What is your opinion of placing your baby up for adoption?

Answer #1

Better than raising it in a home that can’t take care of the child.

Answer #2

i think it mostlly depends on what the reason is for putting the baby up for adoption…but i see nothing wrong with it..if you can be a strong enough person to put the baby up..i know that could be a very hard thing (seeing that i am pregnant)..but if the person is unable to financially raise that child, then thats a very good reason to put him/her up, but if a person has enough money and support to raise the child and just wants to be selfish and give their baby up just because they want to party and other things such as that..that sorta seems wrong..but is still a good reason because that person doesn’t seem “fit” to be a parent and shouldn’t be a parent if all they think about are themselves…the only way i would put my baby up for adoption is so that he could have a better life if i knew for a fact i couldn’t support the baby financially..

Answer #3

all of this being said: i dont think its “wrong” to consider the adoption..it doesn’t make you a bad person…even i have considered it and thought about it..(even looked up families to further my options) parenting can be a very hard and frightening thing..TRUST ME..lol..so i understand alot about all the thoughts that will go through a young expecting mother’s head..because i have been there too..and am experiencing the same thing…

Answer #4

Plus there are places that do open adoption so you can be in your child’s life. There are also places that will raise your child until you are stable enough on your own and those you are involved in his or her life as well. So I personally believe adoption is a great way to show your child you love them. Because if you didn’t love them you would keep them fully knowing you are not yet ready for the job.

Answer #5

I think its good if the mom/dad cant take care of the kid.

Answer #6

i agree with cassie

Answer #7

I think it would be an incredibly difficult decision to maked, but I do think that adoption is a good idea if the parents of the child can’t take care of it. It isn’t fair for a child to have to live in an unfit or unstable environment. They don’t really have a choice in the matter, you know? Parents need to put their childs’ needs ahead of their own. A child deserves to have a good life, even if it means with different parents.

Answer #8

i think its a good option for someone who shouldnt raise a baby

Answer #9

Thank you guys.

Answer #10

If you are pregnant, (not sure) but at your age I know how hard things can seem, but by all means please consider all options EXCEPT the ‘A” word. Everyday when I read the paper there are plenty of ads placed by couples wanting to adopt. The baby is an innocent developing little person that you are responsible for now. Please do what’s best, but don’t be responsible for a death. You will feel better in the long run by doing what is “right” God Bless

Answer #11

i find it absolutely RIDICOLOUS . Only under nesscesarry consenquenses. For example, maybe if u are enadeble to take care of the baby and cant provide food, clothes, a home, etc. then it is acceptable

Answer #12

At your age, if you aren’t mature or financialy stable, I think it’s much better than abori0n!! I’m pro life and believe that if you got yourself into the situation, you should pull through it. Plus, aborti0n procedures are being found to lead to pregnancy issues for when you want to have a child in the future. There’s many that aren’t able to have a child for many reasons, yours could be a dream come true to theirs!

Answer #13

if you cant take care of it tyen its a great choice! because atleast someone will take care ofbit that can afford it and everything.

Answer #14

if you cant take care of it tyen its a great choice! because atleast someone will take care ofbit that can afford it and everything.

Answer #15

If the baby couldnt be taken care of then adoption would be a good idea

Answer #16

If someone else could give him/her a better life than you can, i think its for the better.

Answer #17

Well, if you can’t take care of the child then I guess it’s best. But if it were up to me I wouldn’t be able to do it. I think I’d regret it for the rest of my life.

Answer #18

It’s the best you can do for them if you are not able to care for it yourself

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