On an oven...

is there a difference in the food you cook if you put it on either BROIL or BAKE? what’s the difference between them? like baking chicken and broiling it. or steak…or potatoes.

Answer #1

Broiling also is a healthy way to cook…the fat drips down in the bottom of the broiler pan. When you bake all the juices and fat stay in the pan with the meat.

Answer #2

There is a huge difference. When the oven is switched to BROIL, just the overhead burner is on, and there is no adjusting of temperature. It’s very hot and you use it to cook things quickly. On many ovens you shouldn’t close the oven door when you broil, because of the intense heat. Sometimes you can just use BROIL for 10 mins to brown the top of a casserole that you’ve already baked for an hour.

To BAKE - is a slower way to cook and you have a choice of temperature. If you cook a chicken or a roast you have to use BAKE.

Answer #3

cool, thanx:)

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