Panic attacks from smoking pot

Every time I smoke pot I get theses really bad panic attacks.why is this and how can I stop it?

Answer #1

Pot makes you paranoid. I get panic attacks all the time from it.

Answer #2

Stop smoking pot. No more panic attacks. It’s simple.

Answer #3

Well I guess I am glad I am not the only one that this have happend to. Ofcourse last night I went to friends house for a 420 BBQ, I guess I was still kinda recooping from the night before, UFC 83, had too many drinks and didnt sleep much, and I just broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years with bunch of other stressors going on at the same time. I had 2 big hitts and that was enough to make me feel I was going to die, racing thoughts, heart palpatations, paranoia, I felt that nothing was real, that I was starting to fade, slipping from the reality, couldnt calm my self down, in the other hand at first didnt want to tell my frinds what was happening to me but then I thouhgt maybe I need to go to a hospital. Just it was a bad trip all together…what help me to come back to reality was drinking lots of milk and water I guess the L-Tryptophan in the milk that helped calming me down…until the effect of the stuff wore off.. I think I am gona lay off these stuff for a while until I have less stressors in my life…Good luck everyone

Answer #4

its not so much panic its paranoia are its EXTREAMLY coomen to new smokers dont wory more u smoke the more it gose away

Answer #5

Same thing happened to me, I just simply quit. Why smoke if you don’t even enjoy it?

Answer #6

woww.. I thought I was the only one who felt like this.. I started smoking in 10th grade.. mid summer going into college I smoked a blunt w. my friend.. for some reason I got so high.. I felt like I couldnt move right, couldnt control my body, extreme panic attack.. the panic attack freaked me out so bad, I felt like I was high and having constant panic attacks for weeks.. After a while,I learend in class that panic attacks are all mental and your perfectly concious even if you feel like your not.. if that makes any sense.. bascially your really fine.. I havent smoked in 2 years and want too again, does anyone think I should..

Answer #7

From what I understand.. the THC causes your blood sugar levels to drop and this is what cause paranoia… or the feeling of panic.. it doesn’t mean you have a low blood sugar health problem but that your norm is likely on the lower side and when you smoke pot it drops below the norm and causes you to feel paranoia… the higher the THC levels in the pot the worse the symptoms.

You might be someone who really isn’t right for smoking pot.. not everyone is… Just so you know, I’m not opposed to making it legal for recreational use… but it is a drug and does effect more than just a high… it also helps reduce swelling and recently has been found to fight cancer cells in the lungs…

So like any drug you use…there are side effects and for someone with a lower normal blood sugar level it may not be all that good for them. Just saying.

Answer #8

i wsa a stoner bout 2 years ago and eveytim i did i got hella anxious and i smoked the other day for the first time in 2 years and i got a bit paranoid only thing u got to do is keep ur mind distracted of if not dnt smoke soemthing with too much THC smoke some bammer to get use to it start at low level and build up smoking cigs help to and drinking does also just keep doin more than 2 things at atime when ur high i chew gum dance and talk cause paranioia only occurs when ur THINKING TOO MUCH!

Answer #9

I used to smoke weed all day everyday with the same group of people. Everything was fine, and it was completely chill. Then started doing other sh!t, and then when I’m with the same group of people and I smoke… I can’t even look at them in the face. I have panic attacks and can’t wait to be home alone again. Hope someone can relate.

Not to mention a high lasting until I go to bed… when it used to only last an hour or two.

Answer #10

Hey. So about a month ago, after smoking a joint, I too got what I thought was a life or death “ heart attack “. I smoked my first joint when I was 12, and have been a casual smoker since then. For the last 2 years I have smoked generally a small joint per day, which, yes, makes me a pot head, I guess. I have had many talks with my doctor about pot related health problems and he assured me that although it is a drug, it is far less concerning than tobacco or alcohol.

Back to the story, a month ago I had the strangest and scariest sensation. I smoked a joint, and then about an hour into the buzz I felt this RUSH to the head, then right away it felt very dizzy and light. At the time, I felt as though my right arm went numb and I JUMPed off of my seat at my computer, got my cell out of my pocket and had 911 on standby. My heart started RACING, pounding very heavily and I thought I was on the verge of heart attack, or stroke, or something very deadly. I calmed myself down by walking around and after about 10 minutes my heart started going to a more regular pace.

After that, my body felt very weird. I was so scared and anxious that something serious had gone wrong, which made every symptom seem that much more intense than it actually was. But while I walked back to my room, my legs trembled and so did my arms if I tried to write anything down. Kinda like a kid going to see the principal for the first time.

I had two more episodes since then, and they always happened sometime after smoking a joint. It is unfortunate, because I love marijuana and it is part of my life. I smoke generally a .2 when I go to bed and an ounce lasts me two months. But I fear that the only way to get rid of these attacks is to stop smoking weed altogether. Even though I now know, from reading medical websites and other sites, that panic attacks are not lethal, they are very very scary and they feel very real and dangerous when they happen. I guess in the end we just have to decide what is best for us and work it out.

Cheers all.

Answer #11

I have been smoking weed, on and off, since I turned 14. I am turning 16 in a few weeks. Although, I’ve been sick, and thrwon up once or twice while being high, it’s never really bothered me much. BUT, about a month ago or so, I was high, had smoked two different types of weed, and had drank a cooler. I stood up, and when I did, I sat right back down. The color drained right out of my face, and then I just closed my eyes, and passed out. When I did, I hit my head off a computer desk, and fell on the floor and went into convulsions. A friend grabbed me by the feet, and pulled me out from under the desk, and when they did I came-to. I haqd thought I was sleeping the whole time. Then, I started feeling sick, and threw up, but also started my period later that night. I have really been wondering what actually happened to me that night. If anyone thinks thats they might have any ideas or answers for me, I would love you.

Answer #12

I know a way you can stop it! stop smoking pot..duh..

Answer #13


Answer #14


Answer #15

I have been smoking pot for about 3 years…to put that into perspective, I am a HUGE stoner. There really is hardly a moment in time where I am not smoked out…even now as I type this response I am smoking. And I must admit, lately I can relate to the fact that I too have begun to suffer from panic attacks as a side effect. The past few days I have simply cut back how much I smoke and the attacks have seemed to go away. So as seemingly stated in the many posts before me, you simply need to cut back on how much you consume or just simply quit for awhile. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a way around it. Every single person is different and as such every person will be affected by marijuana in a unique way.

Answer #16

I had the same problm. this is wha happnd. im a lightweight and I smoked like 15bowls one time and I freaked the flluck out. later I smoked again and I was fine back to normal. well one time I smoked and I jux thot back to tha one day and thn I had anotr panic attack. the trick is to NOT think about panicn. go into a open space lett yr thots free, clear yr head before you smoke and then take a few slow drags. and wait a couple mins til you feel the buzz, and if you feel you can take more, take a few slow drags again. keep it slow, and small. you cnt freak yrself out lightweight or not. and once you can b ok by yrself and yr thinkn normally, try wit a small group of friends, if you fell yr gnna have an attac go gett sumthn to eat or drink sumthn I believe dairy and grain based products are best. thn go chill. it helpd me amazingly. I am still causious tho, I take small slow drags still, but it helps and gives me my amazing little high… HOPE THIS HELPS!! GOOOD LUCK!

Answer #17

It happened to me three days agao after eating a Pot cake…the worst mistake you can do, if you are not used to it. If you smoke pot and have a hit or two, you may be fine (don’t do it though), but if you eat it, even in small portions, you get an ULTRA High which lasts a lot longer and you can’t get rid of it, if you find yourself trapped in a panic attack…when you eat pot cake you won’t feel the high right may take up to 1 hour or so to kick in. Important thing is, if you start panicing to see medical help, so that you are not risking a heart attack..

Pot is a recreational drug, but if you are stuck in a panic attack mode, you can’t get out of it, because your brain is affected by THC and you can’ think straight..your thoughts are racing fast, you think you may die cause your hearty rate is a lot faster and you can’t so simple things, since all your thoughts are going in a cricle (what’s going on with me, why can’t I think straight, why is my hear going so fast, why is my mouth so dry, etc. etc.) I even had the shivers going on and finally my friend took me to the ER where they gave me something to intravenously to calm down and my wife picked me up in the morning, which was embarassing. As I found out later there are two type of pots, 1)the hyper/energyzing kind and 2) the melow/physical relazing pot. I think I had the crazy hyper weed, that fu..s up with your head.

My advice: don’t do it, or if you do it, be aware of the possible side effects.


Answer #18

Lol thats really simple don’t smoke it then obviously you arn’t enjoying it the people who smoke it like it…hense why they do it… This question is like someone going to the doctor and saying it hurts when I hit myself…

Answer #19

I had another panic attack last night. I smoked a blunt with some friends infront of this hookah bar in the town we hang out at. I took like 8 good hits of some really good stuff it had purple in it. well all of the sudden out of no where my vision got really blurry and I thought I was going to pass out and broke out sweating and I got really cold and hot it was messed up. my heart was racing and it was scary as hell. I had my xanax on me right away I got some water and took 2 0.5mgs. about 20 min later I felt fine. I dont know what could of happend im thinking maybe that it happend because I just started taking zoloft too now but not liking it its been giving me bad mood swings. it sucks having anxiety

Answer #20

whoopsies222’s post makes me think of Refer Madness.

Pot is a pretty safe recreational drug; alcohol and tobacco ruin far more lives than marijuana.

The worst thing about pot is our Draconian laws. There is little difference between the way the law treats heroin and marijuana.

The other potential downside is becoming a stoner. I’ve seen people become complete loosers 6 months after they started smoking pot; they lost all motivation and just smoked pot all the time. I know other people who have smoked pot daily for decades yet are professionals and as lucid and cogent as anyone you will meet. Pot affects different people differently.

