Who do you prefer, Roxas or Sora?

i hate sora. nd thats only cuz i started with the second game first, so i thought roxas was main character nd he became my favorite, then sora came nd i culdnt play as roxas anymore so i hate sora for life lol

Answer #1

Sora. He looks cooler.

Answer #2

Roxas, he’s a bit of an angsty emo, like myself :D x

Answer #3

id have to go with Roxas.

Answer #4

But personally i like Riku the best out of all Kingdom Hearts.

Answer #5

Roxas definately

Answer #6

Roxas. He Rocks ass.

Answer #7

sora he and vanitas u should look at vanitas he is yellow eyed sora with black hair

Answer #8

no vanitas is u should look him up

Answer #9

… Sora seems sweeter… and stronger :D

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