potty traning

my son is going to be 2 in a few months and I was wondering if I should start potty traning him.

Answer #1

First of all, to arabfilly20: There’s no need to be rude to anyone.

Secondly: myhavinfun2 is right on the money. Notice, she didn’t say how long it would take to potty train, only to START potty training at around 18 months. As a mother of six, I can tell you that they will all be different. However, I started each of mine getting used to sitting on the potty at about 16 months and at least none of them ever experienced “potty fear”. I’ve had one completely trained at 20 months and one at almost four year old and everything in between. The important thing is to train yourself – don’t be lazy, put them on the potty every few hours and keep them happy sitting there for at least 5 minutes. If they throw a fit, don’t take them off until they calm down and sit there quietly for a few minutes.

Once you can tell that they’re ready – and you will know – buy lots of fancy underwear and explain to them that now they’re big enough to keep their pants dry and go on the potty every time. They might have a few accidents, but they’ll quickly get the idea.

As far as using baby talk to a baby: The “wee little snookums” don’t seem to mind it.

Let’s all play nice.

Answer #2

There isn’t a be-all end-all time for potty training. The answer is: it depends on the child. There are a number of factors that you should be able to check off before you start trying. My four year old was potty trained at two and a half, but I tried at two and it was too early. She was verbally ready, but not physically. I don’t think it’s a good idea to bribe or scold a child learning to be potty trained. Positive reinforcement and encouragement is the best motivator in all of life’s lessons. I have written an article about this already if you want to check it out. I give more examples and the checklist to guide you. The best of luck; it may seem overwhelming at times but your child will learn to be potty trained, so you might as well try to enjoy the ride. ;)

Answer #3

This really worked for all four of mine: Don’t start before the kid has good chance of success. BOYS_2 years old, GIRLS-earlier. Bribe the kid with gumdrops, etc. to sit on the potty chair. I mean literally ply them with candy till something accidentally happens. (boys sit down too at this stage ). Watch carefully and when something happens, preferably WHILE something is happening, make a big deal. 2. After they have been caught a few times over the course of, say a week, put them in some panties or character underpants that they really love. BUY PLENTY. Now keep them close to you wearing nothing but their underpants on a non-carpet surface. Outdoors is great. When you have a hearbroken little kid with soggy pants and pee running down their leg, you are halfway there! Just matter-of-factly change the pants, and emphasize that they are now “Nice and dry”. Wait. It will happen again. They will be very sad! At this point, if they are mature enough, they will start trying to get to the potty (they have been caught several times, remember?) BEFORE the fact to keep their nice new undies dry. You can suggest they sit from time to time so their nice undies can stay “Nice and dry.” The beauty of this method is that the kid is trained within two weeks, because it does not become a battle of wills between you and the child. You both wish those beloved undies would just stay dry. This worked on three boys and a girl, but on one boy, he was not ready and I had to abandon it till he was nearly three. If you aren’t seeing any success whatsoever in a couple of days, they aren’t ready. Oh, and don’t take the diaper off at night till they are doing great for awhile during the day.

Answer #4

Important ! ! ! ! Important ! ! ! !

I belive I can help you with this question.

Potty training acually should start a little earlier all of my children were potty trained before 18months. The longer you wait the harder it becomes.

!st teach the child a word for going potty like pot pot or something easy they can relate to the potty. Then use the word when you are going to the bathroom and take the child with you every time you go and more to try to help him relate potty with what he is doing in his diper.

Very important! be consistant taking him to the potty. His seeing everybody else going potty encourages him to go, let him sit for a long time to get use to it run some water it helps him to get the idea. If he goes in the potty chear him on big time. At first if he goes in his diper tell him pot pot and take him to sit on the potty.

Also important ! ! Morning potty, first thing when he wakes up take him to the potty hopefully his diper is still dry or just wet from his midnight potty. Have him sit until he goes. Again make a big deal out of him going ! !

As time goes on start to scold him if he goes in his diper tell him pot pot and take him to the potty. Take him often to the potty. He has got to learn the routine of using the potty.

If your child already lets you know he has wet his diper tell him pot pot and take him. If you see him going off some where to be alone or hiding even squating it usually means he has to go potty. Take him. If he grabs himself, if you hear him grunting take him potty. Make sure anybody that watches him follows the same routine. Be patient and he will get the idea.

Once he gets the idea increase the scolding if he does not tell you pot pot or potties in his diper. It is very important to be consistant. The child will go potty in the morning, mid morning, after naps, he should shewey after his meals about an hour after eating, mid afternoon, early evening and before bed time. Even if his diper is wet in the morning take him anyway as soon as he wakes up he may have wet the bed in the middle of the night.

Soon he will be potting for you like a big boy.

Also the Farmers Alminac can help you determin when to potty train and bottle break.

If you need help with bottle breaking please let me know and I can help there to.

Answer #5

My only advice is not to teach “boys stand up and girls sit down” or else you are going to have a boy with #2 running down his legs because he doesn’t want to “sit like a girl!”

Oh an float some “Fruit Loops” in the toilet for boys to aim at. It teaches them not to pee on the seat or floor. Plus you can play a color learning game “Shoot the red one!”

Answer #6

i can’t not believe that poster said to revert to baby language and call the potty a POT POT or something.

And no you don’t have to bribe your children

Let me make this simple, poty training is easier on YOU because no diapers and such, but you can NOT potty train a child who is not ready. My oldest potty trained at 16 months. My second daughter not until she was 3 and a half, and my son at about 3. You can’t force a child to go, and even wen they GET IT if they simply don’t want to use the potty then no bribing or yelling and screaming will ever get them to go ;)

Ask your children, they are children but they do have minds of their own. Ask and encourage, that’s the best way to potty train

Answer #7

I personally started my daughter when she could stand I just took the potty out and put it in the kitchen so she could get used to seeing it and sitting on it. Then I would let her be naked and sit on it. Than I moved it to the bathroom. Now I ask her and she ‘ll say yes or no so I will take her. Belive me it is hit and miss and she still wears her diaper. We are just starting and she is 18 months old. It is a good idea to take them and try them on it when you go. I don’t think there is a set time but I think you should introduce the potty early so they are used to it. Kids will go when they want and once they have that control they might refuse to go on the potty since they have the choice so be patient

Answer #8

i think u should but u should be careful to get one tat doesnt injure your son. best of luck!!

Answer #9

I think it definitely helps to try to encourage them to start early. We started with my older son around three, and it took a while before he was going on his own regularly. If your son can understand the directions, etc, it’s a great idea to start at that age.

Some of our friends have potty trained their children around two and it’s worked well for them. From a parent’s perspective, it’s better ealier, because it’s one less thing to deal with & one step closer to your child becomming independent. Good luck!

(added) Start by getting one of those step up stools that converts to a portable toddler potty. Then once you have it, encourage him to use it - but don’t force the issue. He should be curious enough to want to go after you explain it a few times. And once he discovers how good it feels not to have a full diaper on, he’ll be more interested in using the toddler potty.

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