Why do so many people, who don't live in America, have such a low opinion of us Americans?

Answer #1

How long a list do you want ?

Answer #2

For me its the attitutes I have experienced of many Americans. Many Americans I have meet have been very arrogant, and ignorant of anything outside their own country. Not to say they are all like that, I know many American people who I like very much.

Answer #3

i would like to know the same thing…

Answer #4

We dont exactly do a very good job of representing ourselves here in America. The fact is alot of Americans are only concerned with themselves and their country and are very uneducated when it comes to matters outside of the US. We have a tendancy to be arrogant and feel we are above and better than other people because of where we have been born. Its just the facts…im an American and even i can see this.

Answer #5

The top country, of which we have held that distinction for so long, we will always be seen as the biggest target for all haters. R we perfect, No!…our history is filled with many mistakes and tragedies, but I like to think the people of this country are as warm and giving as any other nation around. Look in the history books at the the top civilizations and u will see them vilified just as harsh as we have…China will be next

Answer #6

Can you narrow it down to the top five?

Answer #7

I wouldn’t judge before I had spent some time with a person. Through Fun Advice I have met some lovely people from America, but the reality is that most Americans come across to New Zealanders as ignorant and up themselves. I know a lot of people who have come over here from the US, and they are always going on about how great America is and how small NZ is. NZers (and anyone else!) generally don’t like people putting down their country. I think if Americans could learn to shut their mouths and keep their opinions to themselves while traveling through NZ, they would have a much nicer time, with less NZers making fun of them on a daily basis.

Answer #8

I totally understand why that would upset you. Why would people go somewhere if they are going to complain about it?

Answer #9

People are judgmental and stupid. Simple as that.

Answer #10

As in, Americans are judgmental and stupid, or people who think negatively of Americans?

Answer #11

watch the news, politics in particular,and pretend it’s not about america. we aren’t perfect, but we’re a proud people. so, others like to point out our flaws.

Answer #12

When you say arrogant, you mean that we think our country is better than other countries? Personally, I can’t say that it is better, but I do have some pride in being an American.

Answer #13

Oh and it annoys the crap out of me when people ask whats so good about America, and Americans reply freedom. As if other countries do not have freedom. Seriously, my country has way more freedom.

Answer #14

All people. Period. :P

Answer #15

Yes, that is the attitute I have experienced. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your country, but no one likes people who act better than others.

Answer #16

karojo, if you really want to know read ‘Open Veins of Latin America’. It will open your eyes !!

Answer #17

I can understand that.

Answer #18

We seem to take things for granted…we are consider one of the spoil child. But I am bless to be in America…The Country is not perfect! One of the biggest problem is not working together to improve the life of everyone..So much hatred, racism. sexism and other ism…Americans seem to hate each other for the heck of hating each other. Well not all of us like that … We really have self hatred and false pride…because if we can’t love & respect one another then how do we expect others too.

Answer #19

because of experiences like i had, i live in canada we were gone on this train tour kinda thing to jasper and there were 5 families 1 was from autria 2 canadians including my fam and 2 americans they seriously leg go of a chance to like Put us down, even the kids they just considered themselves greater then me and my brother cuz they lived there and we lived here its just that americant are seen as Cocky people

Answer #20

Gracias, Renee !!!

Answer #21

I don’t feel this way, but I do realize that a lot of Americans look down on Canada. I’m not really sure why, especially considering you look down on us. (sorry about the dumb geography joke, lol)

Answer #22

I wikipedia’d it real fast and it does sound interesting, but I was more referring to the everyday people of America not the government.

Answer #23

Well other countries have faults too….they shall not judge all Americans in one category…Nor we shall judge them…We shall look at a person as an individual…But what get me is what some of the foreigners think about American women..A lot of foreignersdoesn’t think highly of us…I think the biggest problem is the garbage on television, movies, and music…Some people judge each other base on that alone! Oh and don’t forget the news and media how its display certain race and ethnic groups. We, Americans broadcast our dirty laundry!

Answer #24

So to some up the answers, people dislike Americans because we are arrogant about our country, and ignorant to what happens in other countries. Is that a pretty concise version of how people feel?

Answer #25

Lol, okay. I can’t say I disagree with you there.

