
how come all of a sudden celebs are adopting colored babies from places like tanzania?

Answer #1

“colored babies”

Answer #2

Yes, that should be “babies of color” if you care to be PC. Who knows why AJ and BP. (Ok, just AJ) is going so crazy with the babies… Her own and orphans. My personal belief is charity starts at home… There are millions of orphans in the US who need homes with the “children of color” in high numbers here as well. If she has to go bonkers adopting child after child then do it here. She has the cash to get through the red tape without a problem.

Answer #3

for a variety of reasons they want to save children from the poorest of countries and save them from poverty and will go to places most people havent heard of they want “exotic or coloured”children they dont really care about colour but if there going to adopt they may as well save a child who could die of poverty everyone else is doing it ect there are many other reasons, really only the person adopting them though has the right reason for why they did it

Answer #4

I’m not 100% sure about this but I think they look for places that are most in need for adoptive parents.

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