Answer #21

There is a chemical found in weed that causes this reaction. I remember it as RGH or RGB but I may be wrong. Different strains have varying amounts. If I smoke Northern Lights for instance I have panic attacks. But KGB leads to nothing but laughter. If you get to know your supply you may find strains you can tolerate better than others. I smoked habitually for most of my 40 years and now smoke rarely as a result. Remembering that you are going to be ok helps. Diaphramatic breathing helps as do any other relaxation techniques. The real question is what is pot worth to you. Is it worth the effort and discomfort of these occasional episodes? Where I grew up & knew the growers I could pick and choose what I smoked. In the big city here it is harder so I don’t smoke so much now. Be an informed and thinking adult and direct your own life!

Answer #22

I’m so glad I’ve read all of these posts, I don’t feel so alone anymore! I live in norcal and it seems like EVERYONE likes to smoke pot except me. I’ve tried it numerous times in different situations. with people I trust, at parties, by myself… and I have never enjoyed it. It always put me on edge and made my thoughts race. I get really paranoid that I’m acting weird that I just get to the point of not wanting to talk at all, and I feel like everyone is watching me lol. It used to just be kind of uncomfortable until last weekend when I went to a rave…I had taken an ecstasy pill and was waiting for it to kick in, and my friend was smoking a blunt so I took a couples tokes to see if it would maybe enhance the e. BAD idea. The e and the pot both kicked in at the same time and I started tripping out in my mind. the music was overbearing and there was tons of people surrounding me, and I thought they were ALL staring at me. I started to feel like I was going to feel that way forever or I was just gonna drop dead right there. scariest thing I’ve ever experienced. I went and sat down for a bit outside in the cold air away from all the people and the bumping techno, which made me feel wayyy better. I read that the cold helped a couple other people feel better when they were having a panic attack as well, so maybe try taking a cool shower, going outside, putting an icepack on your head or sitting in front of a fan… 30 minutes later I was fine and danced my a$$ off for the rest of the night lol. after that episode I am done trying to like smoking pot. I guess it’s just not the drug for me! sorry for such a long post, hope people can relate to it though. If you don’t like it, then don’t waste your time trying to just to fit in like I did.

Answer #23

Im 15 years old and I tried weed first when I was 13. The first time I tried it I completelt freaked out. I was straight up terrified. I though I was slipping away into insanity and the world came to me in waves. I was by a school with some friends(some of which I didnt trust). Everyone else was cool but I thought I was going to die. I never felt that scared before. Then a year later, something like 5 months ago I decided to try it again. It was late, like 1 in the morning, and I was with my 2 friends, my cousin and some chick in my basement. Me and my friend went outside. I took 2 good hits and he took 3. I went inside and started to freak AGAIN. Luckily I told my friends about before and they calmed me down by telling me its ok im just high. We sat down and played halo 3 for a while. Then I started to feel REEEAAALY GOOD. So god I went upstairs and just listened to music. Ugh the sensation. I was hooked. I did it again 3 months ago and freaked/was paranoid. Not as bad but still pretty bad. Its was because I was outside and it was cold and my friend has an asthma attack. I really want to feel like I did the second time. SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!! P.S. Im not going to get into specific details but I thought I was drugges on weed and had the same flashed of anxiety that I thought was me being high when I really wasnt. That proved to me that the bad feeling is all in your head! sorry for the long post.

Answer #24

Im 15 years old and I tried weed first when I was 13. The first time I tried it I completelt freaked out. I was straight up terrified. I though I was slipping away into insanity and the world came to me in waves. I was by a school with some friends(some of which I didnt trust). Everyone else was cool but I thought I was going to die. I never felt that scared before. Then a year later, something like 5 months ago I decided to try it again. It was late, like 1 in the morning, and I was with my 2 friends, my cousin and some chick in my basement. Me and my friend went outside. I took 2 good hits and he took 3. I went inside and started to freak AGAIN. Luckily I told my friends about before and they calmed me down by telling me its ok im just high. We sat down and played halo 3 for a while. Then I started to feel REEEAAALY GOOD. So god I went upstairs and just listened to music. Ugh the sensation. I was hooked. I did it again 3 months ago and freaked/was paranoid. Not as bad but still pretty bad. Its was because I was outside and it was cold and my friend has an asthma attack. I really want to feel like I did the second time. SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!! P.S. Im not going to get into specific details but I thought I was drugges on weed and had the same flashed of anxiety that I thought was me being high when I really wasnt. That proved to me that the bad feeling is all in your head! sorry for the long post.

Answer #25

It’s very depressing, I experience my first Panic attack while smoking weed very close to a month ago. It was the scariest thing I think I have ever experienced. Since then I have smoked only once, experimenting by taking only 3 hits of strawberry kush it made me high enough to begin panicking. The reason you are experiencing these panic attacks is because you are an already stressful person. Even if you can’t locate a single thing that might be making you stress-out or you feel that you are an easy going person your stress is there. Any type of stimulant can trigger an anxiety attack, this includes cigarettes, dip, over the counter uppers. Trying to be active while you are tired may also cause you to have a panic attack. If you start to experience panic attacks, without the use of stimulants I would say go to the doctor. Make sure that you have received a diagnosis from your doctor, to verify if this is what you are experiencing rather than actually severe heart problems. You cause either take anti-depressant or anti-anxiety meds or you can try to the natural way of exercise and dieting.

Even though I am not sure what was the cause of my panic attacks, I feel a lot better knowing that I can get through this without the use of anymore stimulants. Using anti-depressants in itself may cause a form of depression as you feel that you are reliant on something to feel normal.

I just went cold turkey, on a lot of unhealthy substances including weed,adhd meds,dip, and cigarettes. But, if you want change you have to make it for yourself. I feel much better and know that I can get through this.

Answer #26

Ok so here is my story it sucks pretty bad.

I smoked pot for a year or so and I LOVED the way it made me feel. I had tons of good times with my friends and the feelings I had while smoking pot. but one day I smoked a fat blunt to myself in about a 5 minute span. when I got done I felt my heart start to race and I couldnt really speak. I walked back inside of my house and thats when it hit me. I started hearing noises in my brain and my ears, kind of like a ringing sound. I couldnt make the noise stop. after about a minute of the noise it all went downhill from there. the noise painfully got louder and louder, to the point where I was screaming at the top of my lungs and I couldnt even hear myself scream because the noise in my brain and ears was too loud. I immediately stumbled to the shower and got in, thinking the water would help me. the noise went away for a minute, but then came back. over and over I heard the noise that was so loud I didnt know what to do. I couldnt hear myself think, scream, or anything. about an hour of that led me to the hospital where I got an I’ve and slowly came down. from that attack I gained a disease called tennitis where when im in quite places my ears begin to ring loudly. everyday, from that day, my ears ring because the noise was so loud. I cant smoke because im always so paranoid that the same sensations begin to come up again and I cant even enjoy getting high with my friends. I hate the fact that everyone can smoke and I cant. I have NO IDEA what to do but if anyone could help me with my problem that would be great I would really appreciate it.

Answer #27

for 7 years I’ve smoked atleast 4 blunts a day. my girlfriend got pregnant 7 months ago and once she started showing, I began getting panic attacks. being a stoner, I couldn’t quite pinpoint what brought them on, because I could never remember anything at all. I smoked one morning on my way into work and ended up leaving in a rescue because of a panic attack (I didn’t know it was a panic attack so I went to the med center and they sent me out). I saw a cardiologist, my heart was fine, so I thought it was a one time thing. then I realized I was freakin out because my girlfriend had started showing that she was pregnant. my panic attacks were being brought on by a huge change in my way of life, but they were only happening right after I got stoned. I haven’t smoked in 3 weeks and I’ve had no problems at all, after having a panic attack every 4 nights. I’ve found that pot definately brings them on, so I know where all of you with the problem are coming from. just quit, its helped me out. I had to…I wasn’t enjoying my highs at all

Answer #28

soda and cashmoney are trying to give good advice, but are not. i smoked for 4 years. i started as a freshman in highschool and stopped towards the end of my senior year because i began having panic attacks as well. i never had a panic attack the first 3 1/2 years i smoked, and i porbally smoked the most pot between sophomore and junior year, but my panic attacks didnt come until late in my senior year. i havent smoked for 3 months now and im not having panic attacks. just stop for a while, i havent tried smoking again cause even when im around people smoking in a closed area (car, small room, cause all my friends still smoke), i begin to feel a little nervous and sometimes even have to leave the area. ive never tried smoking again, but u can try it out and tell me what happens.

Answer #29

you know weird thing. I smoked pot almost 2 years straight, and a lot of it… but I smoked a lot a lot, I know I have smoked that much before and I had a panic attack. then it happened again. so I was freaked out and like never smoke anymore but yeahh I looked it up but the thc in pot in wayyy more poetent that it was in our parents day so it does mess with your brain a lot more than it used to and that may cause it buttt yeahhh I was over feeling like that because I honestly thought I was gunnna die. maybe you shouldnt smoke anymore. but I found then I didnt smoke as much it was not as bad. but good luck with that

Answer #30

Wow, this is really interesting. It seems a lot of people suffer from this! I was really freaked out when it happened to me, cause all my friends thought I was going schizophrenic. This made it worse for me, as I believed I was going to end up being mad and delusional.

I’m from the UK. Its quite normal for a 16~20 year old to at least try smoking weed over here, so when I was 15 I believe - may have been 16 I tried smoking with a close friend called Max. Me, Max and Luke bought an eighth of skunk from the local dealer. I loved the build up to smoking - just running around trying to pick up, and the anticipation of getting stoned was growing, I was really exited about trying it!

