So why do I feel so alone?

I’m tired of always being afraid and thinking I need something I don’t need. I don’t know what I want or how to ask for help. It’s so tiring bringing up these walls each and every time, but they’re automatic now. I’m so insecure and I feel like no one is taking care of me, but why should they? I’m twenty – I should be able to take care of myself, right? So why do I feel so alone?

Answer #1

Simply a Rose to brighten your day,         And maybe lessen the cares in your way;         And also, too, to help you to know,         That in knowing you, many others grow!

Because you are alone!

As we grow up we come to the realization that we really are alone. That it is up to ourself as to how well we succeed in life and how well we survive the daily trials and tribulations.

Sure, we have our relatives but in growing up we drift apart from them and don’t have the daily comfort of their advice and wisdom.

We hope that some of the friendships we develop will be intelligent ones who will be able to offer us their wisdom.

A big part of your problem is that you don’t know what you want. Therefore, take a look at your life now and for the immediate future. Set yourself some goals for this week, this month, this year and maybe the next three years. Don’t worry if they seem like small goals. You have to start somewhere. Also, don’t worry if your goals change. Always work at going forward which does allow for the possibility of your goals changing.

If you don’t know what you want to do with your life, then simply spend your time getting to know yourself better and exposing yourself to more of the world that is around you.

Maybe you could get involved in some volunteer programs where you can help others. If you don’t want to be involved with specific volunteer groups, maybe you could pick out one or two elderly people in your neighborhood and offer to assist them in some way (difficult chores, shopping, errands, etc.).  

Fun Mail a “sounding board”!

I would assume that you can’t talk about what you are going through with anyone because it is too personal and you don’t want others to know about it in relation to you.

The solution, then, might be to pick someone on Fun Advice whose advice you like and Fun Mail them. (You can check out the quality of someone’s advice by clicking on their name; going down to their recent advice, click on view all, then click on the questions that might interest you and view their answers.) Explain to them that you are having problems and want to have someone to use as a “sounding board” and would like to know if they would be willing to be your sounding board. Fun Mail is basically private, so you shouldn’t have any concerns about your privacy.

Although there are many users on Fun Advice who would be qualified, I’d suggest the person be an Advisor, for two reasons: First, most Advisors have several hundred or even thousands of Answers under their belt which can really give you a perspective about them; and second, you can simply click on the Advisors link at the top of the page and view a list of the most recently active Advisors with information about them AND a total of their Answers. (Don’t contact them by that “Ask me a question” link. That’s public. Instead, click on their name which will take you to their Profile page, then click on the “Send me Fun Mail” link on the left side of the page.)

You also have the ability to Fun Mail anyone (Advisor or otherwise) by clicking on the “Send me Fun Mail” link near the top of the Answer under the person’s name.

Answer #2

I think that everyone has a fear of being alone I do. but no one and any age should feel that however it happens when it does then you need a good friend a loved one or even a pet to talk to and slowly the pain will leave. im not saying it will forever but you need to live more in the time that your not alone and remember it when you are. destracting your mind anyway possible will help also . if you need to talk to someone im here I’ve been alone a lot and what doest kill you will make you stronger believe me

Answer #3

I feel the same way, but I’m only sixteen. I try to tell people somethings wrong without actually telling them, but no one really gets it. …and people have betrayed my trust so many times, I don’t trust anyone anymore, period. it sucks.

Answer #4

Thank you… thank you…

Answer #5

try going outside for some fresh air take a walk go to the park try and make some friends to chill with

Answer #6

I felt the same way, till I started watching tv. now I help myself and others like this.. dont be afraid of being you. sometimes you have to face your fears, try going out and make some friends.

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