Answer #26

Well a lot of Americans I have spoken to over the internet are very ignorant about the rest of the world. I once spoke to a guy and he asked me whether we have electricity in Africa. Well…I am speaking to you over the internet…and I don’t think you get computers that run on something other than electricity…

Answer #27

Don’t sweat it… in about another decade everyone will be hating the Chinese because they are now # 1…

You reap what you sow.

Answer #28

That pretty much sums it up

Answer #29

i understand too, but when you think about it you are kind of stereo typing both americans and Nzlanders. I’m an American and have visited NZ and it is the most beautiful place in the world and the people are the most friendliest iv’e ever met. but at the same time America is really nice too. i think it all depends on the individual you talk to not whether or not they come from america or NZ

Answer #30

Ugh, that right there makes Americans look really bad. Smh.

Answer #31

She was talking about people she had met, and said she would only judge people she had actually spent time with. How is that stereotyping? And as another New Zealander I would say what she said about us is correct.

Answer #32

Honestly, the reason I asked the question was for the reasons behind the stereotypes, so it kind of helped, even though it made me disappointed in the attitudes and behaviors of my fellow Americans. It’s kind of like when your a little kid and you go to a friend’s house, your parents tell you to be on your best behavior. I wish someone would tell Americans traveling abroad to be on their best behavior :D

Answer #33

I know lots of people from america, who i use to be good friends with, and there lovely people. Its just the stereotype of america that people are use to. Its more fun and games i would say.

Answer #34

I really feel that people just go by what they see on television…and also it is not their fault…America is the newest discovered, developed country…so other countries around the world get educated about America…because of economic reasons and opportunities..It was like the promise land in the past..everyone wants to get here…America tries to educate us in about alot of countries while the rest of the world just focus on one or the ones they do business with..do that make sense

Answer #35

I got asked if I knew what a bus was…

Answer #36

Ugh, I wish I had the authority to apologize for that. Again, smh.

Answer #37

I live in Central America (Honduras) and there is a popular anecdote about how the USA treats some other countries…

“They invite us to the party but forget to tell us that we are there to play the music, not to join in the dance- that we can serve the meal but only get the leftovers and still have to do the dishes”.

Answer #38

well..lets go into geography…America is across the oceans from most of the continents. South America, Alaska, Canada, Jamaica, Hawaii (i might be missing one or two) are the only ones that surrounds us…Most of the World is on the other side of the ocean…maybe that why most the average Americans don’t know alot about them…there are other issues like the universal language, money, government, and so on.

Answer #39

???? Ok you do know that Alaska, Canada, Jamaica, and Hawaii are not continents right? And America is not exactly remote. New Zealand is way more remote… And yet we know more about the world around us…. Also, for your information, America was NOT the most recently discovered developed nation, and no, not everyone wants to go there. This is the attitude that makes us dislike Americans.

Answer #40

There are ingorant people around the world….and some of us just being rude or just really don’t know because never been taught. We, Americans hardly know anything about each other…Most of the ?vereage barely afford to travel across state so how can we travel to a different country?

Answer #41

First let me make this clear: I am answering your question of “… why so many people . …” etc…

I am aware of many other people’s opinions, and that is what I write about below.
They are not really my own opinions, rather those opinions that I have heard expressed very frequently.

No offence intended - personally I quite like Americans, but recognize that there is a degree of truth in the following, which are expressed in no particular order: . (a) Lead the world in obesity and imposing the commercially driven, health threatening, lifestyles that cause it, on the rest of the world (e.g. Roland MacDolands Big Masks and Croaker Coler etc. ); . (b) Too high an opinion of their own perceived superiority “… we are the best, of the best, of the best, (with honours) …”; . (c) Too ready to “stick their oar in” where it is not wanted (e.g. Iraq / Afghanistan/ everywhere); . (d) Two-faced and hypocritical (e.g. insist on the importance of human rights, law and order, while implementing and allowing “waterboarding” torture, indefinite interment without trial in places like Camp X-Ray / Guantanomo Bay etc..); . (e) Brash, tasteless and vulgar e.g. American Pie / Porkies / etc., which may be parodies of American life and style but are, elsewhere, perceived to be very close to the truth;

– Majkthise .

Answer #42

I agree

Answer #43

I agree

Answer #44

See my accompanying answer headed *

Answer #45

yep..I was naming stuff…I am talking about tha past

Answer #46

Then what was the most recent discover nation? How can you speak for everyone in New Zealand? I was talking about some of the average americans…I feel like our Country as a whole knows alot about the world arouns them..I was talking about when Amercia was first discover! How do you think we got here? American is a melting pot! I think you took my post the wrong way…I was explaining the some of the average americans don’t know that much about other countries,

Answer #47

That is seriously reassuring. Thanks. :)

Answer #48

I was explaining that why some of the average americans don’t know about other countries.