So Luke rolled a joint at our local playing field. We sparked up and smoked it between the 3 of us. I threw caution to the wind and smoked as much as I could. Then I stood up and felt really weird. I felt a cold sweat all over my body and went sheet white. Everything seemed really bright. I didn’t really panic cause I’d read about “whitey’s” on the net the night before. Luke and Max were laughing at me, and I even laughed back myself cause I could imagine how funny I must have looked to them. I just focussed on eating my ‘Maoam’ sugary sweets to up my blood sugar and eventually I was fine.

From then on I threw myself into the world of marijuana. I was smoking loads everyday - the high came to me after a few tries and once I learned to appreciate it… Music was amazing, color’s came to life, food tasted way better and I just genuinely felt 100% chilled out!

Then I just did this for 2 years! My School work became a joke - I lost 80% of my concentration, I lost good friends who didn’t like smoking and I felt pretty mashed all the time. I even grew 2 “Super Skunk” plants in my back garden, and loved every minute of the process! I made new friends and met a girl called Heather who I liked sooo much! We got together, she lived at mine for 7 months and we just smoked and chilled ;) if ya know what I mean! Life was good - no worries…

Then me and Heather split up and I ended up just smoking with Max or Luke in his garage. Then loads of people started coming round and the sessions would be like 15 people! You just can’t chill with 15 people all around!

So one night I came home, all alone, completely drunk on Sambuca and went to bed. I woke up at 2-am and decided to roll a joint so I could get back to sleep. I had no tobacco so it was a pure skunk 1 skin. I caned it in about 5 minutes cause it was cold. I got back into bed and just felt weird. My mind was accelerating and I couldn’t think straight. My thoughts were uncontrollable and I thought I was going insane. Then my heart started beating really fast - like scarily fast! I started really worrying. I was shaking uncontrollably and sweating, even though I felt cold! I remember closing my eyes to try and get to sleep but I saw my own face when I closed them! That freaked me out soo much. I called Max and asked if I could just come to his to try and chill, he said no its too late. So I stayed in bed. Hearing his voice chilled me for a bit but then the fear came back. I felt like the room was shrinking around me and everyone was out to get me…

This lasted a good 3 hours before I could get to sleep. The next day I felt disconnected from reality, so I booked a doctors appointment. He said from my description he would refer me to a psychologist - but because I was on “drugs” I must quit and see if these “episodes” kept happening…

I stopped smoking all together for 2 or 3 months and never had another attack - however I felt generally nervous and anxious about going out, going to school, talking to new people etc.. I stopped going out on friday and saturday nights. This really affected me and I was scared.

Now I’m just trying to ease myself back into smoking because I miss the feeling so much and get jealous when I see my mates stoned and having a laugh.

Problem is though whenever I smoke I get the racing heart and feel anxious about it. Never have a proper attack, because I’m aware of what’s happening to me - but I usually have to get outside for some fresh air and calm down. It doesn’t feel the same anymore - I wish I could get stoned again!

Any advice? It seems to be quite common?

Thanks, Joe.

Answer #31

I’ve been smoking for a year now well almost a year. im 17 years old. I started smoking the beginning of my junior year. I used to love it, I would laugh at everything have fun with my friends, the music would be awesome. a few times tho I’ve had it where I feel like im having a heart attack. I started to relize I got anxiety about a few months ago. im on medicine for depression and I also take xanax. I smoked a few days ago and had a really bad panic attack. I dont know if it was from the marijuana or what but I seriously wanted to go to the hospital. I mean I like smoking but if its going to f* me up then maybe I should just stop since I already have anxiety. I also would get weird thoughts when I was high and I would get really nervous in public being high before I started taking my medication and I still do get paranoid. anyone got any advice or anything to say? let me know

Answer #32

yea guys…im in the same bout. I smoked weed several times, loved it..loved the tastes, the smell, everything. had about to bad panic attacks and for the longest time didnt’ touch im expeimenting again so that I can work my way slowly on it again..just as everyone is saying..just a hit or two then stop…till I get used to it..I guess the high is just scary sometimes if you experience to much to fast you know? im still a little nervouse to try it again, but just have to much trouble staying away!! and..most people say that you cant die, so when I feel my heart trying to race, I just remind myself of that, and try to calm dowm, telling myself it is just in my head, and im ok, its just the weed…lol hope this helps a little bit!!

Answer #33

yo has any 1 heart got super hot and your legs and feet got numb and your arms from smoking.

Answer #34

Just make sure you are with your friends. and have no one joke with you. and just kind of lay in the high, I know it feels like a dream and your not real and its really weird. hey I know what you mean I had a panic attack on my peak my very first time, I tried to kill myself. if my boyfriend wasnt there, I wouldnt be here right now.

Answer #35

what filletofspam said was right; i know the first time i smoked was by myself in this parking lot at night, i had the worst panic attack nd thought i was gunna die lol. it was a combination of not bein prepared for it, bein alone, in a diff environment nd smoking too much 4 my 1st time. If yu wanna keep it up then just try it with yur friends during the day nd try nd smoke less. hope it helps , once yu get used to its fukin great =]

Answer #36

Actually…I haven’t smoked pot in 20 some years…Why? Because I started getting paranoid…I’ve talked to a lot of old hippies who had the same experience…Toked a lot in the old days, and evetually quit for the same reason…

It ain’t fun any more!!


Answer #37

it happens to me everytime I am with a certain friend of mine that I dont trust very much. Maybe your not comfortable with the people you smoke with

Answer #38

hahahahaha whoopsies doesn’t know her facts. You have panic attacks when high because it kills brain cells? Please! Its the paranoia.

Answer #39

Wow, this is really interesting. It seems a lot of people suffer from this! I was really freaked out when it happened to me, cause all my friends thought I was going schizophrenic. This made it worse for me, as I believed I was going to end up being mad and delusional.

I’m from the UK. Its quite normal for a 16~20 year old to at least try smoking weed over here, so when I was 15 I believe - may have been 16 I tried smoking with a close friend called Max. Me, Max and Luke bought an eighth of skunk from the local dealer. I loved the build up to smoking - just running around trying to pick up, and the anticipation of getting stoned was growing, I was really exited about trying it!

So Luke rolled a joint at our local playing field. We sparked up and smoked it between the 3 of us. I threw caution to the wind and smoked as much as I could. Then I stood up and felt really weird. I felt a cold sweat all over my body and went sheet white. Everything seemed really bright. I didn’t really panic cause I’d read about “whitey’s” on the net the night before. Luke and Max were laughing at me, and I even laughed back myself cause I could imagine how funny I must have looked to them. I just focussed on eating my ‘Maoam’ sugary sweets to up my blood sugar and eventually I was fine.

From then on I threw myself into the world of marijuana. I was smoking loads everyday - the high came to me after a few tries and once I learned to appreciate it… Music was amazing, color’s came to life, food tasted way better and I just genuinely felt 100% chilled out!

Then I just did this for 2 years! My School work became a joke - I lost 80% of my concentration, I lost good friends who didn’t like smoking and I felt pretty mashed all the time. I even grew 2 “Super Skunk” plants in my back garden, and loved every minute of the process! I made new friends and met a girl called Heather who I liked sooo much! We got together, she lived at mine for 7 months and we just smoked and chilled ;) if ya know what I mean! Life was good - no worries…

Then me and Heather split up and I ended up just smoking with Max or Luke in his garage. Then loads of people started coming round and the sessions would be like 15 people! You just can’t chill with 15 people all around!

So one night I came home, all alone, completely drunk on Sambuca and went to bed. I woke up at 2-am and decided to roll a joint so I could get back to sleep. I had no tobacco so it was a pure skunk 1 skin. I caned it in about 5 minutes cause it was cold. I got back into bed and just felt weird. My mind was accelerating and I couldn’t think straight. My thoughts were uncontrollable and I thought I was going insane. Then my heart started beating really fast - like scarily fast! I started really worrying. I was shaking uncontrollably and sweating, even though I felt cold! I remember closing my eyes to try and get to sleep but I saw my own face when I closed them! That freaked me out soo much. I called Max and asked if I could just come to his to try and chill, he said no its too late. So I stayed in bed. Hearing his voice chilled me for a bit but then the fear came back. I felt like the room was shrinking around me and everyone was out to get me…

This lasted a good 3 hours before I could get to sleep. The next day I felt disconnected from reality, so I booked a doctors appointment. He said from my description he would refer me to a psychologist - but because I was on “drugs” I must quit and see if these “episodes” kept happening…

I stopped smoking all together for 2 or 3 months and never had another attack - however I felt generally nervous and anxious about going out, going to school, talking to new people etc.. I stopped going out on friday and saturday nights. This really affected me and I was scared.

Now I’m just trying to ease myself back into smoking because I miss the feeling so much and get jealous when I see my mates stoned and having a laugh.

Problem is though whenever I smoke I get the racing heart and feel anxious about it. Never have a proper attack, because I’m aware of what’s happening to me - but I usually have to get outside for some fresh air and calm down. It doesn’t feel the same anymore - I wish I could get stoned again!

Any advice? It seems to be quite common?

Thanks, Joe.

