proof that god DOES excist

k well my bro was saying that theres proof of dinosaurs by their bones but that theres no proof of god/saints/etc. he also says the bible is just a story written long ago 2 create money , and that people just want someone 2 run 2 with their problems and that all they say in church is 2 have “faith” , so I was like then how were humans created ? he says that were made outta water ( I was like wtf) cause scientists found DNA in the water etc. / so I was like “WELL” people HAVE seen the virgin/jesus , then he was like yea but you don’t know anyone that has cause thatz all on tv & they could be lieng and w/e, so then he said if theres proof that god DOES excist then I’ll believe, so my question iz: IZ there ANY proof ??? I don’t want 2 force my bro 2 believe but… well my bro iz a jerk/ idiot/dumazz/b*tchh/ but I don’t want him 2 burn hiz azz in hell cause I still luv him , so yea…

Answer #1

OHH I made an asses ouutta of MYSELF??? ME?LMFAO! ~ I’m NOT in tha mood 4 people like YOU~

Yeah… and you just did it again. Try to think before you speak. God already has enough unrefined profane idiots trying to defend him, which is totally counterproductive.

Answer #2

Okay. There is proof that God exists. Look around: the earth, the trees the life the people and the bible. The bible is real. It’s not just a story it’s true and real. Tell him the bible wasn’t just made up and tell him about how by not believing he WILL end up in hell. It’s just fact…:/ And no. They didn’t find DNA in water… Does he think the human body, as complicated and as crazy as it is, just kind of happened? It didn’t. God made us. And another thing I find amazing is the little adhesive molecule, called laminin (look it up it’s def real), found in every single cell in our body, the single thing that holds our bodies and whole world together…is shaped like a cross. Coincidence?? I think not. That’s what made me believe and I still beleive and I will always believe:) I hope I helped:) God bless

Answer #3

I will slavaim. I will keep living my life as long as God allows it. and I thank God every day that I do live somewhere where I can be healthy.

And I don’t know who said the human body was perfect. I said it was complex and could have only been designed by God. Do you think something that complex just appeared?

And I know that God is real by what he’s done for me in my life.

And yes. God does watch over my existence. And He watches over yours, and every single person on this earth’s.

I love God with all of my heart soul and strength. I don’t appreciate you saying I’m living a fantasy.

Answer #4

LMAO!!! wow* there is proof & he DOES excist THAT is final !

Answer #5

Okay. There is proof that God exists. Look around: the earth, the trees the life the people and the bible.

That’s not proof. Just because YOU don’t and I don’t and ANYONE doesn’t know how the earth and universe was created, doesn’t mean “God” did it.

It just means that you don’t know. And neither do I. But hopefully someday we’ll all figure it out.

Answer #6

I was having a quick read threw and say a few points referring to DNA and the water etc.

Evolution is simply impossible. DNA never changes. chromosomes never change from generation to generation so it is simply impossible for a monkey with 24 pairs ie 48 to become human with 23 pairs ie 46. It can not happen. no amount of evolution from a cell int he water can become that of a 48 chromosome monkey then back to a 46 chromosome human. And evolution was a theory that a Christian mans thoughts and scribbles to try explain How his God did what he did it was never intended for some scientists to take it as fact and preach it to the world. hence the reason why evolution is no longer taught in most schools across the world.

And to answer the question about “Human like” DNA found in water search the half life theory and think what did some native cultures do to their dead.

Answer #7

I think the “DNA in the water” refers to a new theory in evolution, that says cells came first, and originated as inorganic substances found in the bottom of the ocean.

And that laminin thing, the cross has it’s origins in pagan religions, not Christianity, the cross was not even an official symbol of the Roman Catholic Church until 600 years after Jesus died, and it’s widely accepted in the academic field by experts that a T shaped was used for crucifixions, not a t shape.

Even the story of Jesus himself, a man sacrificing himself for the good of man kind, is not original it is borrowed from countless pagan myths.

And as much as you do not like being told you live in a fantasy world, we [a.k.a the “non-believers”] do not like it being implied that we are all jerk/ idiot/dumazz/b*tchh, and that all ours azz will burn in hell.