Answer #49

I cant say for certain which was the most recently discovered developed country, I just know its not the US because NZ was discovered after. And I cant speak for all New Zealanders - my sister for one didnt know where Africa was. However, statistics and personal experience tell me that people here usually know a decent amount about the world outside NZ.

Answer #50

I understand b, c, d, and e. As for a, I do realize that America does lead the world in obesity, but why is that a reason that people don’t like us?

Answer #51

yeah totally :)

Answer #52

I think it’s just that America has tons of rich selfish guys and a bunch of airheads thinking america’s great, i have a lot’s of good american friends but meeting lot’s of americans the ones i remember most are the bad ones

Answer #53

Most people despair of their children’s rapid decline into an unhealthy lifestyle, consuming too many calories of pre-processed fast foods, and too little exercise. You may (rightly) think that it is the parent’s fault for allowing it, …..

….. but outside America it is perceived that the relentless big bucks advertising and greedy multi-national American-owned expansion globally that brainwashes their impressionable youngsters into req

Answer #54

Most people despair of their children’s rapid decline into an unhealthy lifestyle, consuming too many calories of pre-processed fast foods, and too little exercise. You may (rightly) think that it is the parent’s fault for allowing it, …..

….. but outside America it is perceived that the relentless big bucks advertising and greedy multi-national American-owned expansion globally that brainwashes their impressionable youngsters into req

Answer #55

Most people despair of their children’s rapid decline into an unhealthy lifestyle, consuming too many calories of pre-processed fast foods, and too little exercise. You may (rightly) think that it is the parent’s fault for allowing it, …..

….. but outside America it is perceived that the relentless big bucks advertising and greedy multi-national American-owned expansion globally that brainwashes their impressionable youngsters into req

Answer #56

Most people despair of their children’s rapid decline into an unhealthy lifestyle, consuming too many calories of pre-processed fast foods, and too little exercise. You may (rightly) think that it is the parent’s fault for allowing it, …..

….. but outside America it is perceived that the relentless big bucks advertising and greedy multi-national American-owned expansion globally that brainwashes their impressionable youngsters into req

Answer #57

To be honest, it’s because there are a lot of Americans that fit the American stereotype, unfortunately. For instance, I knew somebody who called Canada “America’s hat” when he took a trip there. People like that are the reason other countries look down on us. And then, there was my school trip to Europe. We’re sitting in a restaurant in France and another American tourist with our group throws a hissy fit because he’s tired of European meals and he wants fried chicken. So, some of us earn it. Just don’t take it personally if you don’t act that way. Like many people have said, it’s not that they hate our country, it’s that they dislike certain arrogant people in our country.

Answer #58

Not sure what happened then ! I will complete the post in a new reply headed ###

Answer #59

Well..I have to admit I don’t know anything about New Zeland..i really don’t think I even studied about ur country in school. But I have common sense to know that you all have whatever we have and maybe more! We are the last to get any new stuff! I really think that when some people asked stupid it is because they are just being rude..because with today technology…Also they might not been expose to alot of technology and education..I am talking about people who lives up in the poorest areas in America and not educated. I also understand it cost money to travel…I don’t know alot about the states in my country unless I google it up. It is a big world inside of America and out. For the people who travel and well educate know better to ask stupid questions.

Answer #60

Not being able to afford to travel, is not an excuse to have poor knowledge on other countries and cultures.

Answer #61

### Most people despair of their children’s rapid decline into an unhealthy lifestyle: consuming too many calories of pre-processed fast foods, and too little exercise.

You may (rightly) think that it is the parent’s fault for allowing it, …..

….. but outside America it is perceived that it is the relentless big-bucks advertising and greedy multi-national American-owned expansion globally that brainwashes their impressionable youngsters into requiring and demanding these “luxuries” that they would not even be aware of if it were not for the American global expansion, advertising, and profit-motivated commercialism ahead of the common good.