Answer #40

I’ve smoked weed for years and years and I’m 22 now. Same thing happens to me and I think its because I’m obsessive compulsive / ADD. When you get high you usually concentrate on the 1 or 2 things that are interesting to you whether it be video games or food or both. Since I have pretty bad ADD I have always figured it to be that it starts with maybe too much caffene and being too high (I guess there is such a thing…), then since the caffeine is making my heart rush I concentrate on that and before I know it my ADD has got a complete hold on my heart and fear kicks in ( the fear that im going to have ANOTHER panic attack ) , before I know it I am having one… I cant ever seem to break my concentration as I’ve always been a good listener to my body, and if something is wrong my mind has to pay attention… Since then I stopped drinking soda/coffee/sugar almost completely and its definitely helped. So it could have been a combination of ADD / Sensitive to caffeine and since I get hungry/thirsty when I smoke and drink/eat sugary things… So to anyone having these panic attacks just take a look at these things like if you have ADD, obsessive compulsive, problems with sugar/caffeine, lung problems maybe (have you ever done other drugs like meth,coke,X?). I remember ever since I overdosed on meth my experiences with smoking weed have flip-flopped and weed now makes me feel “uncomfortable” when I smoke it, hope its not cause by doing all the other drugs…

Answer #41

Wow finally, I thought I was the only one with this problem. I´ve been a heavy smoker for 5 years now, and I never had a panic attack until a few months ago, I thought I was going to die. It has happen a couple of times since then, and although I know I am having a panic attack it doesn´t seem to go away, but I know I´m gonna be ok (at least). The problem is that every time I smoke, I´m worried about the panic attacks, so that´s what probably triggers them. I recommend to have a good state of mind before getting high, doing it around people you feel comfortable with and try not to think of the PA. If you do get one, try a cold shower and focusing in what is happening NOW, DO NOT DRIFT OFF OR IT WILL GET WAY WORSE. My problem now is that I got a PA without even smoking, I read in some of this blogs that it is normal, as the THC is still around inside your body, so try to stop smoking for a while so you can “detox”.

Answer #42

I dont know when this started but I used to not be able to smoke blunts because I would start getting shakes really bad and I just assumed it was because of the people I was around and that I didnt trust them, but when I tried to do it with my boyfriend the same thing happened. he had to calm me down and keep the lights on and I think I just called down cause we shared a corona. I always get paranoid that I have some disease and im going to die or that I’m going crazy and I usually cant sleep and call my mom freaking out. I guess I’ll just stop smoking all together cause its never fun anymore, I think if youre really stressed out, or in an uncomfortable situation like being afraid of getting caught can start it. I used to have a lot of fun smoking too but something snapped in me and it just stopped… SUCKS so bad. maybe its growing up and having responsibilities in life and not just being able to say f it im gonna smoke this joint and party its like oh s my dads home, and I have a test tomorrow and my grandma has cancer and I havent paid my credit card bills today. either way,… im basically too afraid to do it anymore so I’ll stick to getting drunk.

Answer #43

This is really crazy that so many people have this problem. I have a similar story…smoked all the time from abut 16-18, pretty much every day or every other day and absolutely loved it. I would smoke as much as I could. Then I remember being in the back seat of my friend’s car with music blaring and just feeling my heart pounding in my chest and I had never felt anything like that before. I took deep breaths and was able to calm myself down. But since then nothings been the same. Sometimes I’ll smoke and be fine, but most of the time, especially if I smoke a lot, I will be absoutely f*cked. I feel my heart go faster and also my throat closes up a lot and makes it feel like I cannot breathe. I even tried a brownie thinking maybe it was the smoke, and that made the attack 10 times worse and lasted triple the time, one of the worst nights of my life. I havent smoked in about a month, and I miss it a lot, but I dont miss having the terrible attacks…I wish I could smoke again badly but just cant risk it anymore.

Answer #44

I’ve been a smoker for about 4 years but been heavy smoker for the last two years and a few weeks ago I had a panic attack after smoking a joint in the morning which was probably from dehydration from the night before :) and this kept playing on my mind. So lately when I smoke on my own I think about the feels that came with the panic attack and I start to feel a cold rush which makes me start to stress thinking about whats going on then it spirals into a constant battle in my head thinking sad thoughts e.g. (what am I doing with my life bla bla) and trying to balance them out with positive thoughts e.g. (listing whats good about my life) I see myself as a deep thinking person and this causes me to create these panic attacks from thin air just because I had the experience once. I hope this is relevant to someone especially if your a heavy user from the UK who spends about 50quid on the stuff a week.

KEEP IT POSITIVE!!! I’m trying!

Answer #45

Try to relax more when you smoke. The higher you think your risk of getting caught, the more likely you’ll get a panic attack. Find a safe, convientient place and time to smoke and it should help. Also, if you smoke with friends that’ll probably help to.

Answer #46

I smoked weed for like 10 years (im 25 now) and then I started doing really hard drugs about a year ago and decided pot was boring and quit doing it. Now I’m off the hard drugs but just trying to get back to smoking weed and drinking or being “normal” like I used to be and every time I smoke weed I start freaking out and thinking about all this stuff that doesn’t worry me when I’m sober. So yes, I think it does make your mind play tricks on you, if your not worried about cops or getting busted you will find something else to be worried about. Some people just shouldn’t do it. The only way I don’t freak out is if I do it in the middle of the day when the sun is shining and I actually go out and do something while I’m high. I can no longer sit in a dark room and watch movies or listen to music like I used to. I am just not that person anymore.

Answer #47

I had my first bad trip a year ago after hitting a dirty bong and when I say bad trip I mean it. Fk anyone who doesn’t understand. I was at a friends house around the way and couldn’t even find the way back to my house. Tried to get in my truck,no fkin luck…it was bad dude. Really don’t know what to compare it to. But I know I feel better after readin all what y’all have to say,it’s exactly like that. Reefer Madness is pretty good. Only difference with me is I started having seizures that night and do till this day. Doctors say they’re stress induced may or may not be related to that dirty bong,I think it is.Point bein we all need to be careful on quality of our sources,quality of our green and caliber of folks we blaze with,nuff said.

Answer #48

The same thing happens to me, but when it happens I try not to worry bout it… you know.. just try to distract your self when it happens. I had it once when I was laying on my bed and all of a sudden it was hard for me to breathe… but just remember it will ALL wear off in couple of hours.. your best bet is to try to go to sleep. or maybe have a beer with it to help calm you down… or maybe its the weed your buying.

It would be to strong of weed… take “ osokool “ advice.. grow your own! thats your best bet so you actually know what your smoking.. stuff that they sell on the blocks these days is laced with all types of stuff.. so becareful who you buy it from but just try not to worry on the panic attacks.. no one has ever died from that.. and your high! your minds playing tricks on you making you think that youll die. HOPE THIS HELPS

Answer #49

I experienced the same thing! I wouldn’t say ‘just quitting’ will stop the episodes. I havent smoked weed since I was 16 and I just stopped having these panic attacks about 6 months ago and im 19 now. yea my hands get sweaty my heart starts beating reallly fast and it feels like everything around me is moving alllot slower than usual. but hopefully your panic attacks just go straight away…good luck:)

Answer #50

I stopped smoking pot for years and then all of a sudden it ruined my life!! I was a bus driver and was unable to work due to getting panick attacks while driving!!

Best to quit it now!! I hope you don’t end up like me!!


Answer #51

I get panic attacks when I smoke too. I was a hardcore stoner for 2 years, and it was really fun. I would get really creative and everything felt wonderful. But just this year a lot of things have been affecting my head in a bad way. And now I just can’t smoke anymore, my mind races, I can’t focus on anything, I can’t relax, I start thinking I’m going crazy, I start shaking, and get sick to my stomach. And it’s even worse when I smoke around people.

I hope you can relate with me and feel a little better that your not alone? Or atleast somebody will..

But the advice to you is about the same as the advice to myself, just stop smoking for awhile, and try it again later.

Answer #52

I get them to SOMETIMES depends how much stress im going through, even if im not thnking about it at the moment. I call them anxity attacks thought

Answer #53

I been smokin since I was 9 and I never felt nervous or anything so I don’t know wut yall are so upset about

Answer #54

well you could always quit..

Answer #55

lmfao! omg! well just quit ^_^ i always do it once in ah great while just to have fun. dont get addicted to it.

Answer #56

the older I became, the more paranoid I became.

“reefer madness” lol. filetofspam, that brought back memories.

Answer #57

I have been smoking pot for 2 years and I was fine but recently started getting panic attacks when I smoke. they were the scariest thing that has ever happened to me and traumatized my life completely. but all a panic attack is is when your body is fighting off something and pumps adrenaline through your body and your brain doesnt understand whats going so it tries to find a reason to be afraid when there is nothing to be afraid of. now everytime I smoke pot my heart starts beating rapidly and the same negative thoughts come back but all you have to do is convince yourself that your body is just trying to protect itself from a foreign substance and there is nothing to be afraid of. I dont know how to fix the physical part (the rapid heart beating) but the fear and impending doom is not real.

Answer #58


I know it sounds weird, but when you feel yourself starting to get “too high” and panic, drink milk. I don’t know exactly what it does to your brain, but it does calm you down a little. Be careful though because after awhile, your high will go back up so make sure you have plenty on hand.

Also, don’t smoke so much. Take a couple of pulls and space them out, and you should be okay.

If neither works, you need to stop.

Hope this helps.

Answer #59

I have the same problem, I smoked for years and I loved smoking bud. I had a bad trip on shrooms and now I can’t smoke a lot of weed with out tripping, in fact lately I have been having panic attacks at work without being on anything. I believe it comes from thinking too much you see as humans we have been conditioned to think in a certain way and some drugs open up our minds, its like re-wiring your brain which is very good because usually you can learn a lot about life and your relationship to things around you but one problem is if you have been taught to fear things it halts your ability to except change, like me, my parent was very religious so the idea of heaven and hell holds me back from being free unlike people I know who’s parents were atheist which gives them the ability to learn and experience without thinking there is someone judging them waiting for them to make a mistake and take them to hell. Remember love and you’ll be ok, I know corny but true.

