Poor and Justice

Do the Poor get Justice in this World?

Answer #1


At first I thought of labor unions, revolutions (in Europe), and how if people band together they can sometimes get justice, decent pay, etc etc

But these people arent the poor.

The poor cannot afford to fight for justice, they’re too busy trying not to starve, and keep a roof over their heads…

They have no time to organize and demand justice, they are too busy trying to survive

Answer #2

Many times not…

God commands us that when we enter into his family that part of our job, is to defend the poor and helpless in this world.

He says, that whatever we do or do not do to or for them, we have done it to him.

Many many organizations have been developed by Christians, as well as others, over the years, but, poverty is still a major problem. Jesus said, the poor, you will always have with you.

The question remains… WHAT CAN EACH OF US DO ABOUT THIS?

Answer #3

Sometimes but this can often be at a far greater cost emotionally, physically and financially.

Answer #4

Yes they do but they have to work awfully hard for it.

Answer #5

some not all but thats life nothing is ever fair or just. There wil always be some one out there who has bin ronged

Answer #6

No, and if we ignore that fact then we’re part of the problem.

Answer #7

Only if they become vigilantes.

Answer #8

No they sure don’t

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