– Best wishes - Majikthise. [ who has enough sense to ignore all the advertising ordure ]

Answer #62

new zealand is beautiful:/ and im from america why would anyone complain:/

Answer #63

Rene, I think the we know the basics..but how do you know so much about America…Maybe because America is so invole in educating other coutries about them through media and technology, schools, churches, missionary…

Answer #64

I think a Americ like Japan and some other countries are more out in the public eye.

Answer #65

I think America like Japan and some other countries are more out in the public eyes,

Answer #66

How does America have anything to do with our schools here? They dont sent missionaries either. And in case you were wondering we do have electricity and we are not a bunch of savages. What I know about other countries, including America doesnt come from the American media either, since I have very little respect for your media.

Answer #67

That what you call prejudice and stereotyping… I think that is all over! There are so many anecdote for all ethnic groups in North & South America…We just need tha self love! Also who are actual they?

Answer #68

people people, beep(:

Answer #69

I am talking in general…Missionaries had started up churches and schools in other countries..Our Leaders visit different countries…We send our people in the military and ambassadors to different countries..also physicans, peace corp…etc…Danielle..u r not understanding..I am saying that we are in the media alot…I am not downing your country…I am not understanding why you are getting offensive..or maybe I am not understanding you…

Answer #70

I bet if google up ..I can found a missionary in your country and I bet I can find a NZ missionary in America.

Answer #71

My boyfriend has a masters degree in history - he informs me our missionaries mostly came from the Uk, Ireland and France. Not America.

Answer #72

I did googled up and finds that we did have missionaries there in the mid 1800s . Americans went there to trade before annexation.. America did have relationship with NZ…i don’t know about it now.

Answer #73

What I just read about NZ is interesting..

Answer #74

I loving NZ first river-port..It is so beautiful!

Answer #75

LOL..Now I am interest in New Zealand..I just saw some pretty pic of this place…nice beaches and river-port, whales..wow..What I see it is a beautiful country..loving it

Answer #76

im not gonna repeat what others have said, well ill try……..

ive got 1 good yank mate who ive spoke to for getting on 7 years now…

but shes not american, shes from iran and moved over there cus her gran was ill and she wanted to be with her cus she was very ill..

anyway i love her shes great and a good mate.

i was in a chat room 2 nights ago and an americant came in and asked this afganistan girl to leave because, and i quote, we’re at war mannnnnnnnn, and in yank style they shouted it, i had to take my headset off cus they were that loud.

the country has no history worth reading about at all…. i watched this film last night and this 1 bloke said im 100% pure american, the fact is is that he wasnt and the only real true americans are the indians and when i hear stuff like this i just think uneducated dingbats.

the crimes the yanks commeted against the united kingdom have gone unpunished and because of that you think your unstoppable, but the 11th of september proved you wasnt yet still you carry on like you are.

i could go on and on but whats the point cus its just falling on deaf ears anyway.

i have no problem with the land, its just certain yanks are the most stupid people on the face of the earth.

i think americans forget why they speak a slight english sometimes…. dont forget that if our forces wasnt scattered so far and wide over the world you would never have won your freedom when you did and the next american to say that their marines are the best trained army in teh world is gonna get a smack in face.

start making complaints about your history teachers cus like your english teachers are stupid.

another thing is that the yanks changed our words, our words, yes, our words to suit yourselves.. is colour to hard to spell?

Answer #77

Wow, Renee, I think what you said may be something called “hypocritical advice” ;D

Answer #78

Sure, America does seem to flood the media, and there’s no problem with that, it is a big country. But just watching the news or reading a magazine doesn’t educate one at all about the states. If I were to base all of my knowledge on your country, on only what I heave heard on the news, I’d be absolutely terrified of this gang crawling, abusive, poorly educated, murd3rous, filthy, conspiratorial chunk of anchored rock you call home. Obviously the majority of the US is nothing like what I just said, but I am trying to let you see that just because America is always on the news, doesn’t mean I have some kind of advantage when it comes to geography and culture. It certainly doesn’t mean you have a disadvantage when learning about other countries! Before you take a stab at my beautiful home, why don’t you hop on google for a minute just to make sure you have your facts straight prior to your argument.

Answer #79

cant back down? point proven.

i wonder if america know that australia used to be a uk prison :|

my money is on a big fhat no

Answer #80

Matt, I actually did know that. But I’m kind of good at history, so I can’t speak for most Americans.

Answer #81

becuz its the image weve set for ourselves -.- its our own fault

Answer #82

Are you going to explain how anything she said was hypocritical?

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