Answer #60

Well I’ve only done it twice. The first time I did it with some friends and I felt fine that whole day. Then 1 month later I did it with my girlfriend and I started feeling strange. At first I felt like I was seperated from my body. Almost like I couldn’t control myself for some reason like an out of body experience. After that it hit me hard. My heart had very fast irregular beats and I felt constricted. I felt like my muscules were tightening and I couldn’t breathe. It felt almost as if I were going to die and I thought I was. After laying down for a few minutes and trying to calm myself down it eventually passed. Marijuana has different effects for different people. It is also a stimulant so I don’t think it would be uncommon to find panic attacks and marrijuana related in some cases. I haven’t smoked it since then and I hadn’t had one since. :D anyone and I mean anyone who has a panic attack can tell you it’s probably one of the worse feelings you could ever feel. My advice would be to stop smoking and keep your mind free of the thoughts of your last panic attack. Try to put it behind you an forget. If you don’t want to quit smoking marijuana then just deal with the fact that you might be opening the door for future panic attacks. It’s your life, your choice. :D

Answer #61

last night I tried smoking again to see if I had a panic attack. its stupid to see if it would happend again but I have xanax to make me calm down if it happens and it happend last night and I smoked at 1130 at night and I ate at 12 at noon and I also was running on low sleep I think your right alexdoug

Answer #62

same.. you’re not used to it try smoking less.. you’ve got to like ease urself into it.. careful tho you might start to like it 2 much

Answer #63

dont get stoned, get lightly buzzed, and each time take 1 hit more then you did last time, see what your tolerance is. Like drinkin, everyone has there tolerance. I dont smoke anymore, but when I did, I had to drink with it, it mellows me. Everyones different thoe -good luck!

Answer #64

I have panic attacks on weed alsoo, they suckk. ): so far I haven’t been able to find a solution other thann not smoking.. which sucks too. I used to be a major stoner, until one day I got higher than I’ve ever been. my heart started going soo fast, and I felt like I was going into different demensions.. I thought I was dead and that the torture was NEVER going to stop. it made all my worst fears feel like they were actually happening, and the worst feeling in the world is the feeling that its never going to end, and I had that feeling. for three hours straight I guess I was sitting on the couch with my eyes wide open crying shaking back in forth speaking nonesense… I can’t smoke anymore like I said because just one or two hits now will bring the bad high right backkk. ):

Answer #65

Simple, don’t smoke!! Do you people understand that it starts with Pot, and then when that doesn’t work anymore, you move on to harder drugs?? Pot alters the mind, so if you want to look stupid, lose your job, never get a high paying job because you get an arrest record, your family loses respect for you, and you will never be trusted, then hey, throw your life away! There a lot of people in institutions who thought just like you people who try to justify its use!

Answer #66

you must have just started smoking. when I started that happend to me I would get supper high off a blunt and I get freaked out but after a while it stops because you get used to wead so you have to get better weed like try smoking some kind bud and get supper supper high and then you wont get so freaked out any more

Answer #67

I have panic attacks from weed too, their horribleee. Torture basically, they make like all my worst fears happen, even though its all in my head. I haven’t found any solutions though, ): and it sucks! I love weed.

Answer #68

Yea dude Im a former stoner of 2 years but just moved so I havent smoked weed in 2 months and I just smoked a blunt the other day and my vision got really fuzzy and I basically passed out infront of a bunch of kids I hardly knew and then stood up and passed out again and hit my face on a wall. Totally embarrassing. But they seemed understanding. The point is, that never happened before, I’m wondering if it was my tolerance being so low or what. It would suck if I couldnt smoke more than a blunt again without passin out!!!

Answer #69


Answer #70

dude…both my parents smoke pot and tell me not to smoke

to little to late I’ve been smokin bacci for 5 years…and I’ve had pot a good few times…I’ve never had a panic attack but I had a whitey 1ce or 2ce

Answer #71

The same things happens to me! I thought I was the only one that freaked out after smoking weed. The first 25 minutes of a high, I’ll completely lose track with reality and I get so scared and anxious. Also, I start to sweat and shake. To make it stop, all I can do is sit still and chill out. Usually, I’ll tell people to stop talking to me because it just makes the panic attack worse. I just always tell myself that it’s happened before and that I always get over it. Of course, afterward it’s great. All those people that just say “quite smoking” obviously don’t get the point of the question and shouldn’t even be commenting, because most of them have probably never even tried weed before and don’t know what they are talking about.

Answer #72

Take your time to smoke, don’t try to smoke as much as possible to get batshit insane high. Use a bong or another smoking device, joints keep burning and with bongs you can take some time between hits. When you feel you are as high as you want to be, stop smoking.

If you ever get paranoid, have something with a lot of sugar in it, it’ll even you out. Milk, as suggested earlier, might help but that’s mostly with alcohol as far as I know.

Ignore the comments about cannabis being a killer drug and whatnot, that’s like saying “OH GOD IF YOU DRINK 3 LITERS OF WHISKY YOU’LL DIE” (except that that’s actually possible, and you can’t die from “smoking too much”). Exaggeration and disinformation are used by those who fear the unknown, smoke on.

Anyone who has a problem with use of marijuana should blame themselves and not the drug. We don’t blame cars for car accidents, do we? We blame the drivers.

Answer #73

I have smoked pot for almost 10 years now & I smoke every single day at least a joint or more, and not long ago I started to have effects such as yours. I’d start thinking about crazy sh*t like dying and the after life and my husband dying and if the world were to end right at that second, there were times when I thought this is it the world’s going to end right now. There for a while anytime I smoked I’d pass out. A lot of people in my family have told me it’s because I know I’m doing something wrong and it’s my conscience or god telling me something, but I don’t feel like I’m doing anything wrong. I mean it’s a plant that comes from the ground, god gave us this & we should use it however intended. There is not one single death because of an overdose on marijuana. I have chronic headaches & cramps in my stomach and smoking relieves these pains. So quitting for me is not an option painkillers quit working a long time ago.

My advice would be to be around people you like, and people you know who care about you it’s all in your head. Just don’t think about it if you start thinking about something and it starts getting you worked up think about something else, sing a song instead, go to the bathroom and flush your face with cold water.

But if your a beginner I’d smoke less…Like I said I’ve been smoking for a long time and my tolerence level is very low after at least 3-4 hits I’m good. I hope my advice worked…

Answer #74

pot is not addicting so dont worry about getting addicted. ease your way into it though. my first time I was with my friends and we had some dank weed and we got like 2 blunts each of it and I flipped out.

Answer #75

I would say its all in your mind only because your new to it and still havent gotten used to its effects so I dont think its a bad thing really I had a friend that went thru the same thing but eventually he got passed it

These are some of the comments I have copied from a forum

-pharmaceuticals are known to kill more people than illegal drugs

-marijuana is the number 1 cash crop in the world it serves as a natural medicine and has many other uses thats why they prohibited it so big companies can make more profit thanks to “bad journalism”

-can also help aids patients, aids diminishes appetite have them smoke a joint and they regain their appetite counteracting the illness

-no one can die from smoking cannabis and has been no known deaths compared to everything else including alcohol, tobacco, etc..

I myself have asthma and smoking opens up my airways making it easier to breathe with no side effects when medically legalized in my state I look foward to becoming a patient for prescription marijuana. 12 states have already legalized it along with other countries in the world and more following my job is to educate people that are not aware of the plants uses


-I did most of my research through websites, books, magazines, and the news high times magazine etc..

  • theres more to it than just getting high and I believe legalizing it would make this a better world to live in

-God bless the whole crop!

  • and for people that dont smoke, you dont need to smoke it to support it

-all the better reason for the government to legalize.. couple reasons why it should be legalized: -will be removed from black market and stop empowering gang members -medical reasons -would be sold like alcohol, remember alcohol was once prohibited too (in stores away from children, have to be 21+) -would be a law that you cant drive while intoxicated on weed -prison population would lower (prisons are overcrowding with nonviolent offenders) -keep patients from being convicted -would provide millions of jobs for people -would make us an independent country (fuel, etc.., debt free america)

people with an addiction (including hard drugs) shouldnt be thrown in jail, they need help theres more people in jail with mental illnesses than there are in mental institutions

the list goes on

  • the War on Drugs is a failure, its a war on its own people. policies need to be changed we pay billions in taxpayers money to keep the war going and neither side is winning thats just a waste of our tax money I wonder what they do with all that money.. those greedy bastards just sell drugs back onto the street, you can even check urself on that there was a time when there was a cia operation transporting drugs overseas into america the government also provided Rick Ross with plenty of heroin to go around, course making money from it

the truth must be exposed, theyre dirty work must stop!

-Of course we can do something about it, we all just need to unite screw the federal government remember slavery? if no one stood up im pretty sure it would still be going on people were tortured, beaten, killed and thrown in jail but that didnt stop them standing up for their rights eventually slavery was abolished same with alcohol prohibition eventually became re-legalized

  • its like theres some kind of conspiracy going on I sense the government is up to no good and trying to control us. credit cards, money, and now they have chips that can be implanted in skin for uselful reasons but if in the wrong hands well were pretty much fuct they hiding the truth from us its dangerous to be right when the government is wrong they got theyre privacy but we dont. they want to know everything were doing on our leisure time

get up stand up!

  • marijuanas not anti-establishment because its illegal, its illegal because its anti-establishment

all facts stated have been double-checked and confirmed what more info? lets all make this a better place to live in!

Answer #76

I had the samme exact thing happen to me when I first started smoking alott! Like listen, when you r a first timer at smoking weed, take it easy 4 a while. Only take a few hits, then after a few months of doing it then you can start smoking really as much as you want. Or they can b caused if you dont smoke occasional. like if you smoke a lot on weekend then dont smoke 4 like a week, it can cause something kinda like withdrawls.

