
I don’t know whether any of you have read the news story about that nine year old girl in Brazil who had an abortion after falling pregnant to her abusive step-father. Now the church has excommunicated her parents and the doctors who carried out the procedure since it’s apparently “going against Gods Law”.

It’s made me so angry that senior vatican clerics are justifying the churches actions and their opposition to abortion in a case where the twins were conceived by rape and bringing them full term could have serious effects on the girls health, possibly killing her. How can anyone justify what the church has done? I really don’t understand how anyone could think it evil that the girl had an abortion under those horrific circumstances. Is it really any wonder that people are turning away from church when some denominations allow this kind of thing?

Answer #1

I wonder what Jesus would do, if presented with a case like this?

Answer #2

Sorry, I think this has posted under the wrong category.

Answer #3

Consider what they tell you is only half right, what serious health problems if the baby is full term? Yes rape is an act of evil but the church is trying to prevent one evil from leading to another evil

How do they do that??? By allowing a child to be born and see how he turns out one day, knowing that his dad is a rapist and knowing how young his Mom was???

Sure doesnt make sense

Answer #4

I think the church is very selfish in their decisions, did they REALLY considder the girls pain and trauma??? No I DONT THINK SO!!! Their RULES is the only thing that count, Darn!!!

Answer #5

*Moved to Religion & Spirituality

I’m actually pro-life, but even so, there are exceptions to every rule and times when the church needs to keep it’s nose out of the affairs of the innocent.

The girl’s life was in jeopardy, and even though I don’t condone abortion even through rape (not going to get into that), this is a unique situation where a child has been placed in harm and in order to protect the child, the unthinkable must be done.

Answer #6

well im catholic but even at that it is sad bcause it wasnt her fault she got pregnant and also as you were sayin the future complications, I mean I cant blame them 4 aborting

Answer #7

It appears these senior vatican clerics are simply being faithful to the established Canon Law of their faith / Church - they are to be against abortion period - considered to be a life from conception - belief in the sanctity of life.

Answer #8

Right… being faithful by excommunication… shouldn’t they excommunicate THEMSELVES as well, since THEY TOO are guilty of sinning?

Answer #9

There is a silver lining to this story. She was excommunicated, and now has a much greater chance of recovering from her religious indoctrination.

Answer #10

“It appears these senior vatican clerics are simply being faithful to the established Canon Law of their faith / Church - they are to be against abortion period - considered to be a life from conception - belief in the sanctity of life.”

How is forcing someone into a situation where they will probably die, and the foetuses will probably also die “belief in the sanctity of life”?

“There is a silver lining to this story. She was excommunicated, and now has a much greater chance of recovering from her religious indoctrination.”

She wasn’t excommunicated, since she was ‘too young’ to have had a part in it all.

Answer #11

Consider what they tell you is only half right, what serious health problems if the baby is full term? Yes rape is an act of evil but the church is trying to prevent one evil from leading to another evil.

Answer #12

“Consider what they tell you is only half right, what serious health problems if the baby is full term?”

She’s 9. While some 9 year olds are physically capable of becoming pregnant, the chances of her successfully and safely bringing a pregnancy to term - even if it were a single baby instead of twins - are low, and even with a caesarian section, there’s a high chance she would die. How is that in any way just? Even if there wasn’t risk to the mother, how is forcing a 9 year old child - not even a teenager - who is still physically growing herself, to have a baby in any way just?

Answer #13

Yes rape is an act of evil but the church is trying to prevent one evil from leading to another evil.

sigh …you mean, trying to prevent one evil from leading to another evil, by performing YET ANOTHER evil.

Alienating church members at a time when they NEED spiritual guidance the most. That gives the impression that God turns his back on people when they sin, that he hates both the sin AND the sinner. The church is wrong. That is NOT righteous, that is NOT godly… its quite the opposite.

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