Overweight mindset? what?!

I’ve currently lost around 40-45 pounds… and I don’t know. emotionally, I still feel like im overweight, I KNOW im not, but sometimes I have to remind myself.

I feel WAY more confident with my body now, but im still in the mindset of

“I cant wear that, it wont look right” or “I cant try and flirt with that guy cause he wont like big girls” stuff like that, like im still in the mindset of being overweight o.o

its weird. I guess what im trying to ask is, how do I stop this?

Answer #1

That same thing happened to my best friend. She went from a size 16 to size 2 and she STILL thought at time she looked wrong in outfits. It took her mind A LONG time to adjust. She had to change her frame of mind. She logically talked her mind into it figuring if she is a 2 and weighs that low weight, she must look good. I guess just get your “I FABULOUS” attitude on!

Answer #2

remind yourself that you are not anymore, congrats on your accomplishment look at your clothes size and be like wow I am not overweight I am sexy and confident and have a positive outlook on your new body. Being sexy is not just about looking it, it is about being comfortable with who you are inside and out once you have confidence guys will find you sexy and you will have nothing to worry about.. hopefully I helped. and remember the number on a scale is just a number it does not affect the person you are deep down, which is the most important.

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