Answer #77

The pot is stronger these days. Its not grown in the woods anymore its sprayed with all sorts of stuff so god knows what you are smoking. I am 37 years old professional family man who does not like to drink but would rather smoke a bowl. I have been smoking for almost 20 years and in the past year have been getting panic attacts that yes feel like my heart is going to explode. Grow your own. Know what your smoking. Or do what I have done and quit. It is NOT PARANOIA it is the chemicals they are spraying on the weed to make it grow quicker!

Answer #78

I’m a 40 yr old man who’s been using marijuana fairly regularly for at least 12 years now. Over the past 5 or so, I’ve occasionally had pretty severe panic attacks which seemed to be triggered by marijuana. The other factors that I believe contribute to the panic attacks that I’ve had are

-having had a few drinks or cups of coffee recently -not having eaten in a long while – low blood sugar -being tired (my panic attacks are worse when I’m tired, but being tired alone hasn’t been enough to bring on an attack.

Of course everyone is different and reacts to stresses on the system differently.

I believe being hungry is what really makes the difference.

Now, I basically make sure I’ve had plenty to eat BEFORE I partake and have no problem.

just my 2 cents


Answer #79

damn I didn’t know this many people freaked out off smokin tree lol…

man I’ve been smokin budd for awhile(well use to).. since my freshman year at high school… me and my boys would go around school bummin dollars off our friends to buy a dime when we get home(most time we did get enough too lol) and we would sit out in his garage and just blaze from four pm to eleven at night… just straight chillin laughin and chillin.. listening to heavy metal bands high is the greatest crap ever…

well we were all out past curfew one night in my town about 1 a.m. trying to get to my other boys house to get some food and cds… well this siren went off and we all got the crap scared outta us and hoped in the bushes by the main road.. and it was a cop going the opposite way we were…I was scared and paranoid for the rest of the night but I never paniced or anything yet. but that was just the beggining of my nightmare.

into my late sophmore year we started growin up ya know people got work people ot other things to do.. I mean we still smoked budd just not all the time.. well everyone was busy and my girl was at cheerleadin practice so I decided to buy a dime from dude and go home and smoke up alone… and go home and lay back and chill listen to some music and maybe play a video game or somthin. well after about the third hit I got this huge HEAD RUSH.. it was crazy.. everything felt fake and everyone was out to get me… my life hasn’t been the same since.. I distrusted friends.. I almost lost my girl that I’ve been with since my ninth grade year and who I’ve been best friends with since seventh grade due to paranoia from that bad experience…

I have smoked budd before about six or seven months after that one experience and soon I was a regular at it again… I still had very minor panic attacks and aniety from getting passed the bong and from me rememberin that bad experience but usually I can pass it off soon… BUT this one time soon after I had the worst ever!!! I got some budd from this dude I know but dont know to well… and I chilled wit him and smoke a couple bong hits wit my boys… we smoked a lot of good weed.. like four bong hits to the head back to back and I was all tore up.. I soon asked if they were about ready and they agreed… we were in the car and I still felt kinda panic and and paranoid but ithought it would get drowned away buy the music I was listenin to… but it didmt and I went inside my boys house wit them to all chill and play some halo and I couldn’t so I wanted to get home to my girl so bad..but I didn’t have any wheels.. and I surely didn’t wanna tell my boys what was going on ya know…

well fortunatley one of my best friends called and was like where you at.. we gotta chill.. and I was like curts I need to go home man.. take me home.. please .. can you take me home man.. I dont feel right… I need to get to my girls house.. just take me home man… and he was like ok ok. where are you…? and I told him.. he soon came and he tried to calm me down..

when he got there I was a WRECK!! I thought I was gonna die.. I was trippin out badly.. everything seemed fake and I started thinkin bout all this religious crap.. like it was a eye opener for me to stop while I can or my life will just alway be messed up! and then these loud clock bells started dingin in the house.. and I just kept thinkin to my self this is it! my time is done here.. my girl is gone.. my life is gone.. my dreams are gone..I ran out side to get in the car and my mind wouldn’t let me get into the car! I thought we were gonna get into a acccident and thats how I was gonna die that night ya know so I refused to get into the… all the time I couldn’t talk.. I could only say a few words.. all the rest I could feel the words commin out but they just wouldn’t come out! soon I calmed down just enough to let my friend throw me and the car and lock the doors.. he called my girlfriend to tell her bout in and got her upset and dropped my off there… I WAS NEVER SO HAPPY TO BE HOME ON A FRIDAY and MY LIFE! I felt a lot better just bein home with her… we went upstars and watched spongebob lol… and soon I started to stop shakin and then I finally convinced myself that I was not gonna die in my sleep and let myself go to bed.

I woke the next day and too my surpise I woke up in my bed beside my girl fine and normal..

but the reason I wrote all this was to say that… I smoked weed for years.. and never had one panic attack.. it isn’t just about bein new to it.. it just happens.. it can depend on lots of things as to why it happens. but I do know I think this happens to a lot of people.. I started drinkin to have a fun thing to do on weekends without weed.. and to my astonishment a lot of my stoner friends that I stopped hangin wit now drink like they use to smoke pot and no longer smoke pot lol.. so I think this is very common with people in today.. I think the weed has a lot of chemicals laced into them that aren’t exactly natural..

but I know I havne’t been the same since that first bad trip. life hasn’t.. I see things differently and I dont go out on weekends as much anymore not even to drink! if you have these attacks then my suggestion IS TO JUST STOP.. its probaby a wake up call and that there are more things and life for you that just smoking dro everyday ya know.

Answer #80


Answer #81

I’m actually glad that a lot of people feel like this because I went (and still do) go through the same thing. I suggest that you take a couple of hits, smoke slowly. Make sure you’re with people you truely trust and love (friends you’ve known for a long time and gone through shit with) because I get offered weed everyday from friends that I’ve known for a few months now and eventhough they tell me they care and we have spent everyday of this school year together afterschool I just don’t trust them like that, ofcourse I refuse the offer because I’ve smoked with them once and got a panic attack. Crowded/Public areas also make me extremrly paranoid. I usually have the best highs around nature (lobely parks) and people’s houses, usually just a friend and I or a couple of people. Zoning out to music also helps me. It really all depends on the amount you smoke and most importsntly your environement. I love smoking because of the deep insightful thoughts I get, but sometimes I can’t because of my stupid panic attacks.

Hope this helps!

Answer #82

This is really crazy that so many people have this problem. I have a similar story…smoked all the time from abut 16-18, pretty much every day or every other day and absolutely loved it. I would smoke as much as I could. Then I remember being in the back seat of my friend’s car with music blaring and just feeling my heart pounding in my chest and I had never felt anything like that before. I took deep breaths and was able to calm myself down. But since then nothings been the same. Sometimes I’ll smoke and be fine, but most of the time, especially if I smoke a lot, I will be absoutely f*cked. I feel my heart go faster and also my throat closes up a lot and makes it feel like I cannot breathe. I even tried a brownie thinking maybe it was the smoke, and that made the attack 10 times worse and lasted triple the time, one of the worst nights of my life. I havent smoked in about a month, and I miss it a lot, but I dont miss having the terrible attacks…I wish I could smoke again badly but just cant risk it anymore.

Answer #83

Christ… Thought I was the only one that felt the same …

I was newbie at this (I am 23) and the first time smoked like one or two hits of a joints made of leaves, it felt great you know so I decided go further,

I was on MSN chatting with my very best friends, was everything OK… I remember exactly what I told to him before I unpluged my notebook and started to get ready to get the hell out of here and get to a hospital…(I was alone, thought I was near to having a heart atack and a possible black out)

I said to him by chat “shitt… I am stoned and it feel goood, I dont even feel my arms”… RIGHT AFTER THAT… I starting to feel that something were erasing me from existance, my heart started racing and my arms went very dumb and I didnt feel them, I just moved like a robot or something, in other words.. I moved it by unknown reasons, SCARY CRAP EVER.

I didnt know what to do man I live alone in an apartment so I decided going to the first floor for help, I called a girl that I trust and she calmed me down very good, my heart were going normal and everything was OK

I dont give panic atack to anyone, its the scary s$hit ever, you really really think your going to DIE.

after that I dont know what to do, I am not giving up anyway I am going to try it again with all the advices here hope it will help

Answer #84

Hey. So about a month ago, after smoking a joint, I too got what I thought was a life or death “ heart attack “. I smoked my first joint when I was 12, and have been a casual smoker since then. For the last 2 years I have smoked generally a small joint per day, which, yes, makes me a pot head, I guess. I have had many talks with my doctor about pot related health problems and he assured me that although it is a drug, it is far less concerning than tobacco or alcohol.

Back to the story, a month ago I had the strangest and scariest sensation. I smoked a joint, and then about an hour into the buzz I felt this RUSH to the head, then right away it felt very dizzy and light. At the time, I felt as though my right arm went numb and I JUMPed off of my seat at my computer, got my cell out of my pocket and had 911 on standby. My heart started RACING, pounding very heavily and I thought I was on the verge of heart attack, or stroke, or something very deadly. I calmed myself down by walking around and after about 10 minutes my heart started going to a more regular pace.

After that, my body felt very weird. I was so scared and anxious that something serious had gone wrong, which made every symptom seem that much more intense than it actually was. But while I walked back to my room, my legs trembled and so did my arms if I tried to write anything down. Kinda like a kid going to see the principal for the first time.

I had two more episodes since then, and they always happened sometime after smoking a joint. It is unfortunate, because I love marijuana and it is part of my life. I smoke generally a .2 when I go to bed and an ounce lasts me two months. But I fear that the only way to get rid of these attacks is to stop smoking weed altogether. Even though I now know, from reading medical websites and other sites, that panic attacks are not lethal, they are very very scary and they feel very real and dangerous when they happen. I guess in the end we just have to decide what is best for us and work it out.

Cheers all.

