Why does she think she's pregnant?


I have written this site a few times in the past and they all helped me a few times. my girlfriend and I ended last night on a bad note because she believes she maybe pregnant but form the information I got from this site tells me she cant be pregnant. ill give a quick recap. during thanksgiving we had sex but I did not cum in her, we pulled out before it happened. during December she had her period which from what I understand is that she cant be pregnant if she gets her period. is there any way that she can be pregnant? some of the things she says she is feeling is she is more tired then normal and she is eating more than normal, and she thinks her stomach is getting bigger is any of this signs of pregnancy?

she cant go do the test apparently you got to be 18 to buy a test kit, and then she has no way of transportation to get to a clinic and im all the way in Virginia in the navy.

second question is during her December period we did have sex, now this site told me that during her period she cant get pregnant, so is that true? and if it isn’t true than would she be able to tell if the last day we had sex was December 31st?

since we got in an argument over if she is pregnant or not what can I do or say to her to comfort her and let her know that I want to be there for her and that I understand what is happening and that I am aware on what’s going on. she said that her friends and family would look down on her what are some comforting things I can say if she does turn out to be pregnant?

thanks so much for the help, I just want to know what is going on, and I want to be the best father that I can be if she is pregnant, thanks again


Answer #1

it’s unlikely she’s pregnant, but only a test will confirm either way.

Answer #2

u can get pregnant on your period.

Answer #3

You don’t have to be 18 to buy a home pregnancy test.

Answer #4

u can get pregnant 4rm pre-cum

Answer #5

I think I mite be pregnant but been to hopsital but test come up negative but having the symptoms and gaining weight any help please xxx?

Answer #6

Hey I need sum help here. im 15 years old and I think I may be pregnant but I just started my period today and its normaily heavy but today its only half of that so what does this mean? also I have crampin and sumtimes feel sick breats do hurt only when you touch them on the light side above the nipple. plzzz reply as I need your help! x

Answer #7

If I gave my boyfriend a blowjob, and he came in my mouth, and I spit it out, but some got in my hair, and later that night I took a shower, is there any way that any semen/cum could’ve gotten in my vagina? Weird and dumb, but I’m seriously curious

Answer #8

Could I be pregnant I have taken three pregnancy and a blood test and it was negative I am having light cramping and lower back pains and my breast are sore and I look like a basketball and always tired and hungry but I’m still bleeding it’s been three months and there all irregualr. Plus I get weirs cravings like pickles and tAcos.I also have been having really bad mood swings also I get little weird butterflies in my tummy do you think I’m pregnant

Answer #9

I got a similiar stry..me and my boyfriend been havn unprotectd sex for three mnths..last mnth my period lasted for one day and it was lite usually they t last for four days. and dis mnth it still very lite normally when I start my periods they are heavy..,someone help me.,,please..,could I be pregnant?

Answer #10

I had unprotected sex once after 10 or 11 days after my period went off and since then I been feeling tired and sleepy could I be pregnant or am I going to get my pms on february?

Answer #11

this is not an answer but more like a question. 1st day of last period 26/12/09-31/12/09 yesterday 17/1/10, I noticed a pinky brown discharge could I be pregnant? not due on till 23rd? need some answers.

Answer #12

If you pull out before you cum in her, she can still get pregnant from pre-ejaculatory fluid. She can get pregnant while on her period, yes. She could be pregnant, you can buy a test at any age.Go to a drugstore and buy her one yourself if she won’t do it. hugs, Jill

Answer #13

during thanksgiving we had sex but I did not cm in her, we pulled out before it happened. during December she had her period which from what I understand is that she cant be pregnant if she gets her period. is there any way that she can be pregnant?*

We never said she CAN’T, we said the chances are less…

second question is during her December period we did have sex, now this site told me that during her period she cant get pregnant, so is that true?

We never said that.

Answer #14

you can be any age to buy a pregnancy test, but she’s probably not pregnant. some girls think they are after having unprotected sex, but as they also say.. anythings possibe.

and if she is pregnant even if the last time you had sex was december 31, she could have gotten pregnant before, you never know.

Answer #15

Some girls still get their normal period during the first trimester of pregnancy.I know 3 people that did, all teenage girls. Got their normal period, didn’t even know they were pregnant. The best thing to do is to get her to go get a blood test from the doctor, they are much more accurate.

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