Miscarriage Scare

alright well i guess this. this morning i had a miscarriage scare. but i am still feeling that it happened and i lost my baby even though i saw the baby on the ultra sound and its heart beat. why am i still having these thoughts i am in a very depressed mood right now

Answer #1

Were you bleeding this morning? If so then you should definetly go see your doctor. Having a baby can be scary and a lot of women do have miscarriages. It helps if you talk about it with your partner, friends, family or doctor. It’s normal to be a bit frightened but try to relax and have faith that if your baby and you are healthy then there is no reason why your pregancy shouldn’t go well. It really helps to share those depressing thoughts with poeple who can understand (like other mothers). Take good care of yourself and concentrate on having a beautiful healthy baby by pampering yourself, keeping yourself healthy and finding your own inner happiness.

Answer #2

Thanks Zorbot. the bleeding fully stopped the next day and im fine. i talked with the dad and he def cheered me up. as for my depression i think that was still apart of the fact that i could of miscarried but im 15 weeks and the babys heart rate and everything eles is normal

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