Answer #85

I’ve suffered from panick attacks for about 6-8 months now , I also sell about 40-50 oz every month and so I have a whole different level of paranoia , im mostly paranoid about the police , but not soo much anymore as I was just busted about 2 months ago , im 25 nearly 26 , smoked high grade green since I was 16 , dutch canadian homegrown you name it , fucking loved it , then at the start of this year I moved into the city as I lived in the country before , and I came down with the most terrible panick attacks where I couldn’t walk down the street without thinking I was going to die suddenly and I had to touch a fence or a railing to get it to stop , I also read too much into the so called illuminati and new world order and was focusing on nothing but negative things in life and not seeing anything worth while for a long time , quite simply I think paranoia comes from depression or depression comes from paranoia and anxiety combined , im still not great when I smoke weed and I cant enjoy it atall like I used to its not enjoyable atall , because I associate the panick attacks with the weed as panick attacks are also an associative psychosematic disorder , it sucks for me because I loved weed , not I have done too much and fucked me head completely lol , I think ill need to stop for years before I can enjoy it again , many of my friends told me they had had them also in past years and managed to keep smoking and get past them , I think if you stay active and generally stimulate your mind with work or something creative where you are actually using your brain and not just watching the box then this will help , how long it will take to get your head back to normal and be able to enjoy smoking weed again I think is down to how bad your panick attacks were when you first came down with them , I know for one I’ve changed for the better and no longer want to believe in conspiracys as deep as I did and will hopefully see a more positive world , hope this helps anyone out there suffering , as all your comments have helped me relate and be able to think this might all be over one day and ill be able to enjoy a big fat doobie like I have soo many times before in my life … but for now I dont smoke weed or cigarrettes and intend to stop for atleast 6 months , thats my target and goal , PEACE >

Answer #86

Dude the best thing to realize is that you aren’t alone with this problem. I never had a problem smoking the stuff until recently; after I had been diagnosed with a panick/ anxiety disorder. millions of people in the us alone suffer from sort of panick disorder. I was forward with my doctor about the panick attacks after smoking cannabis. He informed me that more than likely the marijuana was just one o the hundreds of “triggers” that can set off a panick attack. Just realize that you ARE going to be ok. Also, keep in mind that I am not a doctor and im just relaying information I recieved from a licensed medical professional. Also, studies have shown that the risk of a myocardial infarction (heart attack) increases by 50 percent within the first hour after consuming marijuana. the same study showed that the risk decreased almost immediately after the first hour. so that is one thing to remember if you are at high risk of a heart attack. your best course of action if you cant remedy the problem on your own is to go see your physisian. he can explain more to you about panick and anxiety and can also offer ways of treating it. im a 22 year old from ohio. Im at very high risk for a heart attack due to being an over weight, smoking cigarettes, and being a daily pot user. so I understand how it feels to have the panick attacks. I have them for about the first 25 mins of my high everytime. but I always get through it. you will to. hope this information helps. and please remember that I am not a doctor. just someone whos been there.

Answer #87

man… this same crap has been happening to me. I have been a total stoner since I was 14, I’m 25 now and I’ve been getting panic attacks from weed on & off for a couple years now. what really sucks is it doesn’t seem to matter what type of pot or what I’m doing, usually it just comes out of nowhere, my heart starts racing really bad, I feel dizzy and sick and start sweating and it SUCKS A** because I used to love the way weed made me feel! I just had one earlier off a bong hit so I don’t have the best advice except to chug lots of water and just really try to distract yourself. As scary as it feels at the time (I’m always trippin that I’m going to have a heart attack) I know marijuana is a safe drug and unfortunately it sometimes causes some really uncomfortable sensations. I think more often it’s not really the pot that makes it happen, but once it has happened after smoking your mind re-creates the same feeling, so it feels like weed makes you trip out when really your almost tripping yourself out! It’s so stupid because I never used to have this problem. I am just posting this because it made me feel a little better to know there’s others with the same problem. Yeah, some people say just quit, that is an option but they probably don’t understand how frustrating it is when you have felt the good effects of pot, to then have it give you panic attacks… and you don’t know how to control it… it just sucks. taking downers helps but you can’t pop pills every day, so I don’t know. Every time it happens I just tell myself I’ve been through this before and nothing is going to happen, it will pass and it’s just uncomfortable at the time. Being outside in the nature always helps too, get away from the computer and closed spaces when your smoking!

Answer #88

I feel so much better after reading this… I started smoking since I was 13, until a year ago so I smoked for 9 years . For 7 -8 years I did everyday . Days I didnt work I smoked all day… When I had school I smoked before school. When I had to go to work I smoked before work, and ofcourse when I got home. Until about a year ago. I got married and my wife did not approve of me smoking weed. I tried to hide it for about 2-3 months, Smoked before she woke up, and then I would smoke after she would fall asleep. Things did not work out so I finally decided to quit. I quit Smoking weed and its been about a year now. Im 23 now and I never smoke weed anymore but the other night, My wife unexpectantly decided to go out with her friends and sleep over her friends house and drink at her house. Well I was like ok cool, I decided this would give me a chance to smoke at home and chill and watch stupid movies and laugh all night. So I did and it was a bad idea, as soon as she left I called my friend who grows pot, and went to his house I picked out a bud and also got one that was dry and ready to smoke for the night. I came home and put the fresh bud away and hid it to let dry and I had my other bud I broke it up and smoked a blunt. After I was done with the blunt my heart starting raising I felt like I was going to overdose. At first I was scared but then I started sweating and feeling cold , my body was freezing and I got under the covers, I didnt know what was happening so I started praying, I was scared to call the ambulance because they would find the pot or find it in my system. I thought I was going to die so I threw all the pot away and flushed it down my toilet. I had a really bad experience, I started calming down after 30 minutes which seemed like 2 hours. I went outside and took my dog out which I thought would make me feel better. I got so scared I decided to just go to sleep so I tried hard to fall asleep and I did. When I woke up I felt weird and dizzy and hungry of course so I ate half of the fridge. I asked a friend about it and he told me it could of been from not smoking for so long. so he told me just smoke little bits and you will get used to it… I smoked again another day with my friend, and I was fine nothing happened but I think it was because we were watching a game and laughing and watching his bird talk and playing playstation so I think my mind was not into it. Then I waited about 3-4 days for some sticky stuff to dry up right off the plant again. I smoked again at home by myself and it happened again. I think the panic attacks only come to me when I at home by myself because my mind is thinking too much, and its almost like im expecting it to happen. So my conclusion is to just not smoke by myself, I only do it in parties and with my friends.

Answer #89

Apparently this feeling is very common, it is comforting to know that I’m not totally alone.

When I was in my teens I was a huge stoner. I was high everyday all the time. I loved it anything was entertaining and beautiful or funny and food tasted amazing… lol. I dropped out of school and moved in with a friend and started doing meth when I was 16 along with my pot smoking and also drinking occasionally. We mostly did meth but we would settle for coke if we couldn’t find any.

After my friend and I had a huge falling out I stopped the hard stuff all together and stuck to my pot.

About a few months later I started to get panic attacks once and a while when I smoked weed, but I just shrugged it off. It eventually turned into every time I got high, so I only got high when I was drinking with friends because I didn’t feel the panic. Soon I couldn’t even do that without getting scared. I couldn’t even stand being in the same room with people smoking… the smell would send me off into a panic attack.

Then one night during a really crazy lightning storm I had a panic attack with out anything in my system. and from there on I have had panic attacks out of nowhere, for no reason and sometimes for the stupidist reasons. I don’t know if that happens to anyone else without being high…, perhaps somehow I have gotten an anxiety or panic disorder.

I tried smoking weed again for the first time in 3 years with my husband just to see if I could handle it.. the first night was ok and I had fun and we had a good laugh… but the next night I was in his arms scared I was going to die.

I think it’s just easier to keep clean of it, for me that’s what helps, but there are many times I wish I could just daze off at how pretty the room is or how extra funny that tv show is, or how amazing that food tastes…

Answer #90

I used to smoke pot on a regular basis, after I came home from work, sometimes before seeing a movie with a friend, hanging out with a boyfriend. It seemed like a normal frequency, especially compared to some of the people I knew. I also drank on the weekends, did other drugs, in what I thought was a recreational way. After a few years, the frequency of my pot, alcohol and drug use progressed. I didn’t notice that I felt nervous when I didn’t use or drink, because (and this is my story, I’m not talking about anyone else, this is MY EXPERIENCE) I was always taking something, whether a little bit of wine, smoking a bowl, tylenol PM, or painkillers. And then I started having anxiety and panic attacks, and smoking pot and drinking didn’t work to relax me anymore, in fact they seemed to trigger the nervous, scared feelings.

But I didn’t stop anyway. By this time, I was in my late twenties and I didn’t know another way. It didn’t even occur to me to take a break from drugs and alcohol, until I became a daily user, smoker and drinker. And in my story, I did lose a job, an apartment, moved back home and ended up in an emergency room. Fortunately, the doctors told me to go to rehab, and for some unexplained reason, I listened, I stayed and I’ve been sober in recovery since then. And I got to go through all the stuff we go through getting sober, but its been two years, and my life is not perfect, but it is a million times better than it ever was before. I’ve learned new ways to deal with anxiety, loneliness, stress, and boredom and for the first time in a long time my life seems to change and grow and develop. I know for me, panic attacks AND ESPECIALLY THE FACT THAT I CONTINUED TO SMOKE POT DESPITE THEM meant I had a problem with drugs and alcohol. If a normal person smokes pot and has a panic attack, they don’t try to do it again … an addict keeps going back and trying to make using fun again. If you are an addict, it doesn’t get better, it gets worse. I have a progressive disease. I believe it and accept it and I am a happier person for it.

