What is an orgy?

I know its a orgasm… but what is it??? like how do I tell when I am having one or got one or whatever?? and how? do I get one??? confused… and 16.

Answer #1

Orgy is not quite the same as orgasm. If you want to have an orgy, you should go to a frat house on a Friday night. You may even get orgasm there, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

Answer #2

it also kind of feels like your inside is vibrating

Answer #3


Answer #4

thats not what i meant.

Answer #5

what bubux said!

and it isnt an orgasm.. lol so no you dont know.

LOL I had my first orgasm in grade two.. I just learned on my own..

I thought it was instinct… it was for me.

Answer #6

“Orgy”, today literally means that when few person 4-10 etc. make heavy sex with each other and in front of each other.

Answer #7

when many fun people go into “ HEAT “ in a flopping heap / simutaneously Eeee!!!

Answer #8

it almost feels like you have to go to the bathroom, that is the build-up of it. so if you r masturbating and it feels like you need to pee that is your orgasm coming, you like feel really wet and stuff. if you touch urself inside and it feels wet and the bathroom feeling has come you have had an orgasm, I think. and a great way to get one is to tease urself and slowing play with your genitals and look at stuff like this, that is what helps me. hope I helped

Answer #9

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