atheists mean when they talk about religion being shoved at them from all sides. You might think it’s a harmless expression of your faith, but to everyone else who is non-Christian, it’s just another way that they’re reminded that they aren’t welcome and don’t belong. The President blesses the country in every broadcast, you’re saying “God bless” to people regardless of faith, Christmas overwhelms the country for two months every year, we can’t even take out money or say the Pledge of Allegiance without being reminded of religion. Every Sunday, the churchbells in my neighborhood begin clanging for 10 minutes, and we’re supposed to simply accept the overwhelming din as part of living in America. It gets utterly overwhelming, and every time we say something negative about being made to feel beset by religion, Christians begin howling that a secular government is trying to destroy their faith.

I just want to be left alone by people who choose to believe, and I can’t because Christians like yourself simply can’t comprehend why saying “God bless” is upsetting. No one’s asking you to hide anything. But we’re begging you to give us the same consideration that you give each other.

Answer #4

I’m a Christian and I dont hate hate atheists..

I don’t believe in stoving religion down peoples throat.. not everyone is like that,

im not just most people everyone is different… I would say older christians are

more likely to be harsher when you say hey I’m an atheist but then again anyone can

be judgemental when someone

doesn’t believe what they believe =( im sorry you’re dealing with this, can’t be easy

but don’t think everyone is going to hate you ,because that simply isn’t true. If you

need to chat feel free to funmail me.

No one is out to make you feel bad for what you happen to believe.

Answer #5

but you know, just mentioning God isnt shoving anything down your throat, its not saying you have to suddenly convert just because they said “God bless.” Its just saying that they believe in God and they can express that if they want. We dont have to hide our faith just because other people dont share it.

Answer #6

I think theres a difference between hating someone because they have different opinions and hating them for threatening you. I dont think you should hate them in either situation but if you do hate them for something they did to you, well, christian or not, we’re all human and we’re not perfect. If you just hate someone for being different to you, in my opinion its just not a very christian attitude

Answer #7

It’s easy to say that no true Christian hates atheists but it never fails that if we stand up for our rights, we get lots of death threats (talking about higher profile stuff here). What is going on? If these “Christians” aren’t real Christians, what are they? And why do we not hear more outrage from the “real” Christian community when these guys spout their hate and death threats against us? I guess I just don’t understand.

Answer #8

you shouldt care if people ghate you otr not for what you beleive in the problem however is that most christians dont respect other religions …its not very often you see a christian saying, its okay that your an athiest, I accept you …because there always trying to convince, prove you wrong and preach about there god most of them just say okay, and then theyll add something about god at the end of it like god bless, or I hope you make the right decsionn…jesus died for out sins, blah, blah, blah and most athiests dont really care about this most of them accept other people, they just want nothing to do and dont want to hear about peoples religions without respect, people will get none in returne soo stay true to what you beleive in and dont let people convince you otherwise

Answer #9

I think that a lot of people just dont like people who are different from themselves. Its sad because I think to be a true christian, you shouldnt hate anyone.

Answer #10

they do that because they sterotype most people believe that atheists are devil worshipers. you just need to be yourself and tell people its not fun living life as a lie

Answer #11

Atheists are generally seen by the most strident Christians (and the most strident, though the minority, get the most attention, the most cash, and influence the most policy) as God-hating, out to destroy organized religion and everything associated with it. Court cases to, for example, remove the Ten Commandments from the steps of a courthouse are seen as an example of an atheistic cabal to quash any whiff of faith.

The reality is, of course, the over 2/3 of the United States is solidly Christian, atheists don’t have a prayer (ha!) of making a dent in the popularity of organized religion, and all most of them want is to not have someone else’s belief system shoved down their throats.

Answer #12

I think part of the problem comes from the fact that in the U.S. many fundamentalist christians have become EXTREMELY vocal and judgmental regarding those of other faiths and beliefs. The quiet Christians are unable to be heard over the ranting of the Jerry Falwells. As a result, those of us who have different beliefs have grown extremely defensive about god, christ, hell and the whole tamale. Once you hear a “christian” leader make statements like these from Falwell…

“The Jews are returning to their land of unbelief. They are spiritually blind and desperately in need of their Messiah and Savior.”

