How can I teach my daughter to stop screaming?

My daughter is now 8 months old and she has been having screaming fits since she was 5 months.and these aren’t small little screams here and there this is like on top of her lungs screaming all day long. She even screams when she’s playing and during the times that I’m feeding her. How can I teach her to lower the volume of her voice and that screaming is not ok?

Answer #1

I would have her seen by a Doctor TODAY and rule out a physical-problem cause (something causing a sudden sharp pain)….doesn’t sound normal to me.

Answer #2

This is a question for the doc, for sure. Doesn’t sound normal, something could be wrong.

Answer #3

If you think these screaming fits are out of anger or just to get attention, get down on her level, in a very calm but stern voice say, mommy is not going to listen to you scream. That is not nice. Then walk away from her. Go somewhere that you can still see her to make sure that she doesn’t hurt herself, but that she cannot see you. This way she will know that she can not get your attention with negative behavior. I have two boys and this worked for both of my kids. Hope it helps you.

Answer #4

hey, there’s a lot of stigma about kids that age seeing a pyschologist but it’s a good idea. Kids suffer all kinds of disorders including depression which is caused by hormone imbalances and not a bad family life as so many think. My own little brother suffered similar temper tantrums from the time he left day care at 5. he was 6 years old by the time he was diagnosed with ADHD and had almost been expelled several times from primary school by then. The sooner you seek help the faster you can find a way to solve the issue and the sooner you can get support. And justify to the “helpful” extended family why your child isn’t identical to theirs.

Answer #5

Take a look at your daughter when she is screaming, does she look like shes in pain or uncomfortable? If she does, then it might be a good idea to take her to the doctor. On the other hand , when babies scream/screech they are actually training their vocal cords so it might be a good idea to let her go for it. If it does bother you a lot you can tell her “no screaming” and frown. At this age babies already have an idea of when they are being naughty. My baby screams sometimes too and when it gets over the top I try and distract her with a toy or singing her favourite song or playing a game. But by no means shout at her. All the best ,hope this helps a bit.

Answer #6

If the doctors visit goes well and its just her throwing tantrums, then do as lewfarn says definately. Never reward negative behavior. Let her see that screaming isn’t going to get her what she wants. It will take a while, but she’ll begin to understand that screaming gets her the opposite of what she wants. She’ll probably start to quiet down a little after that. However, at the age she is, she should be teething, and that causes a lot of pain. Not just for her gums, but her ears and sinuses as well. It can also mess her tummy up…so she could just be really uncomfortable right now. If she’s teething, get her teething tablets from the store…they work wonders for my son! Good luck to you and your baby girl. I know screaming babies drive all of us moms insane.

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