Answer #8

Sheesh … you didn’t enjoy the memoires of a 54 year old kid. Off to bed now kiddies, she may come again tonight. Nah, 74 and living in a senior complex in sunny California delighting the residence with all of her art projects and crocheted afghans has separated us for years gone by. Some of you may recall your Tooth fairy. Mine saved my teeth in her jewelry box in a velvet jewel case for pearls. Thank goodness for the phone and the computer I just sent her. We can soon Skype. The Easter bunny is merely master of ceremonies at an Easter egg hunt. Count Vlad the impaler was a real vampire. Modern-day, self proclaimed vampires probably are folks with “eating disorders” They lack hemoglobin and crave iron in their diet- very social they like to hang out at night, but deffinately hate garlic breath, so if you’re thinking of hooking- up with one, don’t forget your Altoids just in case you guys do go out for a little BITE . mmmwwwahahaha

Answer #9

jbwhoo - Hate to disappoint you, but none of that constitutes proof. You think the human body is so perfect, while you live in the comfort of your over consumptive western lifestyle, reaping the benefits of medical science. If it wasn’t for medical science both of you would have lived out half of your lives by now (I’m assuming you’re both about 15)

Humans by Era Average Lifespan at Birth (years) Comment Upper Paleolithic 33 At age 15: 39 (to age 54)[3][4] Neolithic 20
Bronze Age[5] 18
Bronze age, Sweden[6] 40-60
Classical Greece[7] 20-30
Classical Rome[8] 20-30
Pre-Columbian North America[9] 25-35
Medieval Islamic Caliphate[10] 35+ The average lifespans of the ruling class were 59–84.3 years in the Middle East[11][12] and 69–75 in Islamic Spain.[13] Medieval Britain[14][15] 20-30
Early 20th Century[16][17] 30-40
Current world average[18][19] 70 (2008 est.)

In addition both of you likely wouldn’t have even likely survived to the age you are now, ravaged by disease. So you can keep living the fantasy and vanity of your precious god watching over your existence.

Answer #10

there is NO proof! how we are here and the earth and everything else, is from SCIENCE. the same person or creature or soul or whatever wouldnt have the world we live in so full of hate and violence and destruction. if “he” was real “he” would protect us all, but “he” doesnt. “he” doesnt do SHT!!! “he” couldnt create a world where a beautiful angel fish has to live with the killer shark. or a innocent little child have to share their world with a cerial rapist/murderer. “he” wouldnt have let any of this sht happen if “he” was REAL. “he” is NOT REAL and I dare any of you to prove that to me! if “he” was real then we would all live in peace and their would be no children starving to death in africa, or people suffering in pain, there would be no crime, and no murder, and no violence, and no problems. but there is there is so much bad sht and if “he” was real, like it says in the bible “he” will save us all…bull SHT!!! jesus christ has died, yea he was a nice guy for sacrificing himself for his village. but thats it that was all that was special about him. he was not “gods” son. christ will never come again, no one is coming to save us becuase there is NO GOD!!!

if you disagree, I dare you to prove it to me.

Answer #11

he said if theres proof that god DOES excist then I’ll believe, so my question iz: IZ there ANY proof ???


Okay. There is proof that God exists.

No… there isn’t. Learn the difference between the following:


*Tell him the bible wasn’t just made up and tell him about how by not believing he WILL end up in hell. It’s just fact…:/

Its NOT a fact… merely YOUR opinion. You can’t prove he’ll go to hell, you can’t even prove that hell EXISTS.

Does he think the human body, as complicated and as crazy as it is, just kind of happened? It didn’t. God made us.

Questioning other explanations, doesn’t validate yours. If you cannot PROVE your opinion (and you can’t) you’re wasting your time.

…laminin…Coincidence?? I think not.

The cross was a Pagan symbol LONG before Christianity adopted it… along with many other customs and holidays. Can you do offer ANY evidence other than just repeating what you’ve been told?

Answer #12

nope, sorry no prooof. ok first off, if “god” was real then why are there rapists, disease, global warming, terrorists and a whole bunch of things that cause people to die or get hurt or “sin”. and I believe in evolution and the big bang theory. and in the bible it says that god created man then woman then plants then animals. so how do you explain dinodinos? and why is monkey dna so dammm close to human dna?!?! I came from a monkey, the monkey came from a single cell organism. and the earth was made because rocks collided. FINAL!

Answer #13

“DNA never changes. chromosomes never change from generation to generation so it is simply impossible for a monkey with 24 pairs ie 48 to become human with 23 pairs ie 46. It can not happen. no amount of evolution from a cell int he water can become that of a 48 chromosome monkey then back to a 46 chromosome human. And evolution was a theory that a Christian mans thoughts and scribbles to try explain How his God did what he did it was never intended for some scientists to take it as fact and preach it to the world. hence the reason why evolution is no longer taught in most schools across the world.”

