Didn't tell my Mom the truth

okay yesterday my mother ask me was I having sex and I told her no (which I haven’t) but she also ask me, are you masturbating and I told her no (that was a lie) what should I do because I don’t know how she is going to react.

btw I am 14 years old. -fabulous_advice♥

Answer #1

She may have been asking as a way to have a Mother - Daughter talk.

Masturbation is a natural part of life. But it is natural for a teenage girl to be embarrassed to talk about it with her mother.

In my opinion, since you did lie to her, I think you should simply go to her and tell her that you did lie regarding her masturbation question and that you apologize for lying but that that is a personal, private, subject that you’d rather not discuss.

I think she already suspects the truth, but I think she will respect you more for your apology.

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Answer #2

well the only thing you can do is telll her no until you feel like its the right time to tell her cause she is you mother and anything will hurt your mother

Answer #3

well first of all none of that is really your mums buisiness. yeah maybe about sex but about masturbation, you shouldn’t need to tell her. its a private thing and its up to you whether you want to. so don’t beat yourself up too much hun because I think most people would’ve done the same

Answer #4

I dont know why a mother would ever ask a question that really isnt any of her business (the masturbating part). You dont have to tell her. Unless you want to…

Answer #5

Whether or not you masturbate is nobody’s business (including your mother).

You don’t have to tell her - your actions are not harming anyone.

Answer #6

first of all, I cannot tell you how much I admire your honesty. The fact that a “lie” about something so private bothers you tells me a lot about your morals. My opinion is they put locks on bedroom and bathroom doors for a reason. These are your private places. As long as you are alone and not harming yourself or doing anything illegal or immoral, you’re privacy should be respected. Exploring your body in private is normal, safe, and nothing to be ashamed of, after all, it is YOUR body,and it’s the only one you’ll ever have. good luck with “white lie” . let your conscience be your guide.

Answer #7

Are you kidding, people? Ichi’s right… if it’s a sex question you have to be honest about it because if anything happens you can at least get your mother’s support and help. She can also direct you to be best way to protect yourself.

However, if it’s a question about masturbation, it is wholly private and none of your mother’s business at all! It’s not hurting anybody, it’s not hurting you, and you can grow up and it still wont be your mother’s business!

Answer #8

There’s only 1 fact here - she asked you a direct question and you lied - up to you to discern right from wrong - the problem is lies become easier and easier, and break trust…Take care !!

Answer #9

is that really any of her business?

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