“The true Negro does not want integration… He realizes his potential is far better among his own race… It will destroy our race eventually…”

“The idea that religion and politics don’t mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.”

“I hope I live to see the day when, as in the early days of our country, we won’t have any public schools. The churches will have taken them over again and Christians will be running them. What a happy day that will be! “

and his remarks regarding 9/11 “The abortionists have got to bear some burden for this because God will not be mocked. And when we destroy 40 million little innocent babies, we make God mad. I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way — all of them who have tried to secularize America — I point the finger in their face and say “you helped this happen.”

Once you hear these statements and the support they receive from the Christian Right … it becomes impossible to sit quietly and say nothing when some demand that “merry christmas” be said or see nothing wrong with saying “god bless you”…

I have many christian friends and I have NEVER taken offense or cared when they said “merry christmas” or “god bless” or “you are in my prayers”

but when I hear it shouted from the rooftops by people who don’t care what my beliefs are or by people who say that any other religion besides christianity should not exist or that we live in a christian nation… I AM OFFENDED!!!

and if you are a respectful christian who is sickened by the rantings of the christian right…THEN SPEAK UP!!! When you remain silent, it sends the message that you agree with the filth and hatred that spews from their mouths…

Answer #13

This is a US question. Do atheists in other countries feel the same way? I haven’t noticed the issues in Europe…

Answer #14

I’m a christian and I dont hate atheists…

Answer #15

a good christian isnt suppost to hate anyone. they are suppost to fear for an athist’s soul. atlest thats what their suppost to do

Answer #16

The way a lot of Christians believe God is good, Christianity is the one true religion, and everything else is evil to be overcome.

This viewpoint can lead people to be xenophobic and narrow minded.

Answer #17

I agree vultureofulture…but check again, Christianity isn’t a religion.

Christianity is God attempt to reach man.

A religion is man’s attempt to reach God.

Christianity is a way of life.

Religion is a practices.

Not once in the Bible is Christianity referred to as a religion.

Answer #18

It’s the result of the us/them mentality that Christianity reinforces.

Answer #19

cause they dont have the same beleifs

Answer #20

Christians are not supposed to hate anyone. They can disagree, and have an obligation to defend the faith, but, they are to walk in love, one to another, as well as to the outside world.

If we don’t, then, we are wrong.

Answer #21

A large component of it is that many people don’t understand what Atheism is. Many seem to think it means you’re “angry at god” or “hate god” (which one?).

Also, FWIW, I have no problem with “merry christmas” and little problem with “god bless” (though it is a little presumptive), but comments like “I’m praying for you” or “You’ll be in my prayers” always come across as very judgemental - why are they praying for you? Because they believe you’re a heathen and a sinner and are doomed to eternal torment, and they want to convert you. Saying “I’ll pray for you” is a highly compressed reminder that they’re being judgemental about your beliefs.

Answer #22

well, maybe me being from New Zealand is why I dont really understand some peoples reactions to comments I see as minor, We are pretty good here at seperating church and state and I think its a really good thing as people have to make up their own minds about these things. You cannot force someone to change their beliefs and if you are trying to convert people, telling them they are going to hell and forcing your opinions on them is ony going to make them resent you and your religion.

Christian people do deserve rights. Atheists and members of other religions deserve rights too.

Answer #23

mikeh- so basically, I am not allowed to make any sort of passing reference about anything God-related because atheists find it offensive. Maybe I find it offensive that I have to hide away my beliefs like I’ve done something wrong. But ofcourse, I forget, it doesnt matter because I am christian and therefore do not deserve the same consideration as non-believers. Never mind that I dont judge people for having different beliefs or try to convert everyone to christianity.

Answer #24

simple ignorance and status quo… goes hand in hand with religion

Answer #25

jazlovestoskate, its ok that your an atheist, I accept u.

Answer #26

I guess some christians hate atheists for the same reason that some atheists hate christians… because they have different beliefs and feel strongly about their beliefs…

I don’t care if someone is a believer or a non-believer… I reserve my dislike for racists and bigots and anyone who tries to “force” their beliefs (no matter what they are) down my throat…

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