Pegnancy Kit?

how does this work? and where do you get them? do need a doctor guidance first?

does it still work when you like, had unprotected sex for the last past few months?

Answer #1

First you open the box and read the instructions carefully so you don’t do it wrong, then you take the pregnancy test out of the wrapper and pee on it.

You can get them at any pharmacy, and you do-not need a doctor. You’re best to do this when you have missed a period because if not it probably wont detect pregnancy yet, you can get 5-days earlier ones too (first response).

A blood test from the doctor is more accurate though.

Answer #2

It depends on your doctor situation - You’d have to call and ask, the health care system is different where I live.

Answer #3

They range from $8 - $15 It’s BEST to wait till your missed period, if not you may get a false negative. 5 days earlier = 5 days before your missed period.

Some dollar stores sell them but I’m not sure if they are AS accurate.

Answer #4

The first response tests (if you actually read the box and instructions) are only about 60% accurate 5 days before your missed period.

Answer #5

does it costs much?

so, I can only use these, if I missed a period?

what do you mean by 5-days earlier?

Answer #6

btw, are blood tests free?

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