If you find a way to enjoy pot again, good for you. If I could enjoy and use it recreationally, I would still be smoking. But I’ve learned that I can’t, and I’m okay with it. Good Luck. Sorry if I seemed to lecture. I only want to be helpful, and I wish someone spoke to me about this stuff when I started losing control and feeling bad.

Answer #91

damn, I feel awesome right now knowing that everyone that has posted feels exactly like me. Im pretty stoned right now haa.. I mean I took a bad acid trip about 3 weeks ago and got really stone bc it was 420, well I thought it was a bad acid trip but I think it had just triggered my first panic attack. So I forgot about it even though it was pretty much the most horrible experiece I’ve ever had and said fck acid. about 2 weeks later I had a horrble day with my girlfriend and some other sh.t happened that really got to me and I decided to get really stoned bc I jknew it would make me feel better. I started freaking out and crying on the phoine with my girlfriend and was freaked out thinking that I was having acid flashbacks and the feeling came again the next day. so I immediattly went to the doc crying about the acid flashback which was really just a panic attack and he gave me xanex to calm me down. so I decided to stop smoking after smoking just about everyday for a year in a half and tonight was the first night I smoked prior to that (abo0ut a week in a half break) I got real stoned but started to feel the anxiety attack again and left my friends to take a xanex( which I feel good now) I immediatly got on the internet and read these stories. I just think maybe the long term pot use and the acid caught up to me and gave me a panic disorder. It just f.cking pisses me off that I need to stop because I used to love and still do love pot but I cant smoke it if this is going to happen everytime cause its f.cking scary. I think im just growing up and having enoug problems in my life to where pot is going to make me freak but it sucks. Just whatever you do , if you have any type of anxiety in your lifke dont touch acid/lsd because it will take your bad thoughts to the extreme and its not a good experience.(and it will trigger more anxiety and cause you have more of a problem, but lsd is amazing if you do it right) But in a way I am also kind of glad im not smoking pot anymore, I am much more productive and healthy, my sex drive is ridiculous and I my girlfriend all the time again. But it is a little sad I cant get stoned all the time anymore, hopefuly my anxiety will resurface and I can enjoy it again but in the meantime I need to quit and keep making my parents and my girlfridn :) satisfied … also sorry for the long post after I took me xanex I feel real f.cked

Answer #92

Dude the best thing to realize is that you aren’t alone with this problem. I never had a problem smoking the stuff until recently; after I had been diagnosed with a panick/ anxiety disorder. millions of people in the us alone suffer from sort of panick disorder. I was forward with my doctor about the panick attacks after smoking cannabis. He informed me that more than likely the marijuana was just one o the hundreds of “triggers” that can set off a panick attack. Just realize that you ARE going to be ok. Also, keep in mind that I am not a doctor and im just relaying information I recieved from a licensed medical professional. Also, studies have shown that the risk of a myocardial infarction (heart attack) increases by 50 percent within the first hour after consuming marijuana. the same study showed that the risk decreased almost immediately after the first hour. so that is one thing to remember if you are at high risk of a heart attack. your best course of action if you cant remedy the problem on your own is to go see your physisian. he can explain more to you about panick and anxiety and can also offer ways of treating it. im a 22 year old from ohio. Im at very high risk for a heart attack due to being an over weight, smoking cigarettes, and being a daily pot user. so I understand how it feels to have the panick attacks. I have them for about the first 25 mins of my high everytime. but I always get through it. you will to. hope this information helps. and please remember that I am not a doctor. just someone whos been there.

Answer #93

I started smoking pot when I was 19. I use to be a Big time smoker. They say its not addicting, but you know its addicting when you are selling your things and pawning them to get high. I know lots of kids doing those types of things, and trust me.. they are addicted. They become dependant on that Feel Good sensation that they become moody and mean when they don’t have weed. They are still my friends, but it was hard to get them to back off of giving me pot. I had many panic attacks from it (im 24 now) and they were kinda rude about me quiting. I explained to them that sometimes its not all fun and games anymore. That many things in life is like that… eat too much sugar and you get diabetes..know what I mean? So before I totally quit, I decided to just hang around them when they were smoking… to get second hand high.. and I would still get attacks. So I decided to narrow it down some more, I only was around my boyfriend, whom was very supportive during this whole thing.. and I would still get attacks. Naturally I am a very sensitive person, so I concluded that I reached my limit. My nerves can no longer take it. I am a person with allergies and sensitivites to sounds and lights. So it was only a matter of time before the one Beautiful thing such as Pot would become like an allergen to me LOL!!! But now my friends understand where Im coming from because a couple of the other people ended up calming down because they to were getting attacks. So now we are all close again, and we all understand that people naturally have their limits.

Answer #94

It has been found in several documented studies and clinical trials that many people that smoke marijuana and have anxiety issues can actually help to stop panic attacks after ingesting the drug. It has also been found that those that suffer from anxiety disorders began their symptoms before ever even trying marijuana. So in retrospect, it is not the drug that causes the attack, but a previous anxiety problem. And on a personal note, based off my own particular usage, I have found that my case of severe anxiety is significantly lessened after I smoke. So I find a factual basis that these studies are correct. my suggestion to new smokers is never to over do it anytime you smoke. Even long term smokers can start to feel negative affects after ingesting large quantities of THC, as it is the balance of THC(tetrohydrocannabinol) and CBD(cannabidiol) in marijuana that results in a calm, relaxed high. While more THC and less CBD can result in headaches, nausea, anxiety, and other side affects, though they do wear off soon after the high degrades. My opinion is to be careful what pot you use and how much at a time.

Answer #95

This thread just made me relax a little. I used to smoke weed a lot throughout high school. It was one of the most exciting things that had happened to me, I realized how mentally liberating weed was and how it creatively entertained my mind. However, towards the end of my senior year I began noticing high levels of paranoia while I smoked. It was becoming more and more stressful to smoke around people because of the anxious feeling I would get from trying to communicate with the people around me. I forced myself to smoke because I wasn’t ready to admit that this beautiful, inspiring drug could inhibit my mind. I say I as in myself individually. Not one other person I knew experienced increased stress after smoking, but typically experienced just the opposite. Until I read this thread that is. Tonight I had one of the worst nights I’ve ever had while high. I was used to denying bowls and bongs for about three months, but tonight decided to give it a shot. After all I was with about 5 other accepting, caring friends. It seemed like a great time to reintroduce myself to marijuana. I had visions of the first time I ever got high, and had only hoped that after smoking tonight the same wondrous and exciting feeling would return to my mind. Instead I experienced the typical negative sensations. My mind raced from thought to paranoid thought, and I couldn’t decide whether to laugh or to cry. To die from laughter or to die from embarrassment and shame. Shame that I couldn’t relax around people other than my family. I kept thinking to myself, “is this the person I have become?” . Now I am sitting at home in my room alone, and most of the tension has left my body except for this nagging sensation at the core of my chest. The grip will continue to leave my body throughout the night until tomorrow when I awake and certain lightness will grace my body. This feeling will be short lived. I know now, although I wish in vain always that it is not true, that nothing gold can stay. So all in all, this thread will help me realize that I am not alone in this situation. It is not completely my fault that panic engulfs me from one puff of THC. I have to remember that I do not have control over what happens to my body because it has natural rhythms and beats.

Answer #96

honestly this happens to pretty much everyone once in a while. your friends probly went through it they will talk you down and you will be chill

Answer #97

Wow, and I thought I was alone with feeling this way…LOVED smoking all through high school, I was so funny when I would smoke and it was the chillest ever for like 6 years…spent a lotta nights getting stoned with friends and having a great time. All of a sudden this past year or so I get so paranoid, feel panicky and have bad anxiety when I smoke. It SUCKS!! I miss those days when smoking was so chill and fun. I still do it once in a great while, hoping it will feel good again, but it usually doesnt. wtf!

Answer #98

Before you smoke, think of this. What is bothering me and what do I feel about myself and current life situation? Why do I ask you to do this? Because your answer is the key. When you toke down, your paranoia goes up and your inhibitions to not think of some things lowers. The panic attack occurs when they all hit you at once. Be happy and remember that the thc is making you paranoid.

Answer #99

paranoia is a common side effect of pot.

Being in comfortable and familiar surroundings and surrouded with friends you trust is a good first step.

Of course you don’t have to smoke pot. If you don’t enjoy it than why do it?

Answer #100

hello to the people who love pot, i think we need to think outside the box here… when you first started smoking pot it was pleasant right? then months or years later or you smoked then quit and then returned the good feelings turned evil… fast heart rate, kinda cold and just overall bad. well i believe a few things could have caused this but first lets look a pot for a min. the chemicals in weed are used by the plant to keep animals away or to make them forget where they found the plant. humans smoke weed because it make you feel good…tired hungry and well high. you are an organism so hmm lets think for a min weed makes you feel great right with almost no side effects accept maybe some tar from smoking. anyway to my point you know those receptors in your brain they can become damaged or altered at least that’s what i believe is a possible cause of the nasty side effects after long term use. you also have to think hmm the heart why is it suddenly racing possibly because of neurological damage caused by pot. this is what i think, in are body there is a protective layer most likely in the brain that gets eaten away until you have the symptoms described above. a smart person would say hay wait a sec this is not like before i don’t feel right i guess pot was fun while it lasted… but if your like me and said hey must be a bad batch of weed and try it again then realize its not the weed but its you who have changed. I’ve done so much research and there is a possibility that’s its infected tricomes that grow on weed. bacteria, mold and fungus grow on tricomes and if you smoke or eat it it would make you sick. so make sure your weed is properly grown dried and cured. Mexican weed/ brown brick weed is fermented and has plenty of bacteria on it. so make sure you know where your weed is coming from. all this crap i just said should be considered before quitting this lovely flower…….:)

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