When do you think a parent will allow you to use makeup?

my parents say im too young for it so when did u start wearing makeup? and when do you think a parent will approve of doing so?

Answer #1

I started wearing makeup around 14 years , i had A LOT of acne and i wanted to conceal it a little. My mom hid it from me at one point (it was hers) . I didn’t know what i was doing to be honest, i slapped it on my face…my mom and I have different complexions lol. Anyway, I started to wear eyeliner aroudn 14 years old too. I didnt experiment with eye shadow until i was 16. And the older i got the more makeup i experimented with.

As for when partents approve, i think it depends on the parents. I think you should maybe start off subtle. dont pack on a ton of makeup…if you’re 16 or younger. Just stick to eyeliner and lipgloss. keep it subtle. =) and good luck.

Answer #2

well; my mom was always like. “when your 13, you can start wearing makeup.” i wore it when i was 11, xD. then i stopped wearing it, cause i obviously had no idea what i was doing. then when my mom started selling makeup, i began wearing it again. (13 1/2) NOW, im 14 and wear full on makeup. (Liquid foudation, powder foundation, bronzer, blush, some sparkly stuff, :3 eyeliner, eyeshadow, & mascaraaaaa.♥

Answer #3

I’d say about 13 or 14. I, personally, was 14 when I started and my parents were okay with it. Most kids at my school started sometime in middle school, too. But yeah, I agree with Jennifer on the “starting off subtle” haha.

Answer #4

I started wearin makeup at like 12 or 13 my parents only let me wear Mascara and bronzer..nothing else -_- until i was at least 15

Answer #5

when I was about 8 or 9 my mom approved of me wearing all makeup as long as it wasnt black or mascara, I still wore mascara when playing around with friends and I didnt start wearing black until I was about 11 or 12

Answer #6

I started when I was about 9/10.

Answer #7

My mum let me wear eyeliner and mascara in 7th grade when I was 12 because she taught me how to use it properly and I was mature enough to know what I was doing. When I reached 8th grade (first year of high school) I started wearing foundation and a small amount of eye shadow. If your parents don’t feel you’re mature enough you just might have to accept that.

Answer #8

i think your parents should let you wear makeup when your 13, your a teenager then, and mostly all teenagers wear makeup. i started wearing makeup when i was 12, my mum wasn’t bothered at all but i regret it! i fell in love with it and i wouldn’t go out of the house without any on because i thought id looked better with it on. now im 16 nearly 17 with the worst skin ever, my face is so white because i never went out of the house without makeup on, also i have dry skin and i get really bad spots so i put even more makeup on to cover them up, which obviously makes them worst. i recommend if our going to start wearing makeup, don’t put tones of the stuff on, just maybe put a bit of powder foundation on and a little bit of mascara and lip gloss :)

Answer #9

it depends on what kind of parents you have most parents dont allow their children to wear makeup until their 16 but some people have bad acne or have a low self esteem and think their ugly and when they have understandable parents they let them start wearing make up when they are ready.! #good luck

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