I suggest you read up on evolution. It is obvious you have no idea what you are talking about…

Answer #14

How come you guys do not accept the fact that Jimahl’s Tooth Fairy exist? (Jimahl sorry no offence, just an example ;-) ) Because: He “believe” he saw the Fairy a few times around the house;

            He also “believe” he heard the Fairy spoke to him;
            He learned to love the Fairy because she brings him luck and $ ;-)
            She even listens to him, when he feels lonely etc etc

All you want in a Fairy!

Now tell me you don’t believe in Jihahl’s Tooth Fairy???

Why not?

Can you then supply us with more evidence as to the existence of god? Because clearly We see a resemblance between the two!

Hispanicgirl, careful now! Didn’t you get a warning the other day or are there more than one hysteric xtian girl around here???

Answer #15

Dwb91 …..No, the point I want to make is;

When we were 5yrs old, we so badly wanted to believe she was real, but faced the facts of reality, when we actually saw our parents slip into our rooms to do the exchange. So there was evidence of no Tooth Fairy existing.

But if we didn’t catch them red handed entering our room, we would have believed she exist until we were 80. Everyone around us would have told us that she is not real; we just wouldn’t believe them, because in our minds SHE EXISTS. Religious people seem to apply the same rules to their religion, they want to see all the evidence so badly and they close their rational minds for reality.
That’s only my opinion. ;-)

Answer #16

Now about the Tooth fairy. I remember it well. I was about 6 the first time it happened, but long about midnight (while I was supposed to be fast asleep), I saw her shaddow on the wall of my bedroom on the side where my baby sister slept. She had a real cute shape (slim and graceful) and smelled of Chanel No.5 … As she reached under my pillow ever so gently and grazed my cheek with her long tresses: I thought I heard her humming “An Irish Lullaby.” As she turned back towards the door I heard her sigh; thank you God, “for this” Some days I love my job. - So you see; The Tooth fairy is real. She works for God.

Answer #17

well my bro iz a jerk/ idiot/dumazz/btchh/ but I don’t want him 2 burn hiz azz in hell cause I still luv him , so yea…*

Hispanic, ok you didn’t understand the Tooth Fairy discussion… in short… don’t stress about your brother’s a$$ (like you call it) he is going to be ok! :-)

Answer #18

Evolution is simply impossible. DNA never changes. …hence the reason why evolution is no longer taught in most schools across the world.

You just threw away you credibility and your reputation completely.

You must be feeling really stupid right now.

Answer #19

what does a TOOTH FAIRY have 2 do with god?

They’re both mythical figures whose existences cannot be proven or disproven.

Answer #20

jane of the jungle I understood what you were saying it’s etyhvh who is not making any sense (I think her tooth fairy is her mom?) and Vlad was not a real vampire, just a real huge prick but I think this has run a little to far from the real topic here

Answer #21

what does a TOOTH FAIRY have 2 do with god? dwb91 : I was talking about my brother…

Answer #22

(^_^) Lol sorry Dwb didn’t realise your talking to etyhvh and no I dont think the tooth fairy or Santa is very far off topic from proof that a god exists ;-) They play the same game, just different teams!

Answer #23

“Just because YOU don’t and I don’t and ANYONE doesn’t know how the earth and universe was created, “

Actually, scientists do pretty much know how the earth was created, and they have a pretty good idea how the universe was created. At least there is actual evidence for their findings, unlike religion.

Answer #24

Evolution is simply impossible.

Well… you just killed your credibility.

hence the reason why evolution is no longer taught in most schools across the world.

…what world do YOU live on?

Answer #25

please do not tell me you are seriously supporting the existence of the TOOTH FAIRY, it’s not real, just like the Easter Bunny or vampires.

Answer #26

4 all ya’llz info - god DOES excist so don’t be try’in 2 say hiz “SCIENCE” or w/e, and yea he HAS saved people ! got something 2 sayy bout thiz? I DON’T GIVE a f*ck !

Answer #27

It is a shame we live in a world where we are surrounded by hate and violence, and instead of reading the Bible for explanations for these conditions, people instead turn there backs on God, and even go so far to claim he does not exist.

Answer #28

OHH I made an asses ouutta of MYSELF??? ME?LMFAO! ~ I’m NOT in tha mood 4 people like YOU~

Answer #29

…clearly you ‘’GIVE a f*ck !’’ enough to make an asss out of yourself…

Answer #30

I BELIEVE I Am “The Proof” - created in His/Her image

Answer #31

no, there is no proof and its really as simple as that

Answer #32

jimahl don’t tell me you still believe in the tooth fairy

Answer #33

I will prove to you god doesn’t exist when you can prove to me the tooth fairy